Falling in love with you, dressing up as a charming little fortune bag

Chapter 500 Consent

Su Sanlang sighed, looked at Su Chong and asked calmly: "Brother Chong, are you serious? Have you really made up your mind?"

"Lin Yaoyao is so much older than you, have you really decided to marry her?"

Every word Su Sanlang asked was heavy.

Su Sanlang couldn't help holding Zhao Shi's hand from under the table to reassure Zhao Shi.

Su Chong's eyes didn't flinch, he looked at Su Sanlang and Zhao Shi, and said loudly: "Yes, I want to marry her, I want to marry her, please parents help me."

Su Sanlang had unspeakable emotions in his heart, and for a while he didn't know how to face such a stubborn son.

There was anxiety in Zhao's eyes, she frowned and asked: "Brother Chong, do Master Lin and the others agree? You and Yaoyao are nearly ten years apart, this is not just your wish."

Su Chong pursed his lips and said with a smile: "Father, mother, if she is not willing, and the master agrees, how could I say it."

Both Su Sanlang and Zhao Shi were startled, the husband and wife held hands tightly, and they looked at each other, then Su Sanlang said to Su Chong: "Brother Chong, this matter is not trivial, let your parents think about it carefully." Do you want to do it?"

Su Chong nodded: "OK."

Su Chong got up and went back to his room.

Su Xiaolu and Su Xiaoling also went back to their room quietly.

Su Huajing sat still.

Su Sanlang and Mrs. Zhao looked at him, Su Sanlang asked calmly: "Brother Hua, did you already know?"

Su Hua nodded: "I've known it for a while."

He also found out that after he took office, he had useful people around him while investigating various forces in the court, and found out that Su Chong was involved.

Zhao Shi sighed.

Su Sanlang also sighed lightly.

Su Hua said: "Father, mother, elder brother can't stop this matter. Eldest brother likes senior sister not on impulse. Master's family has known for a long time that master and mother are also worried about what father and mother are worried about. They have tested elder brother. In the test Only after passing through did I reveal their wishes to my eldest brother, and my eldest brother is very firm in his heart."

"Senior sister is much older than him, but if I like him, I like him. I hope that my elder brother can live happily. I know what my parents are worried about. I will bear the burden of continuing the incense of the Su family. If my senior sister can give birth to a son and a half daughter Even better, if not, as long as she and elder brother are in love until the end of life, my son will take on the responsibility of being a son and take care of their funeral affairs."

Su Hua was very firm, and he expressed his determination to Su Sanlang and Zhao Shi.

"You have all grown up, you are sensible, and you don't need your parents to worry about it. They also believe that you understand what you are doing. Neither father nor mother will stop this matter. Your elder brother is not young anymore. If you encounter even greater difficulties, how can your parents stop you? Don't worry, your parents will send a letter to Master Lin to hire you soon."

Mrs. Zhao said gently that she was reluctant to stop her, and she was reluctant to let her child feel lonely and sad.

They were just too surprised.

Su Hua was very steady. He lowered his head and said, "Thank you, Mom and Dad. It's our blessing to be their children."

Su Sanlang and Zhao Shi smiled slightly, and they went back to the room together.

After returning to the room, Su Sanlang and Mrs. Zhao sat down at the table.

After pondering for a while, Su Sanlang took Zhao Shi's hand and said softly: "It's also very good, Yaoyao is a mature and sensible child, and Brother Chong will not have to worry about the house in the future."

Mrs. Zhao sighed: "It's pretty good."

Lin Yaoyao is very good, they all agree, but this kind of kindness is different from being a daughter-in-law.

Lin Yaoyao is very knowledgeable and arrogant. Many women envy her, but there are also many women who look down on her, thinking that it is useless for her to study so many books, and it means that she cannot get married.

Zhao shi was actually very distressed by these remarks, and she also hoped that Lin Yaoyao would have a confidant to spend her life with.

But this person is her son, as a mother, she has to think more.

Whether Lin Yaoyao can still have children, whether she can let go of her arrogance and become a caring little woman for her husband, etc.

The most worrying thing is that Lin Yaoyao will not be able to have children, and if she does not have a baby, she will be the biggest excuse. She is very clear about how ugly the words others say behind their backs are. Can Lin Yaoyao resist these things? Can Brother Chong resist?

It is false to say that you don't care. No one doesn't care. People have feelings, and if they have feelings, they will be hurt by words.

"Mother, don't worry so much. You forgot that when Xiao Xing was born, the younger siblings were not too young."

Su Sanlang patted Zhao's shoulder lightly and said.

When Qian gave birth to Chen Xing, she was already in her thirties, and before that, she had already given birth to Chen Daniu, Chen Erniu and Chen Shi, so it was inevitable that Lin Yaoyao would not be able to give birth to a son and a half daughter.

"It's because I thought too much. You're right. Let's write to Mrs. Lin earlier to try to get him and Yaoyao married as soon as possible. Last year, he said that he had a sweetheart, and it should be Yaoyao. He It's not easy to get the approval of Lin Fuzi's family, we are his parents, let alone stop him."

Mrs. Zhao smiled slightly, calmed down and thought about it, she couldn't do anything to stop her.

The person in Su Chong's heart is Lin Yaoyao, she is not willing to stop her.

The couple looked at each other and smiled, making up their minds.

The next day, the couple asked Su Hua to write a letter on behalf of them. In the letter, they expressed their intention to propose marriage to Lin Pingsheng and Chen Shi, and promised the same dowry as Su Hua's betrothal Sun Baoqian, expressing the fact that they are a couple. The importance of marriage.

Su Sanlang handed the letter to Su Chong and asked him to deliver it.

Su Chong didn't say anything, just knelt down and kowtowed three times to Su Sanlang and Mrs. Zhao. He knew that his parents nodded because they loved him too much.

Su Sanlang and Mrs. Zhao helped Su Chong up, Mrs. Zhao said gently, "Go quickly."

Her son has grown so stalwart, what is there for her to be dissatisfied with?

The hardest thing about being a human being is to follow your heart and do things. There are enough difficulties for children in this world. If they are parents, it would be too hard for them to make things difficult.

Su Chong smiled, with the word "happy" written in his eyebrows and eyes, he nodded heavily, then got up and quickly ran out.

Su Sanlang and Zhao Shi also laughed.

Su Sanlang held Zhao Shi's hand tightly, and said gently: "Look at the children well, and let us feel well."

Zhao nodded.

The husband and wife went out together, and they also showed joy.

On the way there, Mrs. Qian asked softly: "Sister-in-law, you are smiling all the time today, but what's the matter?"

Chen Hu took a look and found that Su Sanlang was also smiling, so he couldn't help asking: "Brother, is there really a good thing?"

Su Sanlang smiled and nodded: "It's a good thing, brother Chong will be engaged soon."

Chen Hu and Qian Shi were also happy when they heard it, and Qian Shi immediately asked, "Who's the girl?"

Mrs. Zhao said to Mrs. Qian with a smile, "You all know each other. It's none other than Lin Yaoyao, the daughter of Master Lin's family."

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