Chapter 499 Reply

"Oh, it's a good thing to ask, Xiong will also see if he can feel happy."

Xiong Cheng smiled, and then asked tentatively.

Su Hua became famous when he was young, and the emperor valued him again. The eldest prince who came back from the palace was also highly valued. Everyone was guessing that in the future Zhou Heng might become a prince, and Xiong would become an official. Neutral, but also uses his gentle temperament to walk around with ministers extensively.

He does the same with Su Hua.

Su Hua smiled and said: "Of course, I'm afraid Mr. Xiong will spend a few more times. When my family met two years ago, there was wedding wine. My elder brother is also getting married. The marriage of our two brothers is a big event." If it can be solved perfectly, I’m not happy.”

"Uh...hahaha, so that's the case, that's great, great, it doesn't matter if Xiong spends a few more times."

Xiong Cheng smiled and stroked his beard.

Walking around between drinks and weddings is also a way to get closer. Su Hua's half-joking tone not only explained the reason, but also invited him, and Xiong Cheng was also happy.

From these little things, he can feel Su Hua's shrewdness.

The younger generation is awesome, but it's a pity that the team is too early. If it fails, the consequences will not be too good.

But seeing Su Hua work hard, Xiong Cheng couldn't help but praise him for his courage and insight. He and Zhou Heng had a friendship for nearly ten years. If Zhou Heng came to the throne in the future, Su Hua's status would naturally go without saying.

He is not as courageous as the boy, he should seek stability and maintain his neutrality.

Su Hua also smiled, and said, "I will be waiting for you then."

With peace of mind, Su Hua continued to devote himself to handling official affairs, and Xiong Cheng stopped talking too much, and let's do the things in hand together.


After receiving the letter, Su Chong took it to the practice field. He was absent-minded in the morning, and after a quick meal at noon, he avoided Chu Jin and Qi Xingfeng and read the letter.

This is a letter written by Lin Pingsheng to him, very long.

Su Chong watched with excitement, watching Lin Pingsheng express his concerns about his daughter and expectations for him in a fatherly tone, Su Chong's eyes were hot, he substituted himself into Lin Pingsheng, he thought, if his daughter wants to marry people.

With empathy, Su Chong can better understand the weight of this letter.

Lin Pingsheng said many things that he didn't know. He knew what kind of burden he was going to take on, and he knew even more what kind of woman he liked, Lin Yaoyao.

Su Chong only felt that the blood in his heart was boiling, he thought, even if he married Lin Yaoyao, his heart for Lin Yaoyao would have to be proved in the years to come.

The ten years he said are not just words. Sometimes words are weak, but actions are always the best way to prove love.

Su Chong read the letter over and over again, finally folded it, and put it on the chest of his clothes. When he turned his head, he found that Chu Jin and Qi Xingfeng were behind him. He was startled, his face was hot and cramped: " When did you come? Why didn't you make a sound at all. "

Chu Jin and Qi Xingfeng rolled their eyes at the same time, and Chu Jin said: "Please, we have called you several times, but you seem to be dragged away by a ghost. You can't hear us calling you at all."

Su Chong was surprised, is that so? He looked at Qi Xingfeng.

Qi Xingfeng nodded, that's it.

Seeing Su Chong's obsessive look, he and Chu Jin realized that people can really immerse themselves in joy and block out all disturbances.

People can really go to such a state of selflessness.

Su Chong patted his head in embarrassment.

Chu Jin stepped forward, touched Su Chong's shoulder and asked, "Brother Su, what's the good thing?"

Qi Xingfeng also asked: "What is it?"

Su Chong let out a breath, calmed down the excitement in his heart, and then said, "My wish is about to come true. Master told me that Senior Sister Yaoyao agreed to marry me, and he asked me to propose marriage."


Looking at Su Chong, Qi Xingfeng couldn't hide his excitement and joy, and he was also happy for his cousin.

Chu Jin didn't take it seriously: "Didn't I already guess this a long time ago? You are so good, you will definitely succeed. If it is my daughter, if she dares not to marry, I will break her leg—"

Su Chong smiled and said, "Brother Chu, are you serious? Don't wait until your daughter gets married in the future and you will be furious."

Chu Jin's temperament seems to be impetuous, but in fact his heart is very delicate.

Chu Jin smiled embarrassingly: "Hey, what if I don't have a daughter in the future, they are all brats, where am I going to be furious?"

Chu Jin felt that he had been seen through, and he couldn't help but think, if he had a daughter, who would marry her in the future, how could he be willing to force her.

He patted Su Chong on the shoulder and said seriously: "Brother Su, congratulations. When will you get married? I will be in June next year. How about we make an agreement? If you get married before me and me, Qi Xingfeng and I Help you block the wine, when we get married, how about you also help us block the wine. "

On their wedding night, neither of them wanted to get drunk.

However, some of the people who came to have a wedding have a way of drinking, and it is impossible not to drink.

There are many brothers, and the advantage of blocking alcohol comes out.

Chu Jin has no brothers, and Qi Xingfeng's younger brother is weak and cannot resist drinking.

Befriending Su Chong, he felt that Su Chong's drinking power was very good, so he came up with this idea.

Su Chong nodded: "OK."

This is a matter of mutual benefit, Su Chong naturally agreed.

The three of them trained for a whole day before leaving.

When Su Chong came home, he always took his clothes with him when he walked.


Both Su Sanlang and Mrs. Zhao could see that Su Chong was in a good mood, which was contagious, although they didn't know what Su Chong was happy about.

Su Hua's smile was unclear.

Su Xiaolu looked at Su Chong, then at Su Chong, she smiled and asked: "Brother, you look so happy today, what are you happy about?"

When Su Xiaolu asked, everyone in the family looked at Su Chong.

Su Chong smiled and said, "I do have something to tell you."

"Father, mother, I want to marry Lin Yaoyao, please agree with my parents."

Su Chong stood up and looked at Su Sanlang and Zhao Shi with a serious and serious expression.

Both Su Sanlang and Zhao Shi were stunned.

It took a while to recover, Su Sanlang repeated: "You said you like Lin Yaoyao, you want to marry her?"

Mrs. Zhao also came back to her senses, she was a little confused: "But she is so much older than you, how could you like her?"

Both husband and wife knew that Su Chong had someone in his heart, but they never thought that this person would be Lin Yaoyao.

There is too much age difference, and I don't think about it at all.

But Su Chong stood in front of them, every word came from his heart, he was so serious.

Both Su Xiaoling and Su Xiaolu couldn't help but fell silent.

Zhao's eyes showed worry, she frowned and said: "She is too—"

Inappropriate three words, Zhao still couldn't say it, she was a little sad, all she could think about was one sentence, how could it be Lin Yaoyao, why was it Lin Yaoyao?

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