Chapter 443 Palace Examination

Chapter 443 Palace Examination

Although it is a radical method, she is willing to take the bait.

She still needs more experience, and she is also very interested in strange illnesses, the more peculiar the better.

Su Xiaolu and Su Xiaoling went to Tai Hospital together.

Qin Shoucheng quickly submitted the case, and Su Xiaolu took the case to read.

Strange disease cases record that the limbs are healthy and painless, the pulse condition is strong and normal, and the stench is emitted from the armpits, which is similar to the smell of foxes. , The sachet and medicine bath are useless. Although it does not hurt life, it makes people haunted.

Qin Shoucheng coughed lightly and said: "Miss Su, the person suffering from this disease is actually in Beijing. She is a princess and has been troubled by it for many years. She also sought medical treatment from your master, but she did not see it. , Now that she is married and has a child, her daughter also has a strange smell, and the Tai Hospital has been troubled by it for many years, if Miss Su is willing to treat their mother and daughter, she must be very grateful."

"This disease, to put it lightly, it is not painful or itchy, even if it is not cured, it will be fine, but to put it seriously, it is also disgusted and loathed by people. It has a peculiar smell on the body, and it will be hated and excluded by children of the same age since childhood. It’s hard to have a close friend.”

Qin Shoucheng sighed after finishing speaking. As a woman, she has such a strange smell on her body, and she is also from the royal family, which has a great influence. Even the daughter of a prince will be despised and ridiculed.

And this pain point, accompanied by a lifetime can not be cured.

"Master, we have studied it for many years, but there is no result. This is a natural thing, even a genius doctor can't help it."

Qin Shoucheng's apprentice watched Su Xiaolu ask Qin Shoucheng a question.

Qin Shoucheng looked at Su Xiaolu, and touched his nose: "Miss Su, are you interested in taking a look at this strange disease?"

Su Xiaolu nodded: "Okay, I'll see and talk."

Body odor, in fact, is not difficult to treat, it is an abnormality caused by excessive secretion of sweat glands, just remove it.

But in ancient times, there was no way to cure such a case.

No matter how good Chinese medicine is, it cannot be cured.

Qin Shoucheng showed a smiling face and nodded again and again: "Okay, okay, thank you Miss Su."

Su Xiaolu also smiled slightly.

The whole morning, Su Xiaolu and Su Xiaoling were in Tai Hospital.

Su Xiaolu discussed with Qin Shoucheng and others about some difficult and miscellaneous diseases. It didn't take long for the imperial doctors of the imperial hospital to gather to listen, and some even took notes in notebooks.

At the time of Shenshi, a palace official rushed to the Tai Hospital and shouted loudly: "The Tai Hospital obeys orders!"

The whole Tai Hospital was shocked, what happened.

The father-in-law who came to publicize shouted loudly: "The emperor's oral order is ordered to order all the imperial physicians in the imperial hospital to go to the main hall to listen to the emperor's instructions."

Qin Shoucheng was an old man with high medical skills in the Imperial Hospital. After the call was delivered, the father-in-law said to Qin Shoucheng respectfully: "Qin Imperial Physician, please go over quickly, don't let the emperor wait, this matter is related to the emperor's heir." The eldest son."

Qin Shoucheng was shocked: "This... Thank you, father-in-law, we will go there right away."

Qin Shoucheng also felt a little uneasy when he suddenly summoned the entire palace of imperial physicians.

He couldn't help looking at Su Xiaolu.

Su Xiaolu smiled: "Doctor Qin, can I go? I'll just wait and see, maybe I can help you."

Qin Shoucheng nodded with a smile: "Miss Su has this intention, and this old man can only wish for it."

Su Xiaolu took Su Xiaoling to the East Gate Hall along with all the imperial physicians in the Imperial Physician Palace.

Seeing the forbidden army along the way, the palace people were extremely nervous.

In the main hall, all officials are solemn.

Just don't even dare to discuss, just kidding, who dares to discuss royal matters? ,

The emperor approved the palace examination articles, and if he was awarded the top three, a big event would happen, pretending to be the prince, which is a serious crime for punishing the nine clans.

To check the authenticity of the prince, the entire courtier would have to move three times.

And what is at stake here is the queen and the second prince. One says that the first prince is dead, and the other says that Tanhua, who was handpicked by the emperor, is the first prince. Who is telling the truth? , the Empress is furious and must find out the truth, who is true and who is false, will definitely be separated today.

So the whole hospital was alarmed.

When Su Xiaolu followed the entire imperial hospital into the main hall, both Zhou Zhi and Zhou Heng were kneeling in the center of the hall.

In the high position, the seated person had a gloomy expression.

The queen sitting below looked a little pale, but she looked at Zhou Zhi and Zhou Heng below, with unconcealable disgust and hatred in her eyes.

The courtiers also lowered their eyes and kept silent, huh—they have no place to intervene in this matter.

"Your Majesty, all the imperial physicians from the imperial hospital are here."

Eunuch Lian stepped forward and said softly to Zhou Zhao.

Zhou Zhao glanced at him and said in a cold voice: "The Supreme Hospital has heard the order, and immediately prepares to bleed to confess relatives. I want to see if this Tanhua Zhou Heng is the prince."

"The matter is so complicated, I must get to the bottom of it, otherwise I will not be able to give an explanation to the world."

With a deep and cold voice, Zhou Zhao swept across the hall, showing his majesty.

All the ministers shouted, "Your Majesty is wise."

At this time, no one can stop the emperor from finding out the truth.

Wei Guangrong also lowered his head, his face was gloomy, he didn't expect to move out the dead Zhou Heng, and he couldn't stop it from happening.

Zhou Heng has already been selected as Tanhua, he has profound talents and knowledge, it is impossible not to investigate this matter.

Today's number one scholar, even

Testify in person.

Wei Guangrong was terrified. He vaguely felt that what he did before was wrong, but he didn't want to admit it. The more he thought about it, the colder he felt.

If both Xinke champion and Tanhua belonged to the second prince, then for the second prince, the throne would be as easy as taking something out of his own pocket.

"Your Majesty, what the Caomin said is true, and the Caomin is not a body of guilt. His Highness the Second Prince is proving the identity of the Caomin, and he also reads the love of brothers and blood, and is not a body of guilt. Please allow us the emperor." stand up."

Zhou Heng could feel that Zhou Zhi around him was getting weaker and weaker. From the beginning of this scene, Zhou Zhi had been kneeling all the time. Kneeling on his legs was almost killing him. For such a long time, the complexion on his face was visible to the naked eye. whitish.

For some reason, Zhou Heng felt a pain in his heart, this is his own brother.

"Pretending to be a prince is a crime beyond all means, but just knelt down for a while, what's wrong with you?"

Wei Ling spoke in a cold voice, her expression was indifferent, and she didn't like the two kneeling on the ground.

Because of Zhou Zhi, she also looked at Zhou Heng with disgust.

She didn't have the slightest resemblance to her face, how could it be her son, if she wanted to pretend to be her son, she would never agree.

Zhou Heng looked directly at Wei Ling, his calm eyes made Wei Ling's heart tighten.

Zhou Heng said lightly: "Empress, the matter has not come to fruition. Where did the second prince and I get the crime? Even if I pretended to be the prince and I was guilty, I should be guilty. If the second prince wants to reconcile, he will only be punished." I was just cheating."

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