Chapter 430

"Good boy, go back and rest. Your back is not good. Pay more attention to yourself. Don't think that you don't pay attention now that you are young. You will suffer when you grow old."

Old General Qi said with concern that many injuries and illnesses are more painful with age.

Father Qi nodded with a smile, and said cheerfully: "Don't worry, grandpa, I have been given injections by Xiaolu girl recently, and I feel much better. It won't be too painful, thanks to Xiaolu girl."

"That's true."

Old General Qi recognized it very much. Thinking of Su Xiaolu, he felt that it was really God's blessing, and this was fate in the dark.

"Grandfather, do you miss them?"

Qi's father's eyes were slightly red, but his smile was still bright. He hoped that he would smile more, so that old General Qi would be happier seeing him.

Old General Qi looked at his silly grandson, and nodded with a smile: "I think about it, seeing you is enough, go back to sleep, grandfather is fine, grandfather, you have to wait for Xingfengxing to get married before you have grandchildren."

Father Qi nodded heavily: "Okay, then you have a good rest."

Father Qi turned around and backed away, went out and closed the door, and then quietly wiped the corners of his eyes.


Early the next morning, Father Qi went out alone.

When he came to Taishi Mansion, it was Wei Xiaotian who saw him.

"I'm sure you know what I came here for this time, so don't make any detours, just tell me directly, you Wei family, have you checked it out?"

Father Qi, like Old General Qi, likes to play straight balls.

Wei Xiaotian looked at Qi's father, and said with a deep voice: "We want to meet him, and the meeting place will be in Wei's mansion. We will only know about the rest when he comes tomorrow night."

"What do you mean? Did you find out anything? Is this meeting with you or with the empress? Tell me clearly."

Father Qi frowned and asked.

"This, he will know when he comes, sorry I can't say more, sorry."

Wei Xiaotian lowered his eyes calmly.

Qi's father was furious, which made him very unhappy.

"Master Qi, you don't need to know so clearly. You just need to tell Zhou Heng the words. Whether he comes or not is his business. If he is afraid that we will cheat, then he doesn't have to come."

Wei Xiaotian looked at Qi's father and became more and more calm.

Qi's father took a deep breath, and he glared at Wei Xiaotian: "Okay, I understand."

The Wei family clearly meant that they didn't believe it, but they still wanted Zhou Heng to come to the Wei family, which clearly had bad intentions.

Father Qi turned around and left.

"Master Qi."

Wei Xiaotian called Qi's father to stop, and then said: "I hope you can tell the truth."

Father Qi breathed heavily, held back his anger, and strode away without saying a word.

After Qi's father left, Wei Xiaotian turned around and went to the main courtyard.

Seeing him coming, Wei Guangrong sighed and asked, "Who's here from the Qi family?"

Wei Xiaotian replied: "It was the grandson of the general who came to ask about that matter, and I told him as my father said."

Wei Guangrong nodded: "That's fine."

Wei Xiaotian hesitated for a moment and asked, "Father, what if he didn't tell Zhou Heng?"

Wei Guangrong waved his hand and said, "No, they won't do such a thing."

The Qi family cared about Zhou Heng, and might stop him from coming, but they would never fail to tell him that the Qi family would not and would not be able to do such a thing of concealing information and making major choices for others.

"You can arrange the next thing. If you don't take action if you hurt him, bring him back."

Wei Guangrong's eyes were deep, and his tone was also heavy.

"Father, it's useless for us to test like this. If we really hurt Zhou Heng's life, then the second prince will definitely pass the matter on to my aunt. Regardless of whether it is true or not, my aunt will also be cold-hearted towards us."

Wei Xiaotian frowned and said, looking at it this way, they are all in a weak position.

"Hey... Dad also understands this, but if he doesn't try anything, Dad won't feel at ease."

Wei Guangrong sighed, for that Zhou Heng, he folded in hundreds of Jingwei, this is already a knot.

Whether Zhou Heng is real or not, he is not satisfied with the result, the thorn has already penetrated into his heart.

"Don't think too much, just follow the plan."

Wei Guangrong swept away the tangle in his eyes and said firmly.

Wei Xiaotian nodded: "Yes."

As his father said, this matter must be resolved.


When Qi's father returned to the mansion, he called the whole family together.

Then he told Zhou Heng what the Wei family had said, and after he finished speaking, he said: "This Wei family doesn't believe in your identity, I think it's better if you don't go, anyway, if you go or not, they won't really believe you. "

It was just because they spent all their money and failed to save the next Zhou Heng, so when the other Zhou Heng returned to Beijing calmly, they couldn't accept this fact. Because they couldn't accept it, they decided that Zhou Heng was a fake.

"Brother Heng, don't go."

Su Chong frowned, even he knew something was wrong with such news.

Su Hua frowned silently. He looked at Zhou Heng, also worried.

Zhou Heng looked solemn, and he said solemnly: "I know they don't believe me, but I'm going, I lost the opportunity, but I can't let this misunderstanding and suspicion accumulate more and more deeply."

If he doesn't go, the Wei family will have no chance of trusting him.

He went, and the Wei family might not believe it, but he believed that once, twice, three times...after many times of proof, they would believe him.

If Zhou Heng was going, he had to go too.

"This is Brother Heng's choice. If he wants to go, let him go."

Seeing Zhou Heng speak, Su Hua thought, if he were Zhou Heng, he would go too.

"Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, you prefer to go to the mountains. That's all. This is your own decision. Go."

Father Qi said slowly.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Zhou Heng and said seriously: "Then let's discuss how to protect your safety when you go this time."

"I... protect!"

Qi Xingfeng blushed, and volunteered to speak.

"Count me in."

Su Chong also spoke.

"And I."

Su Xiaolu raised her hand.

Several people looked at each other and smiled.

Zhou Heng smiled slightly and said: "It's enough, I believe, Grandpa and the others are just testing, I won't be in danger of life, just a few of you are enough, if I get hurt and they can trust me, then it doesn't matter if I get hurt."

"Okay, let's arrange it like this."

General Qi nodded.

After making arrangements, they each went back to the yard.

No one can persuade Zhou Heng about this matter, all they can do is support him.

Su Xiaoling was absent-minded. Many times she wanted to tell Zhou Heng that she didn't care about his identity, but she swallowed the words again. She didn't care, but Zhou Heng did.

He was originally a member of the royal family, and he didn't want to live in ignorance for the rest of his life. Even if he had to go through many dangers to get back this identity, he would not hesitate.

If you can't stop it, then you can only pray that he can turn the danger into safety, restore his identity safely, and everything he wants can come true.

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