Chapter 442 Lucky

Chapter 442 Lucky

"Okay, I'll wait for your triumphant return at home, and Xiaoling Xiaolu, my parents, and I will prepare a welcome banquet and wait for you."

Su Chong said with a smile that although he couldn't go, he and his family could prepare a welcome banquet at home and wait for them to return in triumph.

Tomorrow's palace test, although there is no blood, is enough to shake people's minds.

The three looked at each other and smiled.

Su Chong and Su Hua also went back to their room to rest, and their room was next door.

Zhou Heng was lying on the bed, with a smile on his lips. In the past ten years, thousands of days and nights accompanied him. No matter where the future road leads, he will always be grateful.

He will never forget the things that were cherished by the Su family in the past.

On the other side, Su Xiaolu and Su Xiaoling snuggled together.

Su Xiaoling couldn't sleep for a long time, she was worried.

She was quiet, and patted Su Xiaolu lightly to lull her to sleep.

Su Xiaolu's favorite elder sister has something on her mind, how can she sleep peacefully.

Su Xiaolu said: "Sister, do you want to enter the palace tomorrow?"

Su Xiaoling was stunned for a moment: "Xiaolu, how can we get in?"

They also have no official status, so it is not so easy to enter the palace.

Su Xiaolu smiled and said: "I have a solution. My master also has contacts in the palace. Tomorrow we go to the imperial hospital and wait. When everything goes well in the hall, we will go to the hall together."

Su Xiaoling was a little happy: "Xiaolu, will this cause you trouble?"

She wanted to go, but she was also worried that this would bring Su Xiaolu trouble?

In my memory, old man Wu is an old man who is very afraid of trouble. The palace is complicated, and old man Wu doesn't want to go at all.

"Don't worry, I'm different from my master. Master likes to be quiet, but I like to be lively."

Su Xiaolu smiled and said, old man Wu is a social fear, but she is not.

Su Xiaoling is sentimental. In her heart, her family always comes first. She seldom thinks about herself. When things happen, she always thinks about her family first. It's no wonder she doesn't love such a good sister.

Holding Su Xiaoling's arm, Su Xiaolu said seriously: "Sister, I am different from the master. The master only has me as an apprentice, and I will accept many apprentices in the future. I hope that medical skills can be passed on more. More people can be saved."

Practicing medicine is also a kind of virtue.

She loves ancient Chinese medicine, and she also hopes that Chinese medicine can be carried forward and passed on forever. This is left by the ancestors for thousands of years and should not be buried.

"Xiaolu, my sister doesn't understand those righteousness, I only hope that what you do is what you like, that's fine."

Su Xiaoling smiled slightly, she was really proud of her sister and believed in her all her life.

"Yes, everything I do in the future will be my favorite."

Su Xiaolu smiled and said, God gave her a space and let her keep the memories of her previous life, how could she live up to it.

She wants to live unrestrained and unrestrained.

But in the past few years as an adult, she will only be with her family.

Just like a baby bird, it will not leave the nest until it grows up.

"Thank you Xiaolu, sleep in peace."

Su Xiaoling patted Su Xiaolu's shoulder lightly.

She believed every word Su Xiaolu said, and after having her in the family, everything was a miracle in her heart.

Su Xiaolu nodded and fell asleep peacefully.

Su Xiaoling no longer worried, she secretly thought, this time, it will also be a miracle.

Because Zhou Heng is also a person under Su Xiaolu's blessing.

Parents didn't seem to notice this secret, nor did the two elder brothers, but she did. From childhood to adulthood, no matter what, as long as it has something to do with Su Xiaolu, everything will become lucky.

Su Xiaoling slightly curled her lips into a smile. When she was a child, she firmly believed that there would be no mistakes. Her fourth sister was born from a fairy in the sky. She brought good luck to the family and let them all live a happy life.

Su Xiaolu fell asleep, Su Xiaoling kissed her cheek quietly as before, and fell asleep peacefully.

March fifteenth.

On the day of the emperor's palace selection, the students whose names were called rushed to the palace gate to enter the palace.

Su Hua and Zhou Heng also entered the palace early.

Su Xiaolu was going to take Su Xiaoling out. Su Sanlang, Zhao family and Qi's father and Qi's mother knew about it, so they only told them to be careful.

Su Chong sent them to the door.

Su Xiaolu and Su Xiaoling got into the carriage and asked the coachman to go directly to the palace gate.

There are four entrances and exits in the palace, which are divided into southeast, north and west.

It is closer to go to Tai Hospital from the north gate.

Su Xiaolu took Minggu's ID card and sent it in, and waited outside with Su Xiaoling.

After waiting for too long, a white-haired old man came quickly. Behind him, there were several imperial physicians in official uniforms, all of whom shouted eagerly: "Master, slow down..."

Qin Shoucheng didn't slow down at all: "What do you know, Miracle Doctor Wu, it's Miracle Doctor Wu who's here, and this identity card is unmistakable."

Hurrying to the north gate, Qin Shoucheng looked around, and his eyes finally fell on Su Xiaolu and Su Xiaoling.

"Girl, did you see an old man just now?"

Before Qin Shoucheng could ask, the apprentice behind him asked Su Xiaoling and Su Xiaolu first.

"Mr. Qin, my master and his old man didn't come to Beijing, but I was the one who came."

Su Xiaolu cupped his hands, stepped forward to take back the ID card from Qin Shoucheng and put it away.

"You... are you a little miracle doctor?"

Qin Shoucheng rubbed his eyes, he was really afraid that his old eyes would make a mistake, and he was afraid that all the joy would be in vain.

He's been dying of worry lately.

"Yes, but my surname is Su, just call me Miss Su."

Little genius doctor, she is still not used to hearing it.

"Master, could these two girls be liars—"

Several of Qin Shoucheng's apprentices whispered, they have studied medicine for decades, are they not as good as a little girl? Can you be a miracle doctor at such a young age? Why does it look a little fake?

"Small—Miss Su, don't worry about it. The apprentices of this old man are arrogant and arrogant. They have never seen the ability of a miracle doctor. When the time comes, I still hope that the girl will guide you a little bit. Miss Su is coming to the Imperial Hospital. The old man is very welcome, please hurry up."

Qin Shoucheng said with a smile, and politely made a gesture of please.

The little girl looks much cuter than the old man. Such a pretty little girl must be kind-hearted.

Qin Shouxiang is an old fox, and Su Xiaolu also said with a smile: "It's okay, we are all doctors, and academically we should discuss with each other and make progress together."

Su Xiaolu didn't hesitate to discuss, and Qin Shoucheng was ecstatic after being shocked, and immediately said with a smile: "Miss Su, please."

I really wish I could lock up the little girl and discuss it for ten days and ten nights. It is best to learn everything the little girl has learned.

"Miss Su is a teacher of Minggu, and she must have extraordinary medical skills. It just so happens that our Taiyuan Hospital has a strange illness that needs advice. I would like to ask Miss Su to give me some advice."

A young apprentice behind Qin Shoucheng met Qin Shoucheng's eyes, immediately cupped his hands at Su Xiaolu, and spoke coldly. His attitude was cold and arrogant, and he was not convinced at first glance.


Su Xiaolu agreed with a smile, she understands the aggressive method.

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