Chapter 469

Chapter 469

Su Xiaolu opened the door and left, she was really depressed, so she didn't stay at home, she tiptoed, and flew out of the house after practicing lightness kung fu.

At this time, she needs a quiet space to calm down.

After Su Xiaolu left, Su Sanlang got up silently and closed the door again.

He walked up to Mrs. Zhao and sat down.

He looked at Mrs. Zhao beside him, with gentle eyes and a gentle voice: "Mother, let's choose to restore the memory."

As he spoke, Su Sanlang gently took Zhao Shi's hand and clasped it tightly.

Mrs. Zhao looked at Su Sanlang, said nothing, and burst into tears.

Su Sanlang smiled and said: "Even if we fail, it doesn't matter, we still have a lot of time, our children have grown up, we don't need to worry about it anymore, the money saved in these few years is enough for us live in peace until we die of old age."

"If you don't remember, then I will tell you every day who you are and who I am. I can just stay with you and surround the yard of my house without doing anything. We can live the same life as before, sunrise and sunset. Work day in and day out.”

Su Sanlang confessed everything in his heart.

Zhao shi burst into tears, she leaned close to Su Sanlang's chest, and answered with a choked voice: "Okay."

The uneasiness in her heart has gradually calmed down, and she no longer hesitates and fears in her heart, because Su Sanlang is her eternal reliance, no matter what decision she makes, Su Sanlang will support her.

He knew the struggle in her heart, and he knew that she was afraid of some irreversible consequences, so he took it on for her and told her not to worry and be afraid.

Listening to Su Sanlang's heartbeat, Mrs. Zhao felt very at ease.

Su Sanlang felt relieved, as a couple sharing the same bed, how could he not understand Mrs. Zhao.

Zhao's knot, she never said, but the knot has always been there.

When Mrs. Zhao was in a nightmare, he heard Mrs. Zhao weeping and muttering 'I'm afraid' and 'I'm sorry'. Now that life is affluent and the children have no worries about food and clothing, what is she afraid of, and what is she sorry for?

If these knots are not untied, if you have been depressed in your heart and cannot tell others, sooner or later, you will not be able to bear it. Heart disease is also a disease. After a long time, people will also fall down.

Now there is an opportunity, although it is dangerous, but the worst result is that Zhao can't remember anything, remember nothing, then at least she doesn't have any worries, she doesn't have to think too much, so there is nothing wrong with it.

Su Sanlang hugged Zhao Shi a little tighter.

The husband and wife are still the same as before, and there is no need for too many words at this time.

After Su Xiaolu left home, he walked slowly on the street.

The capital is prosperous, and the streets are all bluestone slabs.

As he was walking, a figure in front of him blocked his way.

When Su Xiaolu turns to the left, the figure also turns to the left; when Su Xiaolu turns to the right, the figure also turns to the right.

Su Xiaolu frowned and raised her head, her frown suddenly relaxed, she was very surprised: "Master,"

Su Xiaolu hugged old man Wu, and burst into tears.

Old man Wu was very happy at first, and his body was hugged as soon as he spoke. In an instant, his whole body was stiff, as motionless as a wooden stake.

He stammered and coaxed: "Okay, okay, girl, don't cry..."

"Is there anything that can be resolved, can we stop crying?"

Old man Wu looked helpless, he turned his head to look at Guiyou, who suddenly moved two steps away from him and stared at him coldly with his hands folded around his chest, he cast a look for help, and signaled Guiyou to twist Su Xiaolu away with his eyes.

Guiyou's expression was flat, he turned a blind eye, and when he lowered his eyes, the tip of his tongue lightly touched his cheek, and then his lips pursed into a small arc.

Su Xiaolu cried for a while, wiped the snot and tears on old man Wu, then sniffed his nose and said with red eyes: "Master, Master Guiyou, are you here to see me?"

Old man Wu nodded: "I haven't seen you for several years, so I came to see you, counting the time, thinking that the results of the scientific examination will come out, so let's take a look."

I haven't seen the little girl for a few years, and she has grown a lot taller. Her once chubby cheeks have become thinner.

The innocent and carefree innocence is gone.

The little girl has sorrow, because she understands more things, so she must be more and more sad.

"Tell the master, what happened to make you so sad?"

Old man Wu asked concerned if he was his only apprentice, although he was not common, but he was also very precious, seeing Su Xiaolu crying sadly, with big tears falling down, old man Wu felt distressed.

While walking, Su Xiaolu told old man Wu and Guiyou about this helpless matter.

Guiyou didn't speak out and kept silent.

The old man Wu sighed and said: "Girl, in this world, the most difficult thing to say is a word of love, in which countless strands of cutting and unreasonable struggle make people painful and happy. What about your parents? People with a strong temperament, but everything they do has their own reasons, and the decisions they make are all made after weighing."

"As a daughter, it's reasonable for you to worry and care about them."

Old man Wu couldn't help but reached out and rubbed Su Xiaolu's hair, he was kind and gentle.

"We also do all the things we can do, so that we don't regret it in our hearts, not to stop something. Your parents no longer need people to make decisions for them. Respect and accept whatever decision they want. Master can only say this to you, let’s settle this matter, bid farewell to them, and go wandering in this vast world.”

After old man Wu finished speaking, he smiled gently at Su Xiaolu.

Su Xiaolu nodded: "Well, thank you master."

Speaking out the uncomfortable emotions in his heart, Su Xiaolu has already recovered a lot.

I haven't seen old man Wu for many years, and the joy has been greater than the sadness.

Su Xiaolu grabbed old man Wu's hand and took his pulse by the way.

Old Man Wu stroked his beard and said, "How is it? Is the old man in good health?"

Su Xiaolu nodded: "Master is in excellent health."

There is nothing wrong with old man Wu's health, but he is not strong either.

Birth, aging, sickness and death are natural laws that all living things cannot escape.

No one is an exception.

Su Xiaolu looked at Guiyou: "Master Guiyou, are you in good health?"

Gui You said lightly, "Very good."

Old man Wu blew his beard and said, "What a fart, I met a group of bandits in the mountains not long ago, and almost lost the fight. If it weren't for the old man and my resourcefulness, these two old lives would have to be confessed."


Guiyou gave a faint 'hmm', which is an understatement.

Su Xiaolu couldn't help asking: "Master, what's the situation? Is there still a return master who can't win?"

Old man Wu coughed lightly and said, "It's just a den of laughing bandits, with only a few hundred people. Some people in it are sick. The master happened to be caught collecting medicine. When Guiyou came to rescue him, he broke in and killed hundreds of people. Rescued me, but he pissed off the whole den, and in the end, I moved something in the water source and poured out all their medicines."

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