Transmigrated As A Delicate Bundle Of Luck For A Farming Family

Chapter 426 False is True, True and False 2

Chapter 426 False and true, sometimes true and false 2

The Zhou Heng in front of him was not at all similar to the emperor, queen, or even Zhou Zhi, who had twins from the same mother.

As for the dead Zhou Heng, his appearance was 70% similar to Zhou Zhi's. It was only because Zhou Zhi was thinner and sicker that the two looked a little different.

They have also verified the identity of Zhou Heng's corpse. He is undoubtedly the eldest son of the empress. His leg has been healed long ago. All lost.

A boy who only worked as a pen and ink shop, while saving money, he approached the capital.

He knew how to disguise and hide, but in the end he blamed them for not protecting him well and making him lose on the last part of his journey to Beijing.

However, Zhou Heng in front of him, a scholar, has even won the name of Juren, and his journey has not only been uneventful.

After checking Zhou Heng's scars and checking his fingers, Wei Xiaotian returned to Wei Guangrong's side without saying a word, and nodded slightly.

Wei Guangrong looked at Zhou Heng and said, "I will find an opportunity to verify your identity. You have also taken the exam. Now you can wait for the hall selection with peace of mind."

The period of the imperial examination was enough for them to investigate everything clearly.

"Master Wei, the grandson you look forward to the most is back. You are too calm now. You don't want to admit it. The empress may not want to admit it. The mother and child have not seen each other for many years, and they must be very missing. You can check it slowly, but please ask the queen first. Madam, go out of the palace to see Zhou Heng once."

Old General Qi looked at Wei Guangrong and said indifferently, his eyes were cold and stern, making Wei Guangrong's heart skip a beat.


Wei Guangrong said with a deep breath, before he could explain, Old General Qi had already questioned him in a cold voice.

"Why did Mr. Wei stop it? The prince returned to the family, why do you want to stop it? Now there is my great-granddaughter who is the apprentice of the genius doctor. When the old man Wu took Zhou Heng to go, the little girl has already remembered , how he was cured, I also told you clearly, you want to prevent the eldest prince and empress from getting together, I suspect you have bad intentions."

The more old General Qi looked at Wei Guangrong, the more he felt suspicious. He didn't doubt Zhou Heng, it was obvious that he suspected them too.

This made Old General Qi very unhappy. He had been aboveboard in his life and had never deceived anyone.

Old General Qi was visibly angry.

Wei Guangrong is also angry.

"General, calm down, my father didn't mean that."

Wei Xiaotian opened his mouth to ease the atmosphere.

Old General Qi sneered: "Oh, your father didn't mean that, so what does that mean? What does he mean, please explain."

Wei Xiaotian was dumbfounded. General Qi couldn't understand his euphemism at all, so he had to break the casserole and ask the bottom line.

"I know that you don't believe me, because before this, you once escorted a Zhou Heng to the capital, but it was a pity that he failed. In the end, he died fifty miles away from the capital."

Zhou Heng watched Wei Guangrong speak, and Wei Guangrong showed a shocked expression as soon as he spoke.

"How did you know about this?"

Wei Xiaotian frowned and asked.

Su Sanlang's family also asked questions.

Su Chong and others were surprised, when did Zhou Heng know about such a big event?

"You even know this. You are right. Before you, we did find a suitable Zhou Heng. The scars on his body were exactly the same as yours. He and the second prince who are also twins, There are 70% similarities. We took him back to Beijing. We were careful enough on the way, but he was discovered. From Liancheng to Beijing, there were more than 20 assassinations of various sizes along the way, and he survived several times. His life, the way back to the capital can be said to be as difficult as climbing the sky, the assassination in the capital city, even hundreds of hidden guards came to stop him, but in the end he still couldn't save his life."

Wei Guangrong said solemnly, for that Zhou Heng, he lost hundreds of people, almost all the people he had taken care of for many years were sent out, half of them died and half were injured, but none of them could save Zhou Heng.

This has made him feel heartbroken every time he thinks about it.

Now Zhou Heng is standing in front of him, saying that he is Zhou Heng intact, it is really unbelievable.

"Just because of this? You think Zhou Heng is fake?"

General Qi only thought it was absurd and ridiculous.

"How can General Qi understand how important things are? It's not that our father and son don't believe it, but we still need to investigate. When the investigation is clear, we will naturally draw a true conclusion."

Wei Guangrong looked at Old General Qi and said in a deep voice.

Wei Guangrong looked at Zhou Heng, squinted his eyes and asked, "How did you know about this? No one in the capital should know about this, and you have only been in Beijing for a short time. How could you know?"

"Brother Heng."

Zhao called out worriedly.

Zhou Heng smiled slightly at the Su family, signaling them not to worry.

He looked at Wei Guangrong, looked directly into Wei Guangrong's eyes and answered his question, "I said Zhou Zhi told me, do you believe me?"

Wei Guangrong looked away and didn't answer, obviously he didn't believe it.

Wei Guangrong looked at the Su family, his eyes fell on Mrs. Zhao, and he asked, "Do you really not remember how you ended up in Furong Island?"

Zhao shook her head: "Yes, I don't even remember."

"The matter of my granddaughter Yan Mian has nothing to do with this matter. I don't care if Mr. Wei is suspicious. You don't need to be suspicious about my family's affairs."

General Qi

He said coldly, Wei Guangrong even doubted Mrs. Zhao, so he was really speechless.

Wei Guangrong's heart tightened, he felt a little dizzy and almost couldn't stand up.

Wei Xiaotian was watching all the time, seeing this, he quickly supported Wei Guangrong and said softly, "Father, pay attention to your body."

Wei Guangrong waved lightly to indicate that he was fine.

Wei Guangrong looked at Su Xiaolu and said, "Miss Su, you are an apprentice of a genius doctor, do you have a famous brand?"

Su Xiaolu nodded: "Yes."

Su Xiaolu took out the name tag, and Wei Guangrong stepped forward: "Can I have a look?"

Su Xiaolu nodded.

Wei Guangrong looked at Su Xiaolu's name tag. Su Xiaolu's identity was fine. Wei Guangrong returned the name tag to Su Xiaolu. He said, "Miss Su, can you contact your master to come to Beijing?"

Su Xiaolu looked at Wei Guangrong, and said lightly: "I'm sorry, my teacher's whereabouts are uncertain when he travels around the world, so I can't promise you."

Wei Guangrong's suspicion came from the bottom of his heart, he didn't believe it at all, even if the old man came, he would not put aside his doubts and completely believe it.

He suspected that their family was lying to him.

Wei Guangrong was a little disappointed. He looked at Su Xiaolu and asked again: "Back then, Doctor Wu really brought him to your village. Did he live in seclusion for many years without incident?"

There were quite a few pursuers from those groups back then, and they finally disappeared without a trace. Later, there was news, it was the same letter, but at that time, Zhou Zhi already had a lot of power.

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