Transmigrated As A Delicate Bundle Of Luck For A Farming Family

Chapter 472 Zhao's Restoration of Memory 4

Chapter 472 Zhao's Restoration of Memory 4

Chapter 472 Zhao's Restoration of Memory 4

She didn't really want to go, but Qi Xinyue said she had to go, it was to pray for her future happiness, and she had to ask for a marriage lottery in person to be effective.

The nanny persuaded her not to go, but the nanny had deep worries in her eyes, she said, "Miss, you have such a marriage contract, why worry about unhappy future, ask for a signature, why don't you ask for a signature for your son after marriage"

She blushed, she thought it made sense.

But when the day came, Qi Xinyue still came to call her, she was very gentle, touched her cheek and said softly, "Time flies, you have grown up, that temple has your mother's longevity card, go to worship bye. '

She couldn't refuse this reason, so in just a few breaths, she changed her mind and decided to go.

Both the nanny and the maid wanted to stop her, but there was no time and opportunity, so she avoided their worried eyes and left the mansion with Qi Xinyue.

Only she and Qi Xinyue, after leaving the mansion, Xiaodao gradually deserted.

Qi Xinyue's face was very cold.

The carriage had been driving for two hours, but she was already in a panic, and asked worriedly, 'Mother, are you here yet? '

She has always been called Qi Xinyue Niang.

She asked, Qi Xinyue looked at her coldly, and suddenly reached out to pinch her chin, not at all afraid of pinching her, she heard Qi Xinyue's indifferent and disgusted voice, 'Don't call me mother, you were not born by me. '

'Do you know how much I hate you? Why do you deserve such a good marriage? You deserve such a good marriage. What do you want my daughter to do in the future? She won't have such a good marriage, won't she be suppressed by you for the rest of her life. '

'How can you have such a good life, you killed your mother when you were born, you shouldn't be alive, you still want to marry a good person, do you see yourself worthy? '

Qi Xinyue suddenly changed her face ferociously, and she was terrified.

She cried, she begged for mercy, and admitted her mistake.

The carriage stopped, and Qi Xinyue grabbed her by the hair and dragged her out of the carriage. She saw a dozen fierce men. They were very dark, with fierce eyes and many scars.

Qi Xinyue took out the money box and gave it to them, she said viciously, 'Take her away, the farther away from the capital the better. '

Frightened and helpless, she cried and begged, "Mother, don't do this to me. I beg you. I won't marry the Sun family. I won't marry him, okay?"

No amount of pleading is of any use.

Qi Xinyue pushed her away fiercely, and she fell into the grass by the side of the road, something pricked her palm, the pain was far less than the panic in her heart.

Qi Xinyue kicked her away, turned around and left without mercy.

The servants who drove over realized that the stone platform was wrong and wanted to run away, but were chased by the bandits and hacked to death twice.

She also wanted to run, but she was caught before taking two steps. They rudely dragged her onto the horse, and then quickly left.

The fierce horse galloped, and all her calls for help were drowned in the rapid wind.

She heard some thugs laughing and saying, "Damn, this bitch is so white, the noble daughter of the official family, our brothers are lucky"

"Let's talk nonsense, let's run for ten days and a half months first. Madam Yan can talk about it. Her grandfather has a strong army. Let's not run far. When the time comes, we will be hunted down and caught. There is only one dead end. If we want to enjoy the beauty, we will go around three cities and five times." Besides, it’s in our hands anyway, you can do whatever you want, if you’re tired of playing, find a corner and sell it to earn some wine money’

The memory reappeared, and Zhao Shi panicked and frightened. Like Yan Mian, she was terrified.

My heart is full of fear.

Zhao feels very painful, because these are all things she has experienced.

Once, she was Yan Mian, she suffered all this, she thought about it countless times, how did she get to Furong Island in the first place, passed through so many counties, and finally arrived at Nanshan Village.

Now the truth is in front of her, and she is about to be unraveled one by one. She is in great pain.

She was crying bitterly, and the running hummer stopped for some reason.

Zhao felt a splitting headache, and she knew it was her cause. She was afraid and flinched, so that part of the memory no longer moved forward.

She felt so painful. In her mind, it was as if someone was hitting with a heavy hammer. The pain, the pain made her want to die.

She knew she shouldn't stop.

Mrs. Zhao kept thinking silently in her heart, this is a thing of the past, it has already passed, her future is very happy, she has four children, all of them are very outstanding, the eldest is elected, the second is the champion, and the third daughter is betrothed to The eldest prince, the youngest daughter is a genius doctor.

After repeating it silently over and over again, she finally allowed that part of the memory to move forward.

The thugs took her on the road day after day, but her voice was already hoarse and she couldn't make a sound. She seemed to be sick, day and night, and felt sad all over her body.

When she stopped, when she heard the gangster say, 'Damn, we've run far enough, we can have a good rest and enjoy'.

Zhao's heart tightened, Yan Mian was weak and terrified, there were tears in her eyes, and Zhao's eyes met for a moment, Zhao felt that she couldn't move for a while, her headache was splitting, her throat seemed to be smoking, and her eyes were blurred. Vague.

She heard the heavy footsteps and unbearable laughter, her blurred vision suddenly became clear with the tears rolling down her cheeks, and she saw the thugs walking towards her.

At this moment, she became Yan Mian, she no longer looked at these memories from the perspective of others, she was really in them.

She began to forget everything about being the Zhao family, and completely became the seventeen-year-old Yan Mian.

All the fear and anxiety are really felt.

She had retreated to the corner, and she thought of death.

But she is too much,

He didn't even have the strength to bite his tongue. ,

The thug stepped forward and ripped off her clothes, but cursed in disgust, "Damn, why is this woman so rotten?"

Someone grabbed her hair and let it go in disgust.

She lowered her eyes and looked at her body clearly. For some reason, it was covered with abscesses. She smelled a stench, the smell of pus, blood and pus. Her underwear even adhered to the abscesses.

The thug tore her clothes, pus and blood stained his hands, he was very disgusted, raised his hands angrily, but stopped.

They were all yelling, 'Why is it covered with abscesses and rotted, how do I do this? It's full of pus and blood when you touch it, it's disgusting to death'

'She has only one breath left, and she probably won't survive, mother, no one wants to sell it'

"We ran so far with a burden all the way, killing it like this is not in vain, find someone to sell the tooth, every money is worth, hurry up, lest she rots and dies and loses more"

Because of an unexplained abscess, she has preserved her innocence, but what fate awaits her.

The next day she was sold to Ren Ya for two hundred Wen, Ren Yazi was unwilling to spend more money.

He was afraid that buying the dead would be a waste of money, and the thugs were also afraid that not selling the dead would be a waste of so much effort. Ren Yazi also said that he could cure her first, and the price would be at least several times higher after the cure. But no one was willing to treat her, so the gangster finally sold it.

She was driven into a cage car by Ren Yazi, and she was with some other people with rotten bodies.

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