Chapter 425

"In order to kill him, my people also lost hundreds of people back and forth. Finally, when they entered the capital, they beheaded him fifty miles away from the capital. His body just entered the capital ten days ago. When the Wei family master saw the coffin, he helped him." The coffin fell down crying bitterly and became seriously ill, the queen mother in the palace heard the news and cried bitterly and became seriously ill."

Zhou Zhi finished speaking slowly, and poured himself another cup of tea with a calm expression. His eyes were lowered, covering all the darkness.

"Before that Zhou Heng entered the capital, in order to clear the obstacles for him, the queen mother poisoned me at a banquet, but she miscalculated. My life is too hard. Even after entering the gate of hell, I will come back. Brother, you said you are now Come out of nowhere, they, believe you or not"

Zhou Zhi raised his eyes, his indifferent smile revealing sarcasm.

Zhou Heng's thoughts were confused. Hearing this story, his hand holding the teacup trembled a little. He shouldn't have come to see him.

Zhou Zhi will not kill him, what he wants to do is far darker than killing him.

"What exactly do you want"

Zhou Heng swallowed his throat and asked hoarsely.

He couldn't understand his younger brother who was as old as him in front of him. He was deeply scared, and his mind couldn't understand. Thinking about what he had done, Zhou Heng felt chills all over his body.

He didn't understand Zhou Zhi, he was not Zhou Zhi's opponent, and he didn't understand why Zhou Zhi became like this.

"Brother, if you don't come today, the Wei family may not suspect you, but unfortunately, you don't know your opponent well enough, you are here, you can neither give nor stop me what I want, and the story is over, You should go back too."

Zhou Zhi smiled, what does he want, he just wants all of them to live in repentance, he wants them all to suffer like him.

If he wants it, he will take it himself.

Zhou Heng squeezed the teacup tightly and said word by word: "Ah Zhi, it has nothing to do with the Su family, if you want my life..."


Zhou Zhi interrupted Zhou Heng. He shook his head and said, "You are far more valuable than you are dead. If I say I won't kill you, I won't kill you."

Zhou Heng's world was too simple.

He thought of everything too simply, he never regarded Zhou Heng as an opponent, never before, and never will in the future.

Zhou Heng looked at Zhou Zhi, he still tried to see the depth and gloom in Zhou Zhi's eyes, but he still couldn't see through the ending.

Zhou Zhi smiled, and said softly, "Brother, you can go back, if you don't go back, they should worry about you."

He smiled warmly, and his tone was normal, as if reminding people to eat and drink.

Zhou Heng got up, opened the door and went out without another word.

He glanced at Jin Qi by the door, Jin Qi looked indifferent, and said indifferently: "Young Master Zhou, go slowly."

Zhou Heng left quickly.

Zhou Zhi turned the wheelchair and came out, Jin Qi stepped forward: "Master."

"Go home and proceed as planned."

Zhou Zhi spoke lightly, his eyes were cold and his tone was without warmth.

Jin Qi stepped forward and pushed Zhou Zhi away.

With this meeting, even if Zhou Heng's identity is true, the Wei family still has doubts.

Suspicion is often a sharp weapon, and it is also the most hurtful.

His goal was achieved the moment Zhou Heng came to the appointment.

Zhou Heng went back to the General's Mansion, but no one noticed him leaving. Even so, Zhou Heng's heart was even heavier. Zhou Zhi's mind was so deep that he even counted this point.

Not long after he returned to his room, Su Chong knocked on the door.

Zhou Heng calmed down and got up to open the door.

Opening the door, Su Chong asked with a smile: "Brother Heng, the osmanthus cake that just came out of the pan is just right to eat. I reckon you're awake too. I guess I'm not wrong."

Zhou Heng smiled and nodded: "Well, just right."

If he had taken a nap in the past, he would have slept for so long.

The two go out together.

Everyone is eating sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

Qi Xingzhi smiled and said: "Miss Xiaoling's cooking skills are great, this sweet-scented osmanthus cake is so delicious, it has a faint medicinal smell."

"Delicious... eat..."

Qi Xingfeng's face was a little red, but after a few days of getting used to it, it was much better than holding back his blushing all day at the beginning, and he easily condensed his words into a few words.

In short, it is delicious, just eat it.

Qi Xingfeng can eat as much of these snacks as they are delicious, and he likes to eat them too. It doesn't matter if you eat too much, just practice more later.

Su Chong and Su Hua couldn't help laughing, probably because there were so many people eating, the sweet-scented osmanthus cake made by Su Xiaoling was quickly eaten up.

After drinking tea and chatting in the afternoon, it's over.

Not long after dinner at night, people from the Wei family came.

Qi's father and Qi's mother went out to greet them.

Seeing Wei Guangrong and Wei Xiaotian, Zhou Heng's eyes immediately fell on them. They haven't seen each other for nearly ten years. His uncle and grandfather are getting older and calmer.

The eyes of Wei Guangrong and Wei Xiaotian's father and son also fell on the Su family one by one, and finally stayed on Zhou Heng, and then quickly moved away.

There is no similarity in Zhou Heng's appearance, but in terms of age alone, they are almost the same.

Old General Qi spoke first, "Master Wei, this is Zhou Heng, and he is the eldest prince Zhou Heng who has been missing for nearly ten years."

Zhou Heng also took a step forward, and he said with anxiety: "Grandpa, uncle, I am Heng'er, grandpa, do you still remember that when I was four years old, I

I broke a finger while climbing the wall in the mansion. Because I was afraid of my mother's worry and punishment, I kept it secret. It was my grandfather who discovered it first. Up to now, my little finger can't be straightened, and it is still a little bent. "

"And when I was five years old, cousin Xun secretly fed me wine. I got drunk and burned my arm by the stove unconsciously. The scar is still there."

Zhou Heng didn't carry any tokens with him, because when he left the palace, the palace was too dangerous, and he couldn't take anything with him. The only thing he had was his childhood memories, and a scar branded by his mother herself.

When Zhou Heng said this, Wei Guangrong and Wei Xiaotian's expressions were flat and unmoving.

"Young Master Zhou, besides this, do you have anything else to prove your identity?"

Wei Guangrong asked seriously, what Zhou Heng said, he had already verified it when he sent someone to investigate the dead Zhou Heng.

"Your appearance has changed a lot, but when you were sent out of the palace, there was no pushing bones like you said. These things happened after you left the palace. It's hard to tell whether it's true or not."

Wei Xiaotian looked at Zhou Heng and asked the question in his heart.

Zhou Heng was deeply saddened. He looked at his grandfather and uncle who loved him once, and his relatives were in front of him. My mother knew that I couldn't take the token away, so I branded a plum blossom scar on my shoulder, and the scar is still there, apart from that, I have nothing else to prove that I am Zhou Heng."

As Zhou Heng said, he took off his clothes and exposed his shoulders. The scar of the plum blossom was there. Wei Xiaotian stepped forward to check, his brows were serious. Who is the real? The dead Zhou Heng had all of them, the only difference was their looks.

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