Transmigrated As A Delicate Bundle Of Luck For A Farming Family

Chapter 428 False and true, sometimes true and false 4

Chapter 428

He didn't guess Zhou Zhi's thoughts, but he also fully understood that Zhou Zhi would not kill him.

He never thought of killing him.

"If, if there hadn't been that damned order back then, it would never have been like this between us brothers, mother, queen and grandfather wouldn't treat them differently, and they wouldn't do everything possible to want Ah Zhi's life."

Zhou Heng didn't feel well at all, it was just a command that created the current situation.

It would be fine if there were no such orders.

He and Zhou Zhi, born of the same mother, are the closest brothers, like siblings. They can be the people who trust each other the most, and they are equally intelligent. It may be a good story of the Great Zhou Dynasty with both talents and wisdom.


Su Chong sighed, thinking about these things felt very depressing.

"Brother Heng, don't blame yourself too much. You don't owe him anything. Even if someone owes him, it's not you."

Su Chong was worried about Zhou Heng, afraid that he would feel too guilty and blamed himself. This matter was painful for Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng also had no right to choose.

Su Hua patted Zhou Heng's shoulder lightly. They couldn't appease the pain in Zhou Heng's heart in this matter. This kind of pain can only be accepted and let go by oneself, and no one else can help.

Su Hua winked at Su Chong, and the two brothers withdrew quietly, leaving a quiet space for Zhou Heng.

Close the door gently.

Su Chong asked Su Hua in a low voice: "Brother Hua, can we do something else?"

Su Hua pointed his fingers, and the two brothers tacitly stayed away from Zhou Heng's room. After walking away, Su Hua said: "Brother, I have taken care of this matter. The second prince's methods are superb, and this matter is just the beginning." .”

"Why does he have another move? What exactly is he trying to do? Brother Heng didn't hurt him, and Brother Heng is right. Does he want Brother Heng to be like him to be satisfied?"

Su Chong was a little puzzled and a little angry.

Su Hua shook his head and said, "Brother, Brother Heng will be fine. Just like what Brother Heng said, his brother never thought of killing him. All he did was probably just to complain about himself."

"I don't understand, you just said that there is another trick, what's going on?"

Su Chong frowned, he was not as smart as his younger brother, it was obvious from this matter.

"I guess he will save Brother Heng next. In the end, he is the one who will help Brother Heng recover his identity."

Su Hua's eyes deepened. When he realized this, his mood was also complicated, but there was nothing they could do to stop it.

The Wei family didn't believe that Zhou Heng was real, so they wouldn't recognize Zhou Heng, and even believed that Zhou Heng was a member of Zhou Zhi's faction, so they killed him.

This is intertwined and cannot be untied.

"This... I don't understand. If he can help Brother Heng recover his identity, then he will have one more threat. Why did he do this?"

Su Chong felt that it was too messy, Zhou Zhi blocked Zhou Heng from returning to Beijing, and wanted to help him recover his identity, what exactly was Zhou Zhi planning?

"I don't want to understand this, but I believe that we will know soon."

Su Hua's tone was also helpless.

Only at a certain stage can he understand Zhou Zhi.

What kind of person is he?

In the future, everyone should know.

"Go back to your room and sleep, don't worry too much, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain."

Su Hua patted Su Chong on the shoulder and said, as long as they protect Zhou Heng well, they won't be able to be the eldest prince. With Zhou Heng's talent and learning, life will not be bad.

Su Chong nodded, and the two went back to their rooms to sleep.

As soon as Wei Guangrong and Wei Xiaotian returned to the mansion, Wei Guangrong's expression darkened terribly.

Neither the father nor the son went back to the room, they went directly to the study to discuss, and closed the door after entering the room.

Wei Guangrong asked deeply: "Xiaotian, what do you think about this matter?"

Wei Xiaotian frowned and replied: "Father, I am also confused about this matter. The scars on Zhou Heng's body are exactly the same as that one. Between them, one must be true, and the other must be a conspiracy over there, but who is it? Who, my son can't tell the difference."

"Because of emotion and reason, he doesn't even need to let a good-looking person come to us. I can't figure it out anyway."

Wei Xiaotian sighed, he got a headache just thinking about it, Zhou Heng and Zhou Heng, there must be one fake and one real, but that one named Zhou Heng is already dead.

"Father also has this question. Almost all the dark people who have been trained for many years have been folded in. His people are not letting go, chasing and killing him all the way. Every time he strikes, he is killed. He said it was just a show. how can that be possible."

Wei Guangrong opened his mouth with a wrenching heart, one by one, he couldn't believe that it was fake.

"Zhou Heng is also dead, and there is no proof of his death."

Wei Guangrong gritted his teeth.

Wei Xiaotian said helplessly: "Father, we also have to trust Mr. Zhou."

Zhou Heng is fine now, what if he is real?

Even if there is a one in ten thousand possibility, he cannot be rejected.

"He is indeed a devil. At such a young age, he can make us feel like a needle piercing our throats."

Thinking of Zhou Zhi, Wei Guangrong's eyes were full of hatred. If he had known this, he should have let his daughter abandon this jackal earlier. Forbearance for a while made a big mistake.

Wei Xiaotian was silent.

After a while, Wei Xiaotian suddenly thought of a way, and he said pleasantly, "Father, I have a way.


"any solution"

Wei Guangrong asked.

"Assassinate Zhou Heng in the General's Mansion, and see if the second prince will take action. If it is his person, he should not ignore it. If we don't help Zhou Heng restore his identity, it will not be so easy for him to restore his identity. If he belongs to the Second Prince, then the Second Prince would want the First Prince to come back more than anyone else."

Wei Xiaotian spoke heavily.

Wei Guangrong frowned: "This is what father is most afraid of. If this person is really a fake, it will be too unfavorable for us if he regains his status as the eldest prince and becomes the eldest prince."

What Zhou Zhi wants is the throne.

If his goal is achieved, then even if the First Prince ascends the throne in the future, it will be nothing more than a puppet in his hands.

"Father, just in case, let's wait for the investigation results to come back."

Wei Xiaotian said calmly, this matter, no matter what they do, it will not be a good thing, no matter what the result will be, they will feel stuck in their throats, but they have to do it.

"Well, that's the only way to go first."

Wei Guangrong nodded.

It was agreed that the father and son would return to their respective rooms.

The Wei family investigated the news, and the Qi family was also quiet, living a normal life.

Zhou Heng was not negative because of this incident, he mostly read books every day.

On the sixth day of March, the list of palace examinations came down.

Su Chong lost the election, Zhou Heng Suhua was among them, Liu Zijin was also there, and the palace examination was scheduled for March 15th.

Although Su Chong didn't take part in the palace examination, he was already satisfied, no matter what the result of the examination would be, he couldn't escape with his body.

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