Chapter 422 The identity is real

Old General Qi frowned after hearing this. Zhou Heng's identity is really a bit troublesome.

The marriage between him and Su Xiaoling is really not something that can be resolved quickly.

Father Qi scratched his head, but couldn't think of a good way for a while.

Qi Xingfeng and Qi Xingzhi looked shocked.

Qi Xingfeng's face turned red, and he suppressed the words that came to his lips.

"What you said is true, not lying to me or them"

Old General Qi looked at Zhou Heng seriously, staring at his face without letting go of any trace of Zhou Heng's facial expression, the identity of the prince, and the eldest son of the empress, this is not a child's play.

If Zhou Heng lied to others, he would be dead.

Zhou Heng looked directly at Old General Qi and said, "Every word I said just now is true. If there is half a sentence that is false, it will not be tolerated by thunder and lightning."

Old General Qi looked at Zhou Heng. He often saw the emperor and empress. Zhou Heng's appearance did not have the slightest resemblance to the empress. , his appearance will not have any resemblance to his parents.

Even if the relatives stand in front of them, they will not recognize them.

"This matter is no small matter. It is true that His Royal Highness the Second Prince is the most favored at the moment. The Second Prince is indeed deeply thoughtful. The whole capital knows that order, and the Empress really doesn't like him."

Old General Qi said slowly, he looked at Zhou Heng, Zhou Heng and Zhou Zhi are indeed two different kinds of people, the former's eyes are open, while thick eyes are always dark.

Among the royal family, it is embarrassing for brothers to fight each other.

The world has never needed a dark and cruel tyrant.

"Master Wei and I know each other. I know you today, so I definitely won't just sit idly by. If you want to see the Wei family, let me make the connection."

Old General Qi looked at Zhou Heng and said, if he didn't know about it, he could just sit back and watch it, but if he knew, he couldn't sit back and watch it.

If Zhou Heng wants to compete for the throne, he must return to his prince status as soon as possible.

"Tomorrow, I will visit Mr. Wei, just wait for my news."

Old General Qi had an idea and had already figured out what to do.

Zhou Heng nodded, he bowed to old general Qi and said, "General Qi, thank you."

With the help of General Qi, it will be much easier for him to see his grandfather, and it will be less dangerous.

Old General Qi looked at Zhou Heng, and said solemnly: "I will help you, but you also have to promise me one condition. After you recover your status, you will be engaged to Xiao Ling immediately, and Xiao Ling must be your concubine."

There are too many variables in the affairs of the royal family.

But Su Xiaoling likes him, as a great-grandfather, of course he wants to help.

Zhou Heng bowed his hands seriously and said: "General Qi, you don't need to tell me, I will do it. The first thing I will do after I regain my identity is to marry Xiaoling."

Zhou Heng knew in his heart that Su Xiaoling was eighteen years old, she couldn't wait for him, and he didn't want her to wait either.

Zhou Heng looked at Su Xiaoling, he smiled slightly and said: "Xiaoling is not only my concubine, but also my only wife, even in the future, when I go to that position, there will only be her by my side." One person, not to lose, not to give up."

Su Xiaoling's face was flushed, she lowered her head shyly.

She could feel Zhou Heng's affection at this moment.

"Okay, that's the best."

Old General Qi said loudly that he was very satisfied with Zhou Heng.

If a king is not obsessed with beauty, he will have more time to govern the country, which is a good thing for the country and the people.

Without those Yingying Yanyans in the harem, there will be less struggle among the princes, and the possibility of brothers and sisters appearing in the royal family will also increase in the future.

Zhou Heng smiled gently at Su Xiaoling, how could he not understand the heart of a woman.

In this world, there is no woman who is willing to share her husband with other women, and true love cannot tolerate the intervention of a third person. A person's heart is small and can only accommodate one woman.

Su Sanlang and Zhao couldn't help but keep laughing at Zhou Heng's straightforward heart.

Su Xiaoling's face was flushed, as if he had eaten honey in his heart.

Su Chong and the others also smiled.

With the help of the Qi family, Zhou Heng's recovery of his identity has been less hindered, which is a good thing.

At night, Su Sanlang and the others were all drunk.

Su Xiaoling is also rarely drunk, and Su Xiaolu is also rare to watch Su Xiaoling fall asleep. For the happiness of her sister, she has to work hard.

The next day, General Qi left the mansion solemnly, and he asked Su Sanlang and his family to wait for his good news at home.

The current queen's mother family is from the Wei family, and there are many civil servants. The current queen's biological father is now the Grand Master Wei, a high-ranking minister.

Although we don't get to know each other much, we do know each other.

Old General Qi visited the Grand Master's Mansion, and the servant immediately reported it.

Not long after, Wei Xiaotian, the son of Taishi Wei Guangrong, came out to greet him. He bowed his hands to the old general Qi and said with a smile, "General Qi, what kind of wind has brought your old man here, please come in quickly."

Old General Qi asked directly, "Where is your father?"

Wei Xiaotian said with a smile: "My father is ill and it is inconvenient to see others. If the general has anything to do, you can talk to me, a junior."

Wei Xiaotian didn't know what Old General Qi was doing in this grand master's mansion, but when he came, he must be treated well.

Old General Qi frowned and shook his head when he heard this, "You have no control over this matter, I have to see your father."

Wei Xiaotian can't control such a big matter as Zhou Heng, and Wei Guangrong has to come forward for this matter.

Wei Xiaotian was a little stunned with a smile, but then he was relieved, and continued to smile and said: "General, my father is sick, he has already spoken, and I am in charge of all affairs in the house. I think he really trusts me. And I will definitely not disappoint his old man's trust, I can make decisions in this mansion no matter how big or small it is."

The warrior has a straight temper, and he doesn't want to argue with old general Qi, he said everything for this sake, I believe old general Qi can understand.

No matter what it is, you can only tell him that his meaning is very clear.

Old General Qi looked at Wei Xiaotian seriously, and said solemnly: "This matter is about the news about the eldest son of the empress. Can you make the decision about the matter of His Royal Highness?"

Old General Qi understood Wei Xiaotian's meaning as soon as he heard it, and he didn't bother to hang around with Wei Xiaotian, since he insisted on knowing, he just said it.

Old General Qi's expression was strict and serious, Wei Xiaotian's face changed when he heard it, he lowered his eyes and replied: "The junior can't decide this matter, the general has news about the eldest prince, please come with me."

Wei Xiaotian immediately led Old General Qi to the inner courtyard. On the way, he quietly looked at Old General Qi several times, trying to see something, but unfortunately, Old General Qi only looked serious, and he couldn't see anything else. out.

Wei Xiaotian pushed open the door and called softly: "Father, there is something important to do, wake up."

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