Transmigrated As A Delicate Bundle Of Luck For A Farming Family

Chapter 493 Take Your Fiancee to the Tanabata Festival

Chapter 493

Chapter 493

Sun Baoshan said loudly: "It's Qixi Festival today, the capital is very lively, I want to go out for a stroll."

"The Qixi Festival in the capital is much more lively than in the town. My sister and I have never been to the capital, so it's normal to want to go and have a look."

Sun Baoshan glanced at Sun Baoqian, he showed his small white teeth: "Sister, I'm right."

Sun Baoqian was more reserved, she smiled and said nothing.

"It's just that you are playful. You are new to the capital, and you are not familiar with the capital. After the Qixi Festival, you will be fine. There will be various good times during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and there will be opportunities for you to see enough."

Lian said softly that she still didn't want Sun Baoshan to go out at this time. The family has not settled down yet, and this place is unfamiliar to her. Lian's heart is not at ease. Let him go out and play.

Sun Baoshan moved his mouth, looked at Su Hua and said, "Mother, isn't there second brother here? He must be familiar with him after he has been in the capital for half a year."

After Sun Baoshan finished speaking, he smiled slyly at Su Hua, and said flatteringly: "Second brother, my good second brother, hurry up and say something, and your mother will agree, by the way, I am not me Going out alone, my sister also wants to go, good second brother, please show kindness and take us around, two hours is enough."

Su Hua was very helpless. He looked at Sun Bocheng, Sun Ziqian and Lian Shi, and said seriously: "Grandpa Sun, Uncle and Aunt, since the younger brother and Qian'er both want to play, let me be the guide."

Sun Baoqian blushed, while Sun Baoshan looked at Lian expectantly.

He knew that his mother's consent meant his father's consent, and if his parents agreed, his grandfather would agree, so the most important thing was his mother's consent.

Lian couldn't help it: "I'm afraid of you, take two servants with you when you go out, and follow your second brother closely, don't run around."

Sun Baoshan nodded, "No problem."

Lian looked at her shy and blushing daughter, and then said gently to Su Hua, "Brother Hua, thank you for your hard work."

Su Hua smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, Auntie, I will take good care of them."

It was just after the application time, and after dinner, Sun Baoshan couldn't wait to go out.

Sun Baoqian brought a maid, and Sun Baoshan brought a servant, and they went out with Su Hua.

On the important festival of Qixi Festival, the streets of the capital city can be said to be full of beautiful eyes, and both Sun Baoshan and Sun Baoqian were dazzled.

Guess lantern riddles, engrave small characters, hang red ropes and so on.

On the Qixi Festival, many unmarried couples who are engaged go shopping. After getting engaged, they are allowed to meet occasionally.

Sun Baoshan was full of things in a short while, and the boy who followed him was full soon.

Even Sun Baoqian's maid did not escape. On the contrary, Sun Baoqian just walked quietly with Su Hua.

Su Hua asked Sun Baoqian: "I wrote you a letter, did you receive it?"

Sun Baoqian nodded: "Got it."

She even knew one day earlier than her parents that Su Hua had won the first prize. He said he was very happy in his heart, seeing the clouds in the sky and the flowers and trees on the side of the road. He said he wrote his joy in the letter and hoped that she would see it I can be as happy as he is.

"It's good to receive it, but you didn't reply to me, why?"

Su Hua asked again, his eyes fell on Sun Baoqian's face, watching her long eyelashes tremble, her cheeks flushed, her red lips pressed tightly for a long time but she could not speak.

Not only did he not stop asking, but he asked with a smile and doubts: "Since Qian'er has received the letter, why didn't she reply to me, it made me feel so hesitant."

Sun Baoqian looked up and saw Su Hua's eyes were full of smiles. She knew that she had been fooled, and she was both happy and annoyed. She didn't answer, but quickened her pace and went to the sugar figurine stand in front to buy a small sugar figurine.

Su Hua smiled lightly, followed her footsteps, stayed by her side, and said to the old man who made the sugar figure, "Old man, I want a sugar rabbit."

The sugar figurine was ready quickly, and Sun Baoqian asked for a pony.

The two continued to walk forward, not far ahead, and Sun Baoshan didn't know what he was buying.

Sun Baoqian looked at Su Hua eating candy, and she felt incredible: "I didn't expect you to eat candy."

Su Hua smiled: "I haven't eaten sugar for many years, this time is an exception."

Su Hua seemed to be saying something, but didn't say it.

Sun Baoqian blushed even more.

The prosperity of the capital could not enter her eyes at all, her eyes and heart were all occupied by Su Hua.

Sun Baoshan was finally tired from shopping, and when he saw a small stall that drank cold water, he yelled to eat it, and asked the servants and maids to drink cold water and rest for a while.

While exhaling, Sun Baoshan said to Su Hua and Sun Baoqian: "Second brother, sister, go shopping by yourself, don't go too far, I will rest here for a while."

Sun Baoqian's heart was beating like thunder, she was afraid and looking forward to it, she wanted to refuse but couldn't say it.

Su Hua has already responded with a smile: "Okay, then let's go ahead and have a look."

Sun Baoqian's voice was softer than a mosquito's 'hmm'.

The two walked forward slowly.

After walking for a while, Sun Baoqian noticed that Su Hua had stopped. She was a little puzzled. She looked up and saw that his eyes were full of smiles. Not far away.

Many couples of men and women, talking and laughing, went to spend money to buy a red ribbon, and then walked to the tree with a smile, and they tied the red ribbon to the tree by themselves.

on the branches.

There are already countless red ribbons on this tree. Some are very new, while others are old. They have lost their fiery red color in the wind and rain, and they are somewhat tattered, but they are still firmly in place. on the branches.

Su Hua said gently: "Qian'er, let's tie one too. I've heard people say it's very effective, especially during Qixi Festival. Thanks to my little brother for helping me today, otherwise we will miss this year's Qixi Festival. "

Sun Baoqian was a little surprised: "Isn't it because of him, little brother—so yesterday he suddenly made a fuss and wanted to hurry because of you—"

Sun Baoqian found it incredible, but she got the answer from the smile overflowing from Su Hua's eyes.

She was pleasantly surprised.

She knew that her face must be very red at this time, and she should look away, but she couldn't bear to look into those smiling eyes, she nodded, and said softly, "Okay."

Sun Baoqian felt that her hand was being held by Su Hua, she bit her lip, Su Hua looked forward and led Sun Baoqian forward.

The two came to a stall selling red ribbons. An old couple selling ribbons looked at every couple who came here to buy red ribbons kindly. Su Hua paid the money, took a ribbon, and held Sun Baoqian went inside and walked towards the marriage tree.

The marriage tree was very big, and in the dark, many people were tying it. Su Hua led Sun Baoqian to an empty place, and gave one end of the ribbon to Sun Baoqian. The two walked around the branches together, and then tied the ribbon together, tying the ribbon into a knot.

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