Falling in love with you, dressing up as a charming little fortune bag

Chapter 494 Su Hua's Promise

Chapter 494 Su Hua's Promise

In the dark, Sun Baoqian knew that Su Hua's eyes were on her, and she was so ashamed that she wished she could find a hole in the ground and get in.

His palm was very hot, and he held her hand tightly and refused to let go.

She heard Su Hua say in a low voice: "Qian'er, we will be like this knot in the future, and we will never be separated for the rest of our lives. No matter what setbacks and difficulties we face in the future, I hereby promise you that I will I will be loyal to you for the rest of my life, you can trust me."

Sun Baoqian was very excited, and she really wanted to agree, but she didn't know what was going on, so she asked coquettishly, "What if you meet a very good woman in the future?"

Su Hua smiled lightly.

Sun Baoqian was a little apprehensive, she really had a convulsion, how could she ask such a question, but after asking, her anticipation exceeded her apprehension, how would he answer?

"It doesn't matter to me that better women are matched by better men."

With a gentle voice, Su Hua looked seriously into Sun Baoqian's eyes so that she could know his feelings.

"What if Qianer meets a better man?"

Su Hua also asked, there are not only better women in this world, but also better men.

Without hesitation, Sun Baoqian blurted out: "There is no better man than you."

In her eyes, besides him, she couldn't pretend to be anyone else.

With such an obvious meaning, Sun Baoqian lowered her eyes, she couldn't believe that she said it.

She heard Su Hua's chuckle: "Xiaosheng is really lucky to have such an evaluation from Qian'er."

Sun Baoqian said softly, "It's time to go back."

She withdrew her hand from Su Hua's hand and walked out first. In this atmosphere, she only felt that her face was burning. If she didn't leave, she was afraid that she would melt.

Su Hua followed behind Sun Baoqian, with a slight smile, walked to Sun Baoqian's left, blocking the road for her to hurry passers-by.

The two returned to Liangshui Tanzi, and Sun Baoshan smiled and shouted: "Sister, second brother, come and have a drink, the weather is really too hot, the capital is much hotter than Yangjiao Town, so I left Yes, after sweating all over the body, drink some cold water and eat some cool fruit, it's really comfortable."

Sun Baoqian sat down next to Sun Baoshan, and Su Hua sat on the other side of Sun Baoshan.

There are mung bean puree, hawthorn ice powder, and some watermelon cubes in the cold water bowl. You can pour a little honey, chill it, and drink a bowl. It is really refreshing in the hot summer.

After drinking, Sun Baoshan said he was going back.

Su Hua sent them home again.

After returning to Sun's residence, Su Hua bid farewell and went home.

Sun Baoshan and Sun Baoqian went back to the yard together, Sun Baoqian asked softly: "When did you get in touch with him, let your parents know, be careful not to get beaten."

Sun Baoshan smiled: "Hee hee, I don't think you read the letter every day, the envelope is almost wrapped. If you don't reply to the second brother, I will reply for you."

"Anyway, you're going to get married soon. When you agree on a date, you will see each other less often. Today is Qixi Festival. What a memorable day."

Sun Baoshan looked at his sister, who was a twin, with envy in his eyes. The elder sister married the person he liked, and he didn't know how to marry the one he liked.

Thinking about it, Sun Baoshan felt a little sad.

"I'm so tired, I'll go back to my room to take a shower and sleep."

Sun Baoshan felt a little stuck, so he found an excuse and got away.

Back in the room, Sun Baoshan began to sort out the things he bought, sorted them one by one, and then took a bath. His health was already good, but he couldn't practice martial arts, so he sighed helplessly.

Su Hua became the No. 1 scholar, which doubled his pressure. Can Su Xiaolu take a fancy to him?

Su Xiaoling is the future princess and concubine, and his eldest brother is also a man of human beings, and he is also good at martial arts. He can't even compare to any of her brothers, so she is only blind to take a fancy to him.

Sun Baoshan sighed and beat the water in the tub, sinking himself into the warm water sullenly.

When Lien came, he didn't see anyone and called softly, "Shan'er, brother Shan."

When Sun Baoqian came out, Lian was startled: "You child, why are you so skinny."

Gently reprimanded Sun Baoshan for being too skinny, but the smile on his face couldn't stop, skin means health and energy.

Sun Baoshan coughed in embarrassment: "Mother, I'm fine, go and rest."

After reading it, Lian felt relieved, and only asked to have a good rest before going out.

After packing up, Sun Baoshan took the secretary to read the book, he thought, even if he is not as good as Su Chongsuhua, he can't be too bad, otherwise he won't even be able to speak about marriage proposal.

It was already dark.

Lian Shi and Sun Ziqian discussed when to visit the Su family.

Lian said softly: "Master, I'm thinking of going to Su's house the day after tomorrow, and try to set the marriage this year. Qian'er should also be married. While she is still young, she can cultivate with Su Hua well after she goes over. emotion."

The longer you spend together, the deeper the relationship will be.

Sun Ziqian pondered for a while and said, "I don't have any objections, but I am a little sighing. Time has passed too fast. Qian'er is about to get married, and it is time for Shan'er to marry a wife."

Speaking of this pair of children, Sun Ziqian often couldn't believe it.

The worry about raising children in the past is gone, and that kind of worry is only occasionally dreamed in a dream.

"Yeah, they're all grown up"

Lian Shi also sighed, his face could not help revealing

Smiling, a thought suddenly popped up in her heart, she shook Sun Ziqian's arm and said, "Master, tell me, what about the Su family's little girl supporting us, Shaner?"

Sun Ziqian was stunned for a moment: "You mean Su Xiaolu?"

Lian laughed: "The Su family still has a few daughters, Su Xiaoling betrothed to the royal family, so only Su Xiaolu is left."

"Our brother Shan is also a good-looking talent, and he is not bad in everything, but I don't know if Su Xiaolu has feelings for our Shan'er. Last year, thinking that Su Xiaolu was still too young, I didn't think about it. This head, Su Xiaolu is twelve years old this year, I think I can test Zhao's attitude first, what do you think, Master?"

Lian Shi liked Su Xiaoling and Su Xiaolu very much, when she tested Zhao Shi's attitude at the beginning, she was willing to marry anyone with the two children in her arms.

But at that time, Sun Baoshan told her clearly that he liked Su Xiaolu. Later, Su Hua nodded and agreed to the marriage, and was busy making an engagement for his daughter, so the matter of testing Zhao's tone has been delayed.

Now, Lian Shi wanted to ask Zhao Shi again, if only they could get closer.

"Xiaolu is also a good kid. You can figure it out. Don't take it too seriously. Just ask when you're joking. Even if you don't get closer, our two families are very close. Su Hua will be our half son in the future."

Sun Ziqian thought about it for a while and didn't stop it. It would be better if he could kiss and get closer. If he couldn't, then it doesn't matter.

Lian nodded with a smile: "Okay, don't worry, master, I know what to do."

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