Chapter 468: Past Memories

Chapter 468: Past Memories

"You and Sun Yangxin also know each other, because you have passed the reason, and you have written letters. At that time, it can be said that you are in love with each other. The Sun family has been waiting for you to grow up and get married. When you were seventeen years old, The wedding date was finalized, and that year, you were killed by that hateful femme fatale, and after you had no news, Sun Yangxin became seriously ill and was bedridden several times."

"He was very sick back then, but he always cared about your news. After he was able to get out of bed, he came to ask about your news many times in person. He became thinner and weaker. He was an infatuated child. His mother watched him eat and drink. Don't worry about him disappearing, forcing him to get married in a hurry."

"He is both infatuated and filial. After he got married, he had no heirs in the past twenty years. I heard that someone said that he and his wife had never consummated their marriage. Grandpa doesn't know the truth, but he has not given up looking for you for so many years. .”

Old General Qi had a lot of sighs in his heart, and he could only sigh that it was a joke.

Sun Yangxin is an infatuated person, but he has no fate with Zhao.

Zhao's eyes are sentimental, and Su Sanlang's mood is also complicated.

Father Qi touched his head, smiled and said, "That's all in the past, don't worry about it."

Mrs. Zhao nodded: "Thank you grandpa, thank you cousin."

Su Sanlang and Mrs. Zhao got up and went home.

Qi's father and Qi's mother sent them out.

After seeing off Su Sanlang and Mrs. Zhao, Qi's father hugged Qi's mother and sighed: "Who would have thought that after more than twenty years, there would still be ties between them. It is really worrying."

Qi's mother also sighed: "I don't know whether I envy her or sympathize with her. Sun Yangxin is so infatuated, and Su Sanlang looks very infatuated."

"Fortunately, Xiao Ling is fine, otherwise I really dare not think about it..."

Mother Qi also sighed.

It's all to blame for God's teasing, even if Zhao has no idea about Sun Yangxin, he can't avoid being entangled and uncomfortable in his heart.

The couple returned to the house.

Su Sanlang and Mrs. Zhao sat quietly in the carriage, neither of them spoke.

The mood is heavy.

Su Sanlang asked himself, if it was him, he would not be able to do what Sun Yangxin did.

Children and heirs are very important in ordinary households, but Sun Yangxin has been able to have no children for more than 20 years under such pressure, just because of the persistence in his heart, he married a wife because of filial piety, but that's all.

Sun Yangxin's wife is pregnant now, and she still conceived with that dirty method.

Thinking of all these, Su Sanlang sighed, feeling as if something was suppressed in his heart.

He thought, if it was him, maybe the whole house would be full of children and grandchildren...

After all, he can even accept a bought wife.

"Mother, go and intercede with him."

Su Sanlang took the initiative to speak.

Mrs. Zhao leaned on Su Sanlang's shoulder and did not speak.

Back home, the two fell asleep quietly.

In the dark night, the husband and wife breathed evenly, but Mrs. Zhao did not fall asleep.

Su Sanlang didn't fall asleep either.

"My girl, he is really a good person. He didn't know about this matter. I believe that if he knew, he would not hurt your daughters, and he would stop them."

Su Sanlang said that he was lying on the bed, recalling many things in his mind, including the past and the recent ones.

He remembered that Su Xiaoling said before that he met a person who admitted to the wrong person, and now that he thought about it, it was Sun Yangxin.

He saw Su Xiaoling and admitted his mistake. Even though he lost control of his emotions, he was very polite and didn't scare the child.

Such a good person, such a good person.

Mrs. Zhao sighed and said, "Daddy, I can't remember him. I don't know what happened in the past. I think, I want to see if I can restore my memory."

"What kind of person is he? I know him from other people's mouths. Then, what kind of person was he in Yan Mian's heart? If I had memories of the past, I think I would know what to say. How to do it."

Mrs. Zhao told Su Sanlang what was in her heart in detail. Before that, she felt that it didn't matter if she didn't have that memory.

If it doesn't matter, then it really doesn't matter.

Things had already happened, and they bothered her heart, so she needed to know what that memory was about.

Not only about Sun Yangxin, but also about herself.

"Then ask Xiaolu tomorrow to see if he can think of a way."

Su Sanlang said gently, he turned sideways and hugged Mrs. Zhao.

Mrs. Zhao also snuggled into his arms, swallowed her throat and said with a choked voice: "Daddy, I don't know how I came so far, I don't know if I am innocent, I..."

Su Sanlang hugged Mrs. Zhao tightly, his tone was very serious: "What stupid things are you talking about? When we were together, you once fell into the red. What stupid things are you talking about?"

Mrs. Zhao whimpered, she was a woman, she really cared about her innocence.

According to Yan Xinyue's confession, she was kidnapped by ferocious mountain bandits.

On the journey of thousands of miles, does she...

The pain in his heart was spreading, Su Sanlang hugged Zhao Shi tightly, he choked up and said: "Don't think about it, those are things in the past, don't make yourself so difficult, you have to trust me."

Su Sanlang had never thought about this before, and Zhao's body trembled, making him realize that Zhao had been concerned about this matter for a long time, but just kept suppressing it, and only broke out at this moment.

Su Sanlang's heart ached.

He gently kissed Zhao's tears away. They have walked together for so many years, from being together to knowing each other and loving each other deeply. Whether it is love or family affection, it is deeply embedded in his heart.

Zhao's mood gradually calmed down, and the two embraced each other and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Su Sanlang called Su Xiaolu over alone.

Su Xiaoling wanted to come, but was stopped by Su Sanlang.

After entering the room, Su Sanlang closed the door.

"Little Lu, Dad has something to ask you, tell your parents the truth, can your mother recover her memory?"

Su Sanlang squatted halfway, looking at Su Xiaolu with his only one eye.

He put his hands on Su Xiaolu's shoulders, Su Xiaolu had no chance to avoid Su Sanlang's eyes.

She glanced at Su Sanlang, then at Zhao Shi, Zhao Shi's eyes were flushed, and various emotions were revealed in her eyes full of hope.

Su Xiaolu gritted her teeth, she closed her eyes and said, "There is a way, but it's too dangerous, it might kill my mother."

She broke away from Su Sanlang's arm, turned her back, and said, "That method is to stab many needles into my mother's brain, and she will recall the past in her deep sleep. Once there is anything she doesn't want to remember , it will make her extremely painful. If she can't bear it, she will lose her mind. At that time, mother will not only forget what happened in the past, but also forget us. There is irreversible damage to her nerves. In the future, she will never remember Can't stand anything."

"Even if this is the case, will mother still be determined to recover her memory?"

Su Xiaolu asked with difficulty.

After she finished speaking, she ran out without waiting for Mrs. Zhao to answer.

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