Chapter 444 Restoring Identity

Chapter 444 Restoring Identity

"Besides, the second prince is born of the empress. You can't go wrong with the child you conceived in October. The second prince's health is not good. Why don't you take pity on him? Your indifference makes me think Ask, are you really the biological mother of His Royal Highness the Second Prince?"

Zhou Heng looked at Wei Ling without looking away.

Dare to question the current empress, he is really daring.

But he couldn't bear it, he was so sad.

He didn't understand, in the heart of the queen mother, what were their brothers?

Was it really because the queen mother liked him only because she liked him as a child? Or, what she likes is that ridiculous possibility, ridiculous fate.

This made Zhou Heng feel too painful, he was in pain, he was angry, why would a mother not love her child, why?

"Bold! How bold you are, you—"

Wei Ling was irritated, she was very angry, the anger in her heart was burning, she couldn't control her anger, but she was interrupted before she finished speaking, and the one who interrupted her was none other than the emperor Zhou Zhao .

"Okay, what are you shouting about, it's too noisy."

Zhou Zhao interrupted Wei Ling, showing an impatient expression.

"Zhou Tanhua is right. The truth has not been found out. They are all guilty. Those who are not guilty do not need to kneel."

Zhou Zhao glanced at Zhou Heng and opened his mouth, then waved to Eunuch Lian who was waiting beside him: "Zhi'er is not in good health, he has turned pale after kneeling for so long, take a stool for him to sit down."

Wei Ling was dumbfounded, and suddenly felt angry, the emperor never showed her face in front of courtiers, and now he does not show her face in front of courtiers, this is really hard for her to accept.

She clenched her palm tightly.

Zhou Zhao just frowned and didn't look at Wei Ling much.

To be honest, he really didn't know what the queen was thinking. Master Kongzhi was not a god, he ordered orders as he ordered, he was not a god, and he didn't let it go as he said.

And even if Kongzhi is very smart, the queen should not dislike her child, she is a mother, in this palace, which concubine does not protect her child as an eyeball, who cares about orders.

Now the two sons are kneeling below. Although the two brothers have no similarities at all, feeling and Shen Yun cannot deceive anyone. Even he can recognize at a glance that these are his sons. Zhou Zhi and Zhou Heng, their Shen Yun is actually It's very similar, but it's different, it's nothing more than that Zhou Zhi has experienced darkness and lost the innocence in his eyes.

As for Zhou Heng, he has not experienced the darkness in the palace, and he still retains the innocence of a boy.

Even Zhou Heng, who is most likely to be an enemy, cares about Zhou Zhi, but the queen has no warmth at all. How can such a mother-child relationship not be chilling?

Eunuch Lian brought a soft stool.

Zhou Heng got up, he stretched out his hand to support Zhou Zhi, with worry in his eyes: "Ah Zhi..."

Zhou Zhi looked at Zhou Heng and shook his head lightly: "No problem."

He was very indifferent, and stopped talking after only two words. He wanted to push away Zhou Heng's support, but unexpectedly Zhou Heng firmly held his arm. Even so, it was still very difficult for him to walk these two steps.

Heartbreaking pain came from his leg.

"Emperor physician, show Zhi'er, Zhi'er is unparalleled in intelligence, and he never disappoints me in his work. Last year, he made great contributions to the chaos in Pingjiang Forest and the epidemic in Furong Island. I like it very much."

Zhou Zhao emphasized Zhou Zhi's achievements, so that everyone could hear that he liked and valued his son very much.

Even if you can't give him the throne, you will never treat him badly.

Even Zhou Zhi's incomplete limbs could not cover up his brilliance.

Qin Shou immediately stepped forward to feel Zhou Zhi's pulse.

"Doctor Qin, I don't want to bother you anymore. I still have Miss Laosu."

Zhou Zhi looked at Qin Shoucheng and said.

Qin Shoucheng was surprised, then smiled and said, "What Your Highness said is that there is a genius doctor here, and I feel ashamed."

"Miraculous doctor?"

Zhou Zhao asked in surprise.

Qin Shoucheng wrote back: "Your Majesty, this Miss Su learned from Minggu's true biography of a genius doctor. She is extremely talented, and she is already a person with extremely high medical skills at a young age. Hearing what the Second Prince said, she should already know Miss Su."

Zhou Zhi said slowly: "Father, Imperial Physician Qin is right. Erchen and Ms. Su are old acquaintances. Last year there was an epidemic in Furong Island, and the person who developed the antidote was also Ms. Su."

"Is that so? In this way, Miss Su is really a genius."

Zhou Zhao looked at Su Xiaolu and sighed.

Su Xiaolu stepped forward to feel Zhou Zhi's pulse, and she said neither humble nor overbearing: "Your Highness the Second Prince has praised me, and I only studied medicine for the sake of yellow and white things."

Zhou Zhao became interested: "Miss Su learned the true biography of miracle doctors only for yellow and white things, so I want to ask Miss Su to do a verification, how much money will I have to pay?"

Su Xiaolu looked at Zhou Zhao, and said calmly: "The emperor is a good emperor for the country and the people, and the daughters of the people are also subjects of the Great Zhou, and their family members and friends also have to be protected by the Great Zhou. If the emperor is in need, the daughters of the people should not take any money, but the daughters of the people are the subjects of the Great Zhou. The doctor only cares about the yellow and the white, and if you don’t take women for a penny, you can’t pass this test, so you can only take a penny.”

Su Xiaolu is neither humble nor overbearing, she will not treat people for nothing, but she is the same as her master, how much she charges depends on her mood.

The little girl has her own arrogance, which is the same for everyone.

Zhou Zhao smiled and asked with great interest: "Then if I am not a good emperor, what should you do?"

Zhou Zhao wanted to scare the little girl, but he could

It's the emperor.

He also wanted to see if the apprentice of the Miraculous Doctor of the Nether Valley was still unrestrained.

Su Xiaolu withdrew his hand to check Zhou Zhi's pulse, took out a medicine bottle from his bosom and said to Zhou Zhi, "Take a pill".

Then she looked at Zhou Zhaogong and said coldly: "If the emperor is not a good emperor, then it depends on how much the emperor can pay for the consultation fee. If the consultation fee is enough to move the girl, then the girl should be saved, even if it is a heinous one. People, women of the people can also be saved."

She is only for money, as long as you have enough money to buy your life, she will save anyone.

"Hahaha, you are indeed the master of Minggu."

Zhou Zhao laughed out loud, thinking that he could scare the little girl, but he didn't expect that even the little girl would keep in mind the rules passed down by Minggu in the world, doing her own way and not fearing the world is the inheritance of Minggu's medicine.

"Miss Su, I really want to ask you to do a test to help me see if this Zhou Heng is in my blood."

Zhou Zhao put away his smile and became serious.

"Your Majesty, they are old acquaintances, they—"

Wei Ling glared at Su Xiaolu viciously and said.

Su Xiaolu looked at Wei Ling interrupting her and said, "The empress is right. I and them are old acquaintances. When I was apprenticed, Zhou Heng's legs were not fully healed. I cured him personally, and he also witnessed it. Throughout the whole process of my apprenticeship to study medicine, I have been a teacher for many years, and the master's whereabouts are uncertain, but he failed to return to Beijing and lived in my house for nearly ten years."

"We are old acquaintances, it doesn't mean we will commit such a heinous crime because of him."

Su Xiaolu's words made it impossible to refute.

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