Chapter 424 Suspicion

Wei Xiaotian nodded cautiously: "Don't worry, Dad, I know, I will check it out."

Wei Xiaotian thought of old General Qi, and he said again: "Father, I will go with you tonight."

Old General Qi really doesn't know how to take care of people's moods, his father's health is not good, and it's really hard to solve if he gets angry.

"Well, you can tell the people below to investigate first, and you can go and have a look with me at night."

Wei Guangrong thought for a while and nodded in agreement. He was ill and didn't have much stamina for a while. It was really inappropriate for him to go alone in such a hurry. His son Wei Xiaotian was safe to do things, and it would be safer to have him accompany him.

Wei Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved before going down to make arrangements.

This matter really needs to be investigated carefully.

As early as half a year ago, they had found out the news about the eldest prince Zhou Heng. After several twists and turns, they finally placed someone close to Zhou Heng and confirmed his identity. When they were about to bring him back to the capital, a wave of A wave of assassinations strikes.

On the way back to the capital, they sent countless excellent dark guards, but they failed to bring Zhou Heng back safely. Zhou Heng also died on the way back to the capital, and his body returned half a month ago.

Hearing the news, his father Wei Guangrong fell ill immediately, and fell down crying while holding the coffin. The queen knew that it was also a sad and serious illness. He was mourning endlessly. Recently, he has not been able to see anyone. .

Zhou Heng's body has been buried in secret, and now suddenly another Zhou Heng comes out, saying that he is the real Zhou Heng, how can this not be suspicious?

When Zhou Heng returned to Beijing, he fled and was hunted down all the way, and finally died in an assassination. In order to protect him, how many secret guards went in? But Zhou Heng said that he was a scholar, and he came here for reference. It's also calm, which doesn't make sense at all.

It's just so strange that Zhou Heng has a relationship with the old general Qi. This old general has a stubborn temper and doesn't give him any room for discussion. If he doesn't solve him well, this matter will be brought before the queen, which is tricky even thinking about it.

Wei Xiaotian murmured to recruit the hidden guards and gave orders. The time was too tight, and it was impossible to investigate thoroughly in just a few days, but if he could investigate some, he had to guard against the second prince's eyeliner.

After everything was arranged, Wei Xiaotian felt relieved.

Thinking about Wei Guangrong's body, he called the housekeeper and told him to add ginseng to the medicine and prepare the Qi-Living and Life-saving Pills. These were all to be used at night.

He had a hunch that things at night were not peaceful at all.

When General Qi returned home, he told Zhou Heng that the Wei family would come to see him in person in the evening, which made him feel at ease.

Anyway, when we meet tonight, we can make it clear.

Zhou Heng nodded. He thanked General Qi for helping him. Without General Qi, it would not be so easy for him to meet his grandfather's family.

The next step is to wait.

At noon, Zhou Heng went back to his room for a nap, and saw a note pressed on the table.

He froze for a moment, looked around subconsciously, then closed the door and walked to the table, picked up the note and opened it to check.

Looking at the words left on the note, his expression became serious.

My brother is well, I am waiting for my brother to come to see you at Pingjiang Tower, dear.

The note was written by Zhou Zhi, and there was only this sentence.

Zhou Heng squeezed the note into a ball in the palm of his hand. This sentence made him understand that all his actions were under Zhou Zhi's control, and Zhou Zhi knew everything he did.

At this time, Zhou Zhi wanted to see him, why?

Zhou Heng couldn't figure it out, but if he didn't go, he might involve the Su family and put them in danger. This matter had nothing to do with them at all. Whether he wanted to or not, he had to go to see this side.

Taking advantage of this nap time, he had to go, seeing the note at this time was enough to prove that Zhou Zhi had already calculated all the time.

Zhou Heng avoided everyone in the General's Mansion and went out through the back door. Pingjiang Tower was not far from the gate of the General's Mansion, only half a quarter of an hour away.

As soon as Zhou Heng entered Pingjiang Tower, someone came to pick him up.

"Please, Young Master Zhou."

Jin Qi lightly made a gesture of invitation.

Zhou Heng glanced at Jin Qi, he didn't know him, but he felt that he could also perceive that the people around Zhou Zhi were extraordinary.

Jin Qi pushed open the door of the wing room, and after Zhou Heng walked in, Jin Qi closed the door and waited quietly outside.

In the wing.

Zhou Zhi made a gesture of invitation, and then poured tea for Zhou Heng. He stretched out his hand and gently pushed the teacup in front of Zhou Heng: "Please drink tea, brother."

Zhou Zhi also poured himself a glass, and he took a sip.

Zhou Heng didn't move, he looked at Zhou Zhi and asked, "Why did you call me here?"

Between brothers, fire and water are incompatible, this is an unchangeable situation.

Zhou Zhi looked at Zhou Heng with a smile and said, "Brother, I have nothing else to do when I call you here. I just want to chat with my brother and tell stories."

With a slight smile on his face, Zhou Zhi twisted the teacup with his pale and slender hands, and took a shallow sip after saying a word.

Their eyes met, and both of them were relatively calm.

Zhou Heng said lightly: "What story, I'm all ears."

After Zhou Heng finished speaking, he lowered his eyes and looked at the teacup. He reached out to pick up the teacup and took a sip, then put down the teacup again, and looked directly at Zhou Zhi.

Zhou Zhi's complexion doesn't look very good, it seems to be worse than when we met a few months ago, the deep-rooted illness has taken away his energy, making his complexion not rosy at all.

Even the exposed hands are pale, and the fingernails are pale.

Bai looked obviously sick, he lowered his eyes, his eyes fell on his own hands, the nails were rosy, and the word health was everywhere.

"This matter started a few years ago. Big brother still remembers that one year, you sent a letter back to the capital."

Zhou Zhi opened his mouth slowly, he hooked his lips into a slight smile.

Zhou Heng became nervous. He looked at Zhou Zhi nervously. That year, he sent a letter back to Beijing, but the return date was uncertain.

So at that time, he couldn't tolerate him anymore?

Zhou Zhi smiled lightly, and continued: "In that year, you recovered from a long illness, and in that year, my legs were amputated. You probably can't imagine it in your life. They are as dry as dead branches. what the limbs look like."

"The queen mother was very happy when she saw your letter, but when she looked at me, the joy in her eyes disappeared in an instant, and she couldn't hide her dislike for me, hehe, I don't want you to come back, at least Not like that, come back."

"I set up a trap. I found someone to replace you, and hid under your identity. When I need him, he will be found. When I met you in Furong Island half a year ago, I knew it was almost time. I revealed his news to my mother and the Wei family. They were overjoyed, and they were careful to prevent me from finding out. In the past six months, in order to bring Zhou Heng back to the capital, hundreds of secret guards were sent out back and forth. It took a lot of pains."

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