Chapter 441 Tolerance

Chapter 441 Tolerance

He didn't know whether she sympathized with it or—liked it.

Su Xiaolu's tolerance made him faintly feel that the unfair balance was actually in his favor.

It's not the first time this kind of thought occurred, Zhou Zhi thought absently.

He is sixteen years old, he couldn't help asking himself, why did he get close to Su Xiaolu many times?

Do you want to take away everything that belongs to Zhou Heng? or something else?

Zhou Zhi didn't dare to think about it further, so what if he really liked it, Su Xiaolu has healthy limbs, lively and active, how could she fall in love with such a handicapped person like him.

Zhou Zhi pinched the base of his nose, his mood sank at a speed visible to the naked eye, gloom shrouded his brows and eyes.

After a long time, he smiled coldly and whispered, "It's already in the mud, so it doesn't matter if it's worse."

As long as she doesn't know it for the rest of her life, it's fine.


In a blink of an eye, it was March 14th, and tomorrow was the day of the palace examination.

Wei Ling has not yet seen the emperor, and every time she asks, Zhou Zhao has various reasons to shirk, and even sends the imperial doctor to show her body.

If Wei Ling couldn't see him, there was no way to tell him about finding the eldest prince, and no way to say that Zhou Heng was dead, and there would be a fake Zhou Heng to replace Zhou Heng.

Wei Ling had no choice but to pass the news out of the palace to let Wei Guangrong know, and let him think of a way.

Now Zhou Zhi doesn't listen to her anymore, and he doesn't come when he is called to see him. Zhou Zhi, who started to disobey her, has nothing she can do.

To uncover the truth and prevent the emperor from being deceived, she can only place her hope on her father.

When Wei Guangrong received the news, his whole body was very deep.

"Father, why doesn't the emperor see my sister?"

Wei Xiaotian couldn't understand this point. The emperor didn't say how deep his feelings were for the empress, but in terms of favor and face, he always gave him enough. It's a bit weird that he asked to see her many times but never disappeared.

"I haven't figured it out either. That person has also started to disobey your sister recently. She refuses to enter the palace or stay for dinner. This incident seems strange no matter how you look at it. Could it be that the emperor intends to support him as the heir apparent?" ?”

Wei Guangrong frowned and guessed, the guess in his heart made him terrified.

Wei Xiaotian rejected it immediately, and he said firmly: "It's impossible, father, since ancient times there has been no precedent for appointing a crippled prince as the heir. If the emperor chooses him, the officials will not agree, and it is impossible for Taizong of."

Zhou Zhi's mutilated limbs meant that he and the throne were impossible, at most he was in charge of the power, and the emperor was just his puppet.

Wei Guangrong frowned: "Father also knows that it is impossible, but these two things are quite weird. He has always been favored by the emperor, and the rights given to him are also great."

"If it were the other princes, under such circumstances, he would have died long ago, but he is not only alive, he has also become a climate. Among them, it would be impossible without the emperor's love."

Wei Guangrong sighed, his heart was anxious, and he didn't dare to do anything at the moment.

"Father, tomorrow is the imperial examination, and that is his best chance to face all the officials and the emperor."

Wei Xiaotian said solemnly, that day he failed to strike, Zhou Heng was selected for the palace examination, and when he faced all the officials and the emperor, it was his good opportunity.

"Tomorrow, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Wei Guangrong was extremely depressed and things were far out of control, but no matter what he didn't believe that Zhou Heng was real.

But I'm afraid that the outcome of this matter is not something he can predict and control.

"Father, if Zhou Heng regains his status as First Prince, it will be very bad for us."

The two princes have become enemies with them. If Zhou Heng becomes the emperor in the end, then their Wei family will be in great trouble.

"Father knows that if you can't stop it, you can only let your sister raise a prince and make plans early. Even if the status is restored, it is not that simple to be a prince."

Wei Guangrong's eyes darkened, he didn't know that if Zhou Zhi or Zhou Heng came forward, the Wei family would be in disaster, so the Wei family could not support them, but had to choose among other princes.

In the next ten years, support a potential prince to compete for the crown prince.

"Father was right."

Wei Xiaotian agrees with lowered eyes, as long as his father thinks about it.

The father and son were worried, but they couldn't think of a better way to relieve their worries.


In the General's Mansion.

Tonight's meal was sumptuous, and old general Qi raised his wine glass and said, "Tomorrow, I wish you both the best of luck."


Su Hua smiled.

Several people smiled similarly and drank all the wine in their glasses.

Zhao's eyes are gentle, her wish has not changed, money and power, she does not value, she hopes that the children are safe and sound.

Rest after meals.

Su Chong, Su Hua, Zhou Heng gathered in a room.

"Tomorrow I won't be able to enter the palace either, everything can only depend on yourselves."

Su Chong said helplessly that his knowledge stopped here, and he was ready to transfer to the martial arts exam in the second half of the year.

He can read and write, which is enough for him to be a sensible person. In fact, what he loves more is martial arts.

After getting acquainted with Qi Xingfeng, he already has a direction for the future, he wants to practice martial arts, and like Qi Xingfeng, he wants to go to the battlefield to defend his family and country.

"Brother, don't worry, in the palace

is safe. "

Su Hua smiled and said that there are forbidden troops in the palace, and it is impossible to assassinate or something.

He looked at Zhou Heng. Zhou Heng had firm eyes and smiled at him. He was fearless and he was ready.

Su Hua is also relieved, as long as Zhou Heng can bear it, obviously, he is ready.

"Oh, how time flies, we all grew up in a flash, Brother Hua, Brother Heng, I wish you all good grades and fulfill your wishes."

This time, he couldn't walk with them.

But this is the way they will have in their lives sooner or later.

This time is the palace test, and there will be other things in the future. No one can stay together forever.

"Thank you, brother."

Su Hua smiled gently. When they grow up, they are all sensible, but there are some things that they understand without saying it. He believes that this tacit understanding will never change in his life.

"Thank you, Ah Chong Ah Hua, thanks to having you by my side."

Zhou Heng also laughed. Su Chong and Su Hua made him firmly believe that there is a real family relationship in this world. He believed that no matter how many years passed, they would never lose this sincere heart, and neither would he.

"Brother Heng, take care of yourself. Although we grew up together, I still won't give in. I will still try my best to win the first prize in the new department."

Su Hua looked at Zhou Heng and said with a smile.

Zhou Heng also laughed, and said in a scholarly manner, "Each to each other."

Open-minded, Zhou Heng is also very happy. They have studied hard for several years and tried their best so that they don't waste what they have learned over the years. This is the greatest respect for each other. They are competitors, and they are also like brothers. True brother.

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