Chapter 505 Su Chong's Marriage

Chapter 505 Su Chong's Marriage

Soon, the second brother and the third sister are going to get married, she doesn't want to miss their marriage, but there is something abnormal in Wuzhou Nanhai, Su Xiaolu still writes to tell old man Wu, old man Wu and Guiyou are traveling together, Su Xiaolu said that Yurou also talked about the changes in his body, and old man Wu should take care of it.

Just treat it as playing, if you can get a fish to eat, that would be even better.

In mid-September, Lin Pingsheng and Chen Shi brought Lin Yaoyao into the capital.

Lin Pingsheng visited Chu Leizhen with his wife and daughter.

After Wen settled them down, she enthusiastically put her arms around Chen's neighbor, and gently called her 'sister-in-law'.

"Thank you, I will bother you again this time."

Mrs. Chen is very grateful to Mrs. Wen. The friendship she met back then is still there after so many years. No matter who it is, it is very precious.

Wen said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, you're being polite, don't bother me, I wish you could stay here forever."

The Wen family knew that the Lin family came to Beijing this time to discuss Lin Yaoyao's marriage.

Chen Shi smiled slightly.

Lin Pingsheng asked Chu Leizhen some questions and gave him some opinions, and Chu Leizhen respectfully thanked him.

In the evening, when Chu Jin went home, he saw Lin Pingsheng's family. He stopped playing around and greeted them respectfully.

When he found a chance, he secretly asked Wen Shi, Wen Shi told the truth, and Chu Jin couldn't help laughing: "So that's the case, then Brother Su must be very happy to know."

Wen said to Chu Jin seriously: "Jin'er, this matter is important, don't talk nonsense, Mr. Lin's borrowing in our house is only temporary, I don't want you to do anything to make Mr. Lin unhappy."

"Don't worry, mother. I know. I think Miss Lin is really boring. Brother Su married her, and he doesn't know how to live."

As Chu Jin spoke, he couldn't help but sigh.

Wen slapped him and said in a cold voice: "You are not her, you can't see her funny side, that's all, I don't want to talk about you, if you dare to cause trouble for me, I will not recognize her. "

Chu Jin touched his head and nodded softly: "Mother, don't worry, my son will definitely not cause trouble."

He was just wondering about Su Chong.

He felt that Lin Yaoyao was very old and boring, and really ruined such a good son of Su Chong for nothing, but he would not do anything excessive, at most he was bewitching Su Chong not to be in the same tree. Hanged from a tree.

If Su Chong only believed that Lin Yaoyao would not be bewitched by him, there was nothing he could do.

Lin Pingsheng asked someone to deliver a letter to the Su family the next day, agreeing to visit him tomorrow.

Su Sanlang and Zhao received the letter in the morning.

After reading it, Su Sanlang couldn't help saying: "Master Lin is too polite, I'm very happy when he comes."

Su Sanlang respects Lin Pingsheng very much. In his opinion, his two children are able to have what they are today, except for their own hard work, everything else is due to Lin Pingsheng. His hard work in teaching makes the children what they are today.

Lin Pingsheng is a good teacher and very responsible.

Mrs. Zhao smiled slightly and said, "Master Lin, it's not about politeness, it's about etiquette. Brother Chong and Brother Hua are different now."

Su Sanlang didn't understand, but Mrs. Zhao did.

Su Sanlang smiled: "It's okay, tomorrow will be tomorrow."

Su Sanlang and Zhao did not tell Su Chong them.

So the next morning, after Su Chong and Su Hua left home, Su Sanlang and Mrs. Zhao hadn't gone out yet, Su Xiaolu was a little surprised.

Mrs. Zhao said gently to Su Xiaolu and Su Xiaoling: "Mr. Lin's family has come to Beijing. Today they and their husbands and wives are going to come to our house to discuss your elder brother and Yaoyao's marriage, so parents will not go out today. They will come later. Yes, you sisters also come to say hello."

Su Xiaolu and Su Xiaoling nodded.

Just at noon, Lin Pingsheng and Mrs. Chen came.

Su Xiaolu saluted respectfully, and Su Xiaoling also saluted.

Lin Pingsheng nodded gently: "Young girl Xiaolu, you don't need to be too polite, girl Xiaoling."

Mrs. Chen also smiled gently at them. Speaking of which, the children of the Su family were all grown up under their own eyes.

Who would have thought that the two once ordinary children would have such great promise now.

Su Hua's future is shocking and surprising.

There are rumors about the Su family's affairs in Yangjiao Town, because Su Hua won the first prize, and it has been discussed for a long time.

Because of this incident, the relationship between many families has improved, and the elders no longer treat the younger generations so harshly. As a result, every family is harmonious and beautiful.

Everyone has worked together, the relationship has been eased, and the children have more smiles. Even if there is no great good, everyone feels that life is better. After all, everyone hopes that their juniors can become the next Su Hua, but they don't want to Become the next Mr. Su's family.

Su Xiaolu and Su Xiaoling went down after saying hello, so as not to delay their discussion later.

After Lin Pingsheng and his wife sat down, Su Sanlang said first: "Mr. Lin, I am a layman. Please forgive me if I have said something inappropriate. Both children are of marriageable age. My idea is to hope that they can get married as soon as possible." Get married, but all the etiquette will not be missing, my idea is to complete the etiquette this year, and get married next year."

"Do you have any ideas? Please don't hesitate to speak out, and the two of us can discuss together."

Su Sanlang asked seriously, he didn't know how to beat around the bush, so he said it bluntly.

Lin Ping Seng Wen

He smiled and said, "That's exactly what our husband and wife mean. Both children have affection. This is a destiny, so we wish it well. Your husband and wife are mild-tempered, and the child Su Chong is also mild-tempered. We like it very much." .”

Mrs. Chen also said softly: "Yes, let's do as you said. This time I came to Beijing for this matter."

With what Lin Pingsheng and Chen said, Su Sanlang and Zhao felt relieved.

The two families smiled gently, agreed on all the etiquette dates, and finally set the wedding date of Su Chong and Lin Yaoyao on the second day of February next year.

It was agreed that it was already afternoon, and Lin Pingsheng and his wife stayed for dinner.

When Su Chong and Su Hua came back in the evening, when Su Chong saw Lin Pingsheng and Chen Shi, he immediately became nervous.

Su Hua understood it at a glance.

Su Hua respectfully performed the teacher-student salute, he bent down and sincerely apologized: "Master, Mistress, please forgive me for being so bold."

Lin Pingsheng shook his head and reached out to support Su Hua: "Master won't blame you, you didn't do anything wrong."

Standing beside Lin Pingsheng, Chen showed a gentle smile to Su Hua. Like Lin Pingsheng, she felt that Su Hua did nothing wrong.

Su Chong also bowed respectfully: "I have met Master, Master."

Lin Pingsheng and Mrs. Chen looked at Su Chong gently, and Lin Pingsheng said solemnly to Su Chong: "We have come today and we have agreed on the marriage between you and Yaoyao. From now on, we husband and wife will hand over our most precious treasure to you." You, I hope you can cherish her well."

Chen didn't speak, but her eyes were red.

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