Falling in love with you, dressing up as a charming little fortune bag

Chapter 506 Su Chong’s Marriage 2

Chapter 506 Su Chong’s Marriage 2

Su Chong's son-in-law was pleasing to her no matter what, but when she thought of him marrying his daughter, Chen still felt that a piece of flesh had been taken away from her heart.

Su Chong is also very serious, with a sincere expression on his face: "Don't worry, master and wife, I will definitely treat Yaoyao well. I can swear that she is the only one in this life. Our Su family still has family rules. I will follow the family rules and only have one wife. Never mind."

Chen's eyes were flushed, and she choked up slightly and said, "Just treat her well."

Lin Pingsheng's eyes were heavy, and he said to Su Hua: "I don't need you to swear or anything, I just hope you treat her well. If you change your mind in the future, if she wants to go home, please let her go home. She is over forty years old and has nothing to do, you can take a concubine if you want."

Hearing such heavy words, Su Chong was about to say something when Lin Pingsheng patted him lightly on the shoulder.

Su Hua also pulled Su Chong. At this time, no matter what Su Chong said, it was meaningless.

Su Chong calmed down and understood this, so he didn't insist on explaining. He nodded solemnly and said, "Okay, I promise Master."

Lin Pingsheng smiled gently and did not speak again.

The food was very sumptuous, and Su Sanlang and Su Chongsuhua accompanied Lin Pingsheng to drink a few cups.

After dinner, Lin Pingsheng and Mrs. Chen went home, and Su Sanlang and Mrs. Zhao sent them to the door, asking Su Chong to take them back.

Lin Pingsheng was a little drunk, Chen did not refuse, said thank you, and then got into the carriage to take care of Lin Pingsheng.

Su Chong personally drove the car to send it.

When they arrived at the Chu Mansion, Su Chong helped Mrs. Chen take Lin Pingsheng back to the courtyard to settle down, and then he left and went home.

Lin Yaoyao brought a water basin and met Su Chong face to face.

Lin Yaoyao nodded slightly to Su Chong, and then entered the room.

Mrs. Chen wrung out the handkerchief, and gently wiped it for Lin Pingsheng. Lin Yaoyao stood aside and watched, and she asked concerned: "Mother, Dad drank so much, is everything okay?"

Chen shook her head gently and said, "It's okay, your father is so happy."

The daughter's marriage was negotiated, and Lin Pingsheng was completely at ease with Su Chong. Although he didn't show it, Chen Shi knew that he was very happy in his heart.

After taking good care of Lin Pingsheng, Mrs. Chen gently took Lin Yaoyao out. After going to another room, Mrs. Chen told Lin Yaoyao everything about today.

After finishing speaking, Chen patted the back of Lin Yaoyao's hand and said softly: "Yaoyao, after this period, you will start preparing the wedding dress."

Lin Yaoyao nodded lightly: "Well, thank you, Mom and Dad, I will prepare for marriage."

Chen smiled softly. Knowing something is one thing, but accepting it is another.

Even though she told herself countless times that Su Chong is a very good man and he will treat his daughter well, but thinking about her daughter getting married, she still worries about her poor life.

Su Chong and Lin Yaoyao's wedding date has been set, and all kinds of Li sisters have also set a date.

Lin Pingsheng and Mrs. Chen used all their savings to buy a house on the outskirts of the capital. The family moved there from the Chu Mansion. Lin Pingsheng was not too low-key. He opened a school in the capital, and the tuition fees were not high. It's cheap, but he is famous, and many rich kids in the capital are willing to let their children learn from him.

Both Su Hua and Su Chong often go to the school, even if they don't do anything, they can increase the school's reputation.

Fast forward to October.

Su Chongwu's exam is coming soon, he didn't go to training these few days, but stayed at home, practicing martial arts with Su Xiaolu as usual.

The brother and sister haven't practiced for a long time, and for a while they felt that the other had made great progress.

After putting away the sword, Su Chong rubbed it lovingly, and said, "Little Lu, you have made great progress. Master must be surprised when he knows it."

Su Xiaolu showed her white teeth and smiled: "Hey, I didn't embarrass Master."

Su Chong smiled: "I don't know if it's my illusion, I feel that breathing is very comfortable recently."

Su Chong paused, and he took a deep breath, which was very refreshing and comfortable, and he even felt that there was a spiritual energy inhaled into his body along with his breathing.

Su Xiaolu looked at Su Chong and said, "Brother, do you also feel this way? I do too. I feel that the world is much cleaner and the air is very comfortable."

This is not Su Chong's illusion, something has changed in this world, and the world has started to be filled with aura.

The two brothers and sisters looked at each other, and they agreed not to continue this esoteric topic.

In the capital, that kind of fish has already started to be sold, because everyone likes it because it is fat and delicious. Even if the price of a fish is as high as hundreds of taels, it attracts countless people.

When all ordinary people have not noticed any changes, the court and the central government have already begun to pay attention.

People who practice martial arts can feel the aura, and practice martial arts more diligently than usual. No matter when, strong force is always right.

The fourth day of October.

The day of the martial arts exam.

The Su family sent Su Chong into the examination room together.

The martial arts test is different from the literary test. The martial arts test is all about strength and endurance. All the participants are martial arts practitioners from all over the Zhou Dynasty. Some are strong, and some are good at fisting.

After Su Chong entered the examination room, the Su family went home.

Su Xiaolu transferred to Prince Ming's Mansion.

Zhou Zhi's complexion is getting better and better, Su Xiaolu thinks that he may have eaten too much of that fish.

But when Su Xiaolu arrived at Prince Ming's mansion today, he immediately felt that King Ming

The atmosphere in the mansion was tense, seeing Su Xiaolu, Jin Qi frowned and said, "Miss Su, you are here, we are going to invite you."

"What happened?"

Su Xiaolu asked.

"Master suddenly had a high fever yesterday, but Mr. Wu didn't have any problems with his pulse. I don't know what caused it. Master didn't let us go to you. He said it was fine, but today, he fell asleep..."

Jin Qi told Su Xiaolu the reason of the matter, Su Xiaolu frowned, and she said calmly: "Take me there to have a look."

High fever, also high fever.

Jin Qi brought Su Xiaolu there, Mr. Wu was still cooling Zhou Zhi with ice water, he muttered something: "What are you waiting for, why don't you invite Miss Su, why don't you go if he says no? If something happens to this, I'll see where you all cry..."

Jin Qi said first: "Miss Su is here."

Mr. Wu stopped talking immediately, and turned his head to give Su Xiaolu a gentle smile.

The others also greeted Su Xiaolu slightly.

Su Xiaolu took Zhou Zhi's pulse first, and there was nothing abnormal. Although Zhou Zhi was having a fever, in fact, his health was more than twice as good as before.

Su Xiaolu injected the inner breath into Zhou Zhi's body, and it was quickly absorbed.


In a daze, Zhou Zhi babbled in his sleep.

Su Xiaolu can't find any problems with his pulse, the toxins in his body are very stable and not disordered, but Zhou Zhi is crying out for pain.

Su Xiaolu couldn't help but leaned down, she asked him softly, "Where does it hurt you?"

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