Chapter 423 Grand Master's Mansion

Old General Qi followed at the side, and after entering the inner room, he saw Wei Guangrong lying on the bed, his complexion looked not very good, he was very weak and sick.

It seemed that he was really sick, not because he didn't want to see guests for any other reason.

After Wei Xiaotian yelled, Wei Guangrong woke up and opened his eyes, he said weakly: "Who is here?"

"It's the old man."

Old General Qi spoke up.

After Wei Guangrong saw the person clearly, he coughed weakly and said weakly: "It's the old general Qi who is here, please forgive me for not being able to welcome you in person, the general is here, why is it?"

"I came here for the matter of the queen's eldest son and your nephew. To tell you the truth, the eldest prince is now in my house."

Old General Qi said straight to the point.

Zhou Heng thinks that the Wei family is reliable, and it makes sense. Wei Guangrong's love for the queen is obvious to all.

Zhou Heng is the prince that the queen cares about, and the Wei family must also care about it.

Not for anything else, just because the Wei family is the one who has impeached the second prince many times in the current court, and their dislike for the second prince Zhou Zhi is completely revealed, and they don't even need to hide it.

"You, what are you talking about cough cough cough..."

Wei Guangrong looked excited and coughed suddenly.

Wei Xiaotian immediately stepped forward to caress Wei Guangrong's back, and said worriedly: "Father, don't worry."

Old General Qi was not in a hurry, he waited for Wei Guangrong to calm down and said: "You heard me right, I said that His Highness the First Prince is now in my residence."

"This matter is a bit complicated, but after you listen to my explanation, you will know the cause and effect."

If he hadn't experienced it himself, he wouldn't believe that such a thing would happen to him.

Before Wei Guangrong and his son could ask questions, Old General Qi told Wei Guangrong and his son the whole story.

Both Wei Guangrong and Wei Xiaotian had complex expressions, and Wei Guangrong gradually frowned as he heard this.

He looked at Old General Qi with suspicion.

After listening, he looked calm and not overly excited, just asked plainly: "There is such a coincidence in this world that your daughter who had been lost for more than 20 years was found, and they raised a child who happened to be Zhou Heng, Zhou Heng is still in love with your great-granddaughter."

Old General Qi also frowned: "That's true. Believe it or not, the facts are like this. The eldest prince is in danger. You are probably the one he can trust. I don't know, forget it. If I know, I will definitely not ignore it."

"What kind of expression do you have? I have to make such a joke."

Old General Qi looked at Wei Guangrong's expression of suspicion, and he became angry immediately.

Why did he make such a joke for no reason.

Wei Guangrong looked at old General Qi and said hastily: "Calm down your anger, General. This matter is no small matter. It cannot be sloppy. I have to check it out before I can confirm it. The First Prince has been missing for many years, and his identity needs to be verified repeatedly to ensure that it is correct."

Wei Guangrong looked at Old General Qi and patiently explained to calm Old General Qi's anger.

Old General Qi frowned and asked directly: "Then what do you mean, I want you to meet him now, will you see him?"

He hates complicating the simplest things the most. If it's fake, it can't be true, and if it's true, it can't be fake. Whether it's a relative or not, he thinks he can know it as soon as he meets.

There is a bond between relatives, just like his granddaughter, even if he hasn't seen her for more than 20 years, even if she has aged, the first time he sees her, he knows that Mrs. Zhao is Yan Mian. .

Unlike Wei Guangrong, who has so many scruples, it doesn't matter if they meet each other.

Wei Guangrong looked puzzled, and was about to explain to calm down General Qi's eagerness, but General Qi interrupted him.

"I came here to see you as a character. If you don't want to meet, then forget it. I'll ask the queen to see you and tell her personally."

Old General Qi said coldly and directly.

Wei Guangrong immediately felt that it was difficult, he was already ill, and this anxiety made him feel uncomfortable.

Seeing this, Wei Xiaotian quickly said: "General, please calm down, my father didn't mean that."

Wei Guangrong panted heavily, and finally he breathed freely and said, "I'll see you."

He didn't want to say a word about the extras.

Warriors don't care about these, they only care about whether it is the result they want, and they don't listen to a word of the others.

"Then tonight or tomorrow, you can come to my house directly to see me, and we can talk about the rest after we see you."

General Qi looked at Wei Guangrong and said calmly.

Wei Guangrong nodded weakly, looked at old General Qi and said, "Then tonight."

"Okay, then tonight, wait for you to come, if you don't come, I will enter the palace tomorrow."

Old General Qi glanced at Wei Guangrong, and said seriously, he made it very clear, if Wei Guangrong made any small moves, he would not be a fool.

"I will definitely...will come."

Wei Guangrong said with difficulty, he was really speechless.

Old General Qi didn't say any more, and took a look at Wei Guangrong: "Then I'll go first."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Wei Guangrong waved to Wei Xiaotian, signaling him to send it off.

Wei Xiaotian hurriedly got up to see him off.

Wei Guangrong let out a long sigh, he was almost out of breath, he was all angry by General Qi.

The Qi family really don't know how to turn a corner at all, they spit on each other and nail each other, and they don't even give them a chance to relax.

Wei Xiaotian sent Old General Qi out of the mansion, and came back quickly. He went up to Wei Guangrong's bedside and asked, "Father, are you okay?"

"Help me up."

Wei Guangrong spoke slowly.

Wei Xiaotian nodded, and immediately helped Wei Guangrong to sit up.

Wei Guangrong took a few deep breaths and said, "Send all the hidden guards out quickly, and immediately find out who this Zhou Heng is. In Beijing, whoever he met and who he made friends with, let's find out one by one."

Wei Xiaotian nodded, then he hesitated for a while before he was about to leave, and finally turned around and asked: "Father, do you think this is true? Old General Qi is straightforward, he doesn't seem like someone who can lie, maybe Heng'er is still alive , Not so long was just a fake, that corpse was just a conspiracy of the second prince, and it was just a conspiracy that we could get news. "

Referring to the incident not long ago, Wei Guangrong's eyes were painful, he swallowed his throat and said: "He has long since lost his conscience, there is nothing he can't do, the identity of that corpse has been confirmed, and now suddenly Another Zhou Heng appeared, although his appearance is different, his name is also different in sound, and some things are also suitable, but... don't be careless, let's check it first."

"Check it out carefully. Father will keep Old General Qi in check these few days. If you haven't found out about this matter, don't let your sister know about it. You understand."

Wei Guangrong sighed, looked at his son Wei Xiaotian solemnly, and told him that this matter was not a trivial matter, and he couldn't feel at ease if he didn't investigate it clearly. No matter from which angle he looked at it, it was too weird and made him shudder.

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