Chapter 504 Subtle Changes

Chapter 504 Subtle Changes

Su Xiaolu thought about it, and called Su Xiaoling to come, such a good thing, it will be bad if it is spoiled, if it is cooked, the whole family can eat it, and the whole family can get nourishment.

Su Xiaoling had never seen such a fish before, so he cut the fish lightly, scraped off the fish meat, and made a fish broth.

Slowly steamed over low heat, steamed like egg custard.

There is no need to add any condiments, and you will be amazed by its taste after taking a bite, the original flavor is fresh and tender.

Su Xiaoling said softly: "Little Deer, this fish is really delicious. I can't compare it with any fish I have ever seen. Moreover, the meat of this fish makes people feel very comfortable. I have done so Multi-medicinal diet, it is like medicinal diet, but it does not need any medicinal materials, it is the best medicine in itself."

Su Xiaoling searched in his mind, and then looked at Su Xiaolu and asked: "Xiaolu, where did this come from, is it easy to get?"

Su Xiaolu said it patiently, and Su Xiaoling sighed helplessly after hearing this, "If it's not good, then its value will be even more precious.

"Xiaolu, how is Zhou Zhi's health?"

Su Xiaoling divided the fish and asked calmly.

The fish is divided into six portions so that the whole family can eat one portion.

"He's in good health, and he should be fine after detoxifying the residual poison a few times."

Su Xiaolu held a small bowl and said while enjoying it slowly.

When Su Xiaoling asked, she didn't think too much about it. What she was more puzzled about now was whether this fish with aura had existed in the sea before, or it just appeared recently.

Su Xiaoling was slightly relieved, Zhou Zhi sent such a valuable thing to Su Xiaolu, she was afraid that he might be up to no good, but Su Xiaolu was not unusual at all, so she felt more relieved.

It will be fine after a few more detoxification, and there will not be many intersections between Su Xiaolu and him.

Su Xiaolu was full, she felt a little sleepy, so she went back to her room first.

She quickly fell asleep, her body began to gradually become hot, her consciousness sank into space, and Su Xiaolu didn't wake up, so she didn't know that spiritual energy was rushing into her body.

After Su Xiaoling arranged the fish, she went back to her room. She first tested Su Xiaolu's forehead, it was slightly hot, but it was much better than the previous few times. Su Xiaolu slept soundly, and it seemed that there was no major problem. Did not wake her up.

In the middle of the night, Su Xiaoling tested Su Xiaolu's body temperature, and Su Xiaoling was relieved when there was no fever.

She yawned and fell asleep.

Waking up the next morning, Su Xiaoling felt sticky all over her body, as if she was sweating. She was a little depressed because she didn't feel hot last night.

Called for a hot shower.

Su Xiaolu also took a shower when she got up, feeling refreshed.

Not only them, Su Sanlang and Mrs. Zhao both took a shower in the morning.

After taking a bath, I feel my body is light and very comfortable.

While eating breakfast, Su Chong couldn't help asking: "Xiao Ling, where did you get the fish from last night? Is there any more? It tastes delicious, and I feel much more comfortable. Is it medicinal food?"

Su Chong felt full of energy, it was so comfortable.

Su Hua also looked at Su Xiaoling. He thought, if he got it easily, he would send some to Sun's family. Sun Baoqian's body is not strong, but rather weak. These are good for the body, so eating more is good.

Su Xiaoling smiled and said: "No, Xiaolu brought it back from Ming Palace. It is said that it is a new species of fish salvaged in Qinghai, Wuzhou, which is not common."

Su Chong felt a little pity, it was rare and rare, if he had known that he ate slowly last night, now he couldn't even remember what the fish tasted like.

Su Sanlang and Zhao Shi also had some aftertaste, but they are not greedy people, knowing that it is not common, so they did not say anything, but in their hearts, they have a lot of good feelings for Zhou Zhi.

After dinner, Su Sanlang and Mrs. Zhao went out as usual, and Su Chong and Su Hua also went out.

Su Xiaolu was still fiddling with her herbs in the yard.

Su Xiaoling also helped.

Su Xiaolu got annoyed with the beating, so she shook her hands and quit. She set her sights on Fennel and Doufu. They have been here for so long, and usually they don't talk much, and they hardly have a sense of presence.

Su Xiaolu thought that they were training hidden guards after all, so they should have some hidden illness, so Su Xiaolu waved and said, "Fenix, Doufu, come here, I'll give you a pulse."

Fennel and Doufu approached, and Su Xiaolu asked them to sit down.

She began to feel the pulse one by one.

Sure enough, as she expected, fennel and bean curd had old diseases, one was on the leg and the other was on the elbow.

Su Xiaolu began to give them needles, and the two were at a loss.

Su Xiaoling said gently: "It's okay, Xiaolu is a doctor, she will cure you."

After Su Xiaoling spoke, Doufu and Fennel accepted it peacefully.

Su Xiaolu said after giving the two people the needles: "During this time, the training should be reduced."

Doufu and Fennel didn't speak, Su Xiaolu said directly to Su Xiaoling: "Sister, you talk to them."

Doufu and Anise are not as mentally powerful as ordinary people, they are a bit dull, they will only listen to Su Xiaoling's words, in a way, they are not complete people, Su Xiaolu thinks that they may have taken some kind of irreversible drugs when they were young, which will inhibit the development of brain power , to make other abilities more outstanding, and over time, they will become the most loyal hidden guards.

Everything is subject to the order of the master.

Su Xiaoling looked at the two of them

Mouth: "During this period of time, there is no need to train. Practice after recovering from old injuries."

As soon as Su Xiaoling spoke, Fennel and Doufu nodded.

Su Xiaolu put away the needle, and after putting away all the crushed herbs, she went to take a nap.

After falling asleep, her consciousness sank into the space, and Su Xiaolu woke up slowly. She sat by the spiritual spring and meditated. She could feel that the spiritual energy in the space seemed to be more abundant.

She looked at the medicinal herbs that had been planted, and every one of them grew very well, and she could feel the aura when she just tore a leaf and chewed it.

She walked along the edge of the land, only to realize that the space had expanded a bit.

Su Xiaolu sighed a few times, then silently picked up a hoe and planted the half acre of land that had grown out. She had a vague feeling that something had changed in this world. It wasn't a big sensation, but it was indeed changing silently. .

Su Xiaolu doesn't know whether it's good or bad. As a small human being living in the world, all she can do is try to live her own life well.

Coming out of the space, Su Xiaolu ate some snacks, and then began to practice sword.

She will also go to the next door to teach Chen Xing how to practice swords. Chen Shi has already enrolled, and he will also practice when he returns home from school.

In the afternoon, Su Xiaolu would take an hour to practice breathing, and circulate the inner breath in the body over and over again. She found that her meridians seemed to be enlarged, and the inner breath was running smoothly and comfortably.

Su Xiaolu thought deeply, went back to the house, took a pen and paper, wrote a letter, took it out and sent it away.

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