Chapter 429 Accept

"Good boy, you have honored your parents."

General Qi is very happy. Su Hua's talent and learning are ranked extremely high, and the top three are expected.

He is happy for his daughter that his daughter's grandson can achieve such a great achievement.

"Brother Chong, don't be discouraged. I want to rely on the next time I refer to it. After studying hard for three years, I will definitely succeed next time."

General Qi encouraged Su Chong. Compared with Su Hua and Zhou Heng, Su Chong was a little less talented, but he was still a good seed.

Su Chong smiled and said: "I don't mind, I am satisfied now that I can take the exam. Speaking of it, I prefer to practice martial arts."

"Like practicing martial arts, great cousin, you can take part in the martial arts test. Although you missed last year's selection test and you can't make it in time to sign up, you can challenge those who have passed the selection test. If you beat one, you will be eligible. With you With your kung fu, you might be able to win a martial arts champion."

Qi Xingzhi said with a smile.

Su Chong was thoughtful: "If you say it like this, I really want to participate. Let me think about it."

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself, everything is fine."

Mrs. Zhao said gently that she is already very happy, her current life is really happy enough, she now only hopes that her children will be happy and safe.

Su Sanlang also looked at the children gently, he thought the same as Mrs. Zhao.

During this period of time, they all lived in the General's Mansion, and General Qi did not allow them to go back to live.

At least wait until there is a letter from the Wei family.

Calculate the time, it should not be long.

The servants came in to report.

Old General Qi hurriedly asked, "But Lord Wei is here."

"The general is not Lord Wei, but Lord Yan."

It was Yan Qingyun who came.

Old General Qi frowned, he looked at Mrs. Zhao and said, "Let him in."

He gave Yan Qingyun five days before, and when the time came, Yan Qingyun came to apologize in person, and now he is here again, what does he mean, he wants to see what else he can do.

Yan Qingyun quickly came to the hall, he cupped his hands and saluted: "I have seen my father-in-law."

Yan Qingyun smiled gently at Su Sanlang and Zhao Shi and said, "Mianmian, Sanlang, father wants to congratulate you."

"Thank you dad."

Su Sanlang and Zhao thanked each other.

Yan Qingyun looked at Su Hua, Su Chong and Zhou Heng: "Grandpa also congratulates you."

Su Hua, Su Chong and Zhou Heng also nodded modestly and said thank you.

Then Yan Qingyun picked up the box and stepped forward, walked to Mrs. Zhao's side and said slowly: "Mianmian, I'm sorry for you, many things that your mother left behind are gone because I don't know how to manage them, but I converted them into The money will be given to you as a dowry, and after you accept it, you can do whatever you like."

Yan Qingyun opened the box, and inside was a thick stack of banknotes. He said solemnly: "There are fifty thousand taels of banknotes in here, please keep it."

Faced with the sudden large sum of money, Mrs. Zhao's subconscious reaction was not to.

Before she could speak, Old General Qi said first: "Take it, if your mother is still alive, these things should have been given to you long ago, if you have brothers, then you can get a share of it when you marry, what a pity Yes, your mother is unlucky, you are the only child, and what is hers is yours, so you should take it."

Zhao's temperament is not strong, and people have no memory, but in fact, their natures are the same.

Old General Qi didn't want Mrs. Zhao to refuse. This thing was supposed to be hers. It would be nice if Yan Qingyun didn't give it all.

Of course he knew that everything was almost owned by Huo Huo, Qi Xinyue was vicious, after so many years, it had already been replaced by hers.

In the past, they didn't want to come back, but as long as the Qi family thought about it, there were plenty of ways, even if Qi Xinyue ate it, there was still a way to make her spit it out.

It's the same now, he doesn't care what method Yan Qingyun uses, as long as the things are brought.

Old General Qi was majestic, Yan Qingyun smiled gently, and put the box in Mrs. Zhao's hands: "Your grandfather is right, this should belong to you."

After collecting this large sum, the Yan family was half empty, and Yan Zhiyuan tried every means to stop him, so he managed to get it together.

Now that Mrs. Zhao has accepted it, everything can be changed.

Holding the box, Mrs. Zhao pursed her lips, hesitated for a while before saying, "Thank you, Dad."

Calling Yan Qingyun's father, Zhao felt very uncomfortable.

Hearing the sound of father, Yan Qingyun smiled happily.

Old General Qi had a cold face. He hoped that Yan Qingyun would be more conscious and leave quickly.

In front of his granddaughter, he couldn't drive him away.

But Yan Qingyun pretended not to know, left the meal cheerfully, and gently let the children go back to live before going back.

Old General Qi couldn't bear it any longer, and sneered: "Master Yan, let's forget about staying here, I'm afraid I will poke someone's eyes."

Yan Qingyun still maintained a smile, he looked at Zhao with admiration and said: "Mianmian, as long as father is still there, you will always have a place in the family, and when father is gone, father will not be able to control them anymore, no matter what, your family It's safe and sound, no matter where it is, Dad is happy in his heart."

Yan Qingyun didn't talk about Yan Zhiyuan, nor did he whitewash Yan Zhiyuan, he just sighed like an old father.

He just stated his position.

Seeing Yan Qingyun's kind and helpless face, Zhao's heart was touched, and she nodded: "Thank you dad, I will be fine."

Yan Qingyun nodded with a smile, then respectfully talked to veteran Qi

The army saluted, smiled with Qi's father, Qi's mother and everyone, and then left.

After Yan Qingyun left, General Qi's expression softened. He looked at Mrs. Zhao and said, "Grandpa doesn't object to you walking with him, but you must not be careless. Yan Zhiyuan and Yan Zhenzhen are not the same mother as you. , then Qi Xinyue's death is more than justified, but Yan Zhiyuan and Yan Zhenzhen don't necessarily think so, you have been gentle and kind since you were young, and grandpa also knows that you are not their opponent in terms of scheming, so if you can't meet, you won't meet. "

Old General Qi looked at Su Chongsuhua, smiled gently and said, "You children, I'm not worried about this."

Mrs. Zhao nodded obediently, she understood.

"Okay, I'm going back to my room too, I'm getting old, I'm getting old."

Old General Qi smiled and sighed.

It's getting dark too, and it's almost the same after washing and sleeping.

After Su Chong and the others left the hall, Old General Qi told Father Qi: "Go and urge the Wei family tomorrow, and ask them what they mean."

It's been so long, it's time to fart.

After such a long time, how can I find something.

Qi's father nodded: "Don't worry, grandfather, grandson will ask tomorrow."

Old General Qi looked at Qi's father. The milk baby back then was already middle-aged. If he hadn't been injured and retired, he might be gone. God has mercy on him.

Father Qi grinned and showed his white teeth, smiling brightly. He didn't know why his grandfather looked at him so sighingly, but it was right to smile.

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