Transmigrated As A Delicate Bundle Of Luck For A Farming Family

Chapter 470: The Zhao family recovers memory 2

Chapter 470 Zhao's Restoration of Memory 2

Chapter 470 Zhao's Restoration of Memory 2

"He himself has suffered a lot of injuries. If he was young, what would this man be? After all, he is still old, and his speed is not as fast as before."

Old man Wu glanced at Guiyou.

Guiyou's expression remained calm, and he said, "You mean the time when I killed more than four hundred bandits and you poured three medicines?"

Su Xiaolu: "..."

Wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh, she admitted that she was much happier all of a sudden.

Old man Wu raised his chin, and hummed arrogantly: "Hmph."

Guiyou glanced at Su Xiaolu, pursed his lips and nodded lightly, without saying a word.

They went back to the Su residence together.

Old man Wu looked at the house, nodded and said: "Not bad, not bad, when the family gets the news, it will probably be a serious illness."

Old man Wu didn't say anything, and Su Xiaolu also knew who the family he was talking about was.

Su Hua won the number one prize. Although Su Chong did not pass the exam, he was also a famous candidate. It is rare to appear in a family.

The news hasn't come back yet, but the news will come.

How many people dream of being the number one scholar?

Even if it is a scholarly family, it is difficult to produce a champion. With such news, Mr. Su will naturally regret it.

The Su family will also be angry and regretful.

Su Xiaolu opened the door to go home, she said to the family servants: "These two are my masters."

After letting the servants recognize him as familiar, Su Xiaolu settled down to live with old man Wu.

Su Xiaoling also came to see her, and old man Wu waved his hand: "Girl Xiaoling, how are you doing these days?"

Su Xiaoling nodded: "Thank you uncle for your concern, I'm fine, how are the two uncles?"

Old man Wu nodded: "We are all fine."

Guiyou just nodded.

Old man Wu and Guiyou went to see Su Sanlang and Zhao Shi together.

Neither Su Sanlang nor Mrs. Zhao expected that old man Wu and Gui You would come to the capital, Mrs. Zhao was a little embarrassed.

Su Sanlang greeted with a gentle smile: "Mr. Guiyou, Brother Wu, you are here."

Old man Wu and Guiyou nodded.

After saying hello, old man Wu and Guiyou went back to their room to rest.

Mrs. Zhao came out quickly, and went to the kitchen with Su Xiaoling to cook.

Old man Wu and Guiyou are here, how can they not cook by themselves.

In the afternoon, Su Chongsuhua came back.

Guiyou immediately checked Su Chong's skills.

After checking Su Chong, Guiyou looked at Su Xiaolu: "Girl, bring the sword."

Seeing that Su Xiaolu was not in a good mood before, it is much better now.

Su Chong is already better than blue, and to what extent Su Xiaolu has reached, Guiyou still doesn't know.

But after fighting, he was also surprised, the little girl has improved a lot, this level of improvement can be said to be better than when she was studying before.

at dinner time.

Old man Wu and Guiyou were drinking wine, Su Sanlang, Su Chong and Su Hua were all accompanying.

Old man Wu was very happy: "Not bad."

Once a silly boy, he has grown up and has wisdom in his eyes.

After eating, Su Sanlang said: "Brother Chong, Brother Hua, Xiaoling Xiaolu, father and mother want to talk about one thing."

He supports Zhao's decision, but this decision should also be known to the children.

Su Chong and Su Hua all knew that they had thoughts between their brows, but they didn't ask any questions in a tacit understanding.

Su Sanlang said it with a smile, and he said: "Father has thought about this decision for a long time, long before that, father has thought about it, if this was ten years ago, father would not support your mother to make such a decision, It's just that now that you've all grown up, your parents don't have to worry about you anymore, the family is fairly rich, and the money left in your hands can take a few lifetimes to your parents."

"So father supports your mother in making this decision. Without past memory, it is incomplete. Even if this incident did not happen, there will be other things. This decision will not disappear, it is only a matter of time, although there is a great risk , but parents have already thought about it, if it succeeds, the knot in parents' hearts will be untied, if it fails, then it will not be troubled by it in the future."

Su Sanlang looked at Mrs. Zhao, the corners of his mouth were raised up, showing a smile.

Old man Wu and Guiyou didn't interrupt.

Su Chong, Su Hua and the others looked at each other.

Su Xiaoling was already in tears.

Mrs. Zhao also cried, and she choked up and said, "Mother, I'm sorry."

She wanted to be selfish and give her all to herself.

Su Chong sighed: "I don't blame Mother, just do whatever Mother wants. Human life is too short, it's a pity to leave regrets."

Su Chong couldn't say anything to stop him, even he himself would be obsessed with things he was obsessed with, wouldn't he also embarrass his parents, if he didn't say who he liked, wouldn't his parents also respect him.

Therefore, the same thing he can do, so can parents.

Su Hua smiled gently and said: "Brother is right, a person's life is not long, you can do it without leaving regrets, parents don't have to worry about us, we have grown up, we are doing what we want to do , as long as parents can do what they want, we will always be one family."

No matter what happens, they are family.

Su Xiaoling wiped away tears, smiled and said: "I support mother."

Su Xiaolu smiled sweetly, and said seriously: "Me too

. "

Su Sanlang smiled gratifiedly.

Zhao also smiled with tears.

After making a decision, Su Xiaolu asked Mrs. Zhao to take a good bath and wash, to relax her body and mind.

When night fell, Su Xiaolu came to administer acupuncture for Mrs. Zhao.

Mrs. Zhao was ready. She changed into comfortable clothes and her hair was draped, and she was ready for the next treatment in the most comfortable state.

Su Sanlang waited by the bedside.

Su Xiaoling, Su Chong and Su Hua were all in the room. They didn't come because they didn't want to put too much pressure on Mrs. Zhao.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

Su Xiaolu took out the silver needle, she looked into Zhao's eyes, and said with a smile: "Mother, no matter how painful memories you are stuck in, you must always remember that you have four children now, and one of them loves you." Husband, remember us, please? Don’t get lost in those pains, those memories, it’s just your past, you’ve come over.”

Zhao nodded with tears in her eyes: "Okay."

One needle pierced between Zhao's eyebrows, followed by another.

Zhao Shi slowly closed her eyes, Su Xiaolu wiped Zhao Shi's tears with a handkerchief.

The silver needles pierced the important acupuncture points one by one, a total of thirty-six needles, before Su Xiaolu stopped.

"Father, let's wait for Mother to wake up together."

Su Xiaolu smiled slightly at Su Sanlang and said.

Su Sanlang nodded, not long after, Su Chong, Suhua and Su Xiaoling all came over, the family sat by the bed, quietly waiting for Mrs. Zhao to get through this difficulty.

Zhao's face gradually turned pale, she began to sweat, and her lips trembled.

Su Sanlang held her hand and kissed her lightly, and said softly, "Mother, don't be afraid, those things are over, now you have me and your children."

"All of us are with you, waiting for you to come home." Su Sanlang looked at Zhao Shi affectionately, and whispered softly.

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