Chapter 413 Cutting off the leading edge 3

No need to report, the young general seems to know them.

Both Zhao and Su Sanlang were surprised.

Following the young general, not far away, he saw Qi Xingfeng practicing boxing, Su Sanlang and Mrs. Zhao, Qi Xingfeng immediately exclaimed in surprise: "Aunt, uncle, you have come to see me."

Qi Xingfeng put away his fists, ran to Mrs. Zhao quickly, took Mrs. Zhao's arm and said happily: "Auntie, you came just in time. Great-grandfather must have passed out with joy when he saw you."

After Qi Xingfeng finished speaking, he slapped himself on the mouth and said repeatedly: "Bah, bah, nonsense, it doesn't work."

Mrs. Zhao laughed and said, "You can't speak without your heart."

Qi Xingfeng has no intention, speaks too hastily, and speaks without intention.

Qi's father and Qi's mother were both there. Qi Xingfeng brought Mrs. Zhao and Su Sanlang here. Qi's father stood up excitedly. Before he could say the words of joy, he held his waist and cried out: "Oh, my old waist!"

Qi's mother hurriedly supported him, and said with concern: "Show off your back, take your time, what's the rush."

"Cousin, cousin-in-law, you are here, I am so excited, please sit down quickly."

Qi's father rubbed his waist while talking, and seeing Mrs. Zhao looking at him worriedly, he quickly said: "I'm fine, it's an old injury, as long as I don't run or jump, I'm fine, it's fine if I accidentally flashed just now. "

Mrs. Zhao smiled and said gently: "My Xiaolu is a medical student. I'll let her come and show you tomorrow. Xiaolu's medical skills are very good."

Father Qi nodded: "Okay, okay."

"Auntie, Xiao Lu is also good at medicine. She is so good at martial arts, so why is there still time to study medicine? She is too good."

Qi Xingfeng was very surprised. He was shocked when he saw Su Xiaolu and Su Chong's martial arts that day. He didn't expect Xiaolu to be good at medicine.

Father Qi glanced at Qi Xingfeng in disgust and said, "You think everyone is the same as you and can only learn one thing. Look at your cousin Su Chong. Not only is he good at martial arts, but he's also good at learning."

Qi Xingfeng was embarrassed to pat his head, this cousin and cousin really made him admire.

After Qi's father disliked his son, he smiled and said to Zhao's Su Sanlang: "It's a good thing you don't have such a child, otherwise you will be angry and lose a few years of life."

Mrs. Zhao smiled and said: "Where is it, Xingfeng is straightforward, tolerant and kind, he is a rare good boy."

Su Sanlang also echoed with a smile: "Yes, at first glance, he is a good and filial boy."

Qi's father and Qi's mother are naturally happy when the child is praised.

Qi Xingfeng was also in high spirits. He smiled and said, "Aunt and Uncle, please sit down and drink tea first. I'll call Great-Grandfather and Xingzhi over. Xingzhi is playing chess with Great-Grandfather."

"Go, go, go."

Father Qi waved his hand.

Mrs. Zhao was a little nervous, and she didn't know what was going on, so she was a little nervous for no reason.

Father Qi saw it, and he said with a smile: "Cousin, don't be nervous. Grandpa has always treated you very well. It is better than anything else that you can be safe. We also told him a few days ago, and he is always waiting for you." Come to visit him, if Xingzhi's child hadn't persuaded him these few days, he wouldn't have been able to resist visiting you long ago."

"Grandfather's temper is the same as his style of work. If it weren't for his style, we really wouldn't be able to persuade him."

Qi's father sighed and said, all the men in the Qi family are hot-tempered, so a calm and composed Qi Xingzhi came out.

Old General Qi knew that his granddaughter had returned to Beijing alive, so he was so excited to visit her, but it was Qi Xingzhi who stopped her to persuade her.

Only then did he patiently listen to the ins and outs of the whole thing, but his two great-grandsons were going to take the exam, and he couldn't be distracted at this time, so he endured the temper and waited, but after the exam was over, he absolutely couldn't stop him.

In the past few days, it was Qi Xingzhi who played chess with him and talked about the past of the Su family, which stabilized General Qi's temper.

Zhao Shi smiled, but just listening, she felt warm in her heart.

Qi's mother asked about Zhao's life in these years, and when the two chatted, Zhao was not as restrained as when he came.

At this time, Qi Xingfeng rushed into the bamboo garden where General Qi lived.

"Great-grandfather, do it, good news, good news."

Before Qi Xingfeng entered the room, his voice came into the room loudly.

The old general Qi inside the room rubbed his ears and looked at Qi Xingzhi who was smiling and said nothing, and muttered, "It would be great if you could calm down a little bit for the Xingfeng medicinal diet, the whole family's hearts will grow out of you."

Qi Xingzhi grinned, showing his big white teeth: "Thank you, great-grandfather, for your praise."

As soon as Qi Xingfeng opened the door, he smiled and said, "Great-grandfather, please, aunt and uncle are here."

Old General Qi's complexion changed, and he stood up excitedly: "What did you just say?"

Qi Xingzhi's expression also changed: "Brother, you said that aunt and uncle are here"

Qi Xingfeng nodded heavily: "Yes, they are talking to their parents in the main courtyard."

Old General Qi said excitedly: "Then what are you waiting for, don't hurry over there."

Qi Xingzhi asked Qi Xingfeng: "Have Xiaolu and Xiaoling come?"

Qi Xingfeng shook his head: "No, my aunt and uncle came together."

Old General Qi didn't have the heart to listen to this, he just wanted to see someone now, so he set out immediately.

But Qi Xingzhi murmured to himself thoughtfully: "Only they came, what does that mean? Why didn't you wait until the big cousin and second cousin's exams are over and Xiaoling and Xiaolu didn't come, it's weird."

Qi Xingfeng pulled Qi Xingzhi

Going after old general Qi, he said: "Don't mutter at this time, isn't it just my aunt and uncle to come and see, what's so weird."

Qi Xingzhi was dragged away, but he was still firm and weird.

Come to the main hall of the main courtyard.

As soon as General Qi entered the door, he saw Mrs. Zhao sitting there, and he suddenly stopped.

Qi's father, Qi's mother, and the others also stopped talking. Qi's father was a little worried when he saw the agitated old general Qi, and quickly got up to support him and said, "Grandfather, don't be agitated."

Old General Qi pushed Qi's father away and said, "Go away, I know my body myself."

Zhao looked at Old General Qi, feeling sore in her heart, she said softly, "Old General Qi."

"What old general? Call me grandpa. That's what you called me when you were young. Don't tell me whether you have amnesia or not. You have to call me grandpa whether you have amnesia or not. This can't be changed and can't be changed."

General Qi said seriously, while walking towards Mrs. Zhao, he walked up to Mrs. Zhao, looked at Mrs. Zhao and said: "These days, I often look at your portraits, but the portraits are not real. Hello, don't say anything, just go home, just go home."

"Boy, I have to say that you are good to my granddaughter, otherwise I will break your leg when I see you today."

Old General Qi solemnly patted Su Sanlang on the shoulder and said.

"Thank you, Grandpa." Su Sanlang said gratefully. He looked at Old General Qi seriously and said, "Grandpa, please rest assured that I will treat Mianmian well."

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