Chapter 540 Trust Him

Chapter 540 Trust Him

Regardless of whether what Zhou Zhi said was true or not, she hoped it was true.

"Okay, one last time."

Zhou Zhi looked at Su Xiaolu seriously, with an unprecedented seriousness in his tone.

Su Xiaolu felt a little uncomfortable being watched by him, she waved her hand and said, "Clean up first, it stinks to death, I'll go out first, and I'll tell you something later."

Zhou Zhi's body is now dark and stinky.

Su Xiaolu held her nose in disgust and went out.

Zhou Zhi blushed a little, he apologized softly: "Sorry, I was rude."

He still didn't know why his body had such a change, it was indeed too stinky, making him rude in front of Su Xiaolu.

After cleaning, Zhou Zhi felt very sleepy, so he resisted his sleepiness and met Su Xiaolu.

"Little Deer, I don't stink anymore."

Zhou Zhi's tone was soft, and he yawned as he spoke.

Su Xiaolu nodded: "I know, if you are sleepy, go to bed."

Zhou Zhi shook his head. He looked at Su Xiaolu seriously and said, "Xiaolu, before I fell into a coma, I gave an order that no matter whether Doctor Wu can save him or not, I will not hurt him at all. Jin Yi and the others will not violate this order. They have a tough attitude, but It won't really hurt him, you... trust me."

Even if he is sleepy, he has to explain clearly to Su Xiaolu.

Even if he dies, none of his people will disobey this order.

He didn't want Su Xiaolu to alienate him after he calmed down and thought about it.

After saying these words, he felt uneasy, he was afraid that Su Xiaolu would not believe it...

"Okay, I believe you, go back to sleep."

From Zhou Zhi's eyes, Su Xiaolu felt his sincerity, she believed in him.

His biological mother, Wei Ling, had done such excessive things to him, and he had never really done anything out of hatred. How could she not believe in a person who has suffered so much and still has kindness.

Zhou Zhi was relieved, he took a deep look at Su Xiaolu: "Xiaolu, see you tomorrow."

He was so weak that he didn't even have the strength to push the wooden wheel chair back, so he beckoned Jin Liu to push him back.

Su Xiaolu also went back, Jinsi and the others knew where she lived, and they could call her anytime.

Su Xiaolu went back to the courtyard and saw An Lie sitting at the door.

"Anlie, are you waiting for me here?"

Su Xiaolu called An Lie.

An Lie originally frowned at you, but he stretched his brows when he heard Su Xiaolu's voice. He stood up and said, "Su Lu, let me see if you've packed it up. I've already arranged it at home. I found it." Here, the person who opened the door was an old gentleman, he said he didn't know Sulu..."

An Lie felt a little wronged, he was not stupid, he realized that Su Xiaolu didn't tell him his real name.

"Uh...Sulu is my nickname, you come in first."

Su Xiaolu opened the door and let An Lie go in with her.

Old Man Wu and Gui You looked over, their expressions full of disgust.

"Master, Master Guiyou, this is An Lie. Tomorrow we can use their big boat to go fishing."

Su Xiaolu introduced Anlie's identity.

An Lie was a little embarrassed. The two seniors didn't welcome him very much. He shouted 'Sulu' outside before, and was beaten by Guiyou, which hurt him a lot.

An Lie first apologized: "Seniors, I'm sorry, I didn't intend to disturb your rest just now."

"Speak less, talk less if you have something to do, don't talk if you have nothing to do."

Old man Wu said to An Lie that he and Guiyou were sleeping before.

An Lie came to knock on the door to look for 'Su Lu', and refused to leave even though he didn't know him. He was still yelling outside, and he shut up only after being beaten. Old man Wu had a very bad impression of him.

Even now that he knows that Su Lu is Su Xiaolu, he still doesn't like An Lie.

Guiyou didn't speak directly.

An Lie nodded nervously in agreement.

Just a simple touch, he knew that the tempers of these two seniors were not good.

It was getting dark, Su Xiaolu went to make dinner.

An Lie looked at her clumsy look, and said proactively, "Su Lu, let me do it."

Su Xiaolu looked at An Lie: "Then you come."

Her cooking skills are really not very good, but at the beach, she just eats fish. After boiling, steaming is almost enough. Her cooking skills are not good, but she is not picky about food.

Old man Wu is the same as Guiyou, they can eat delicious ones, and they can eat bad ones, and they don't pick anything.

An Lie's hands and feet are very agile, skillfully stir fry and add water.

When the rice was ready, Su Xiaolu asked the two chefs to have dinner.

After eating, Su Xiaolu saw that An Lie didn't intend to go home yet, so she couldn't help asking: "An Lie, aren't you going home?"

An Lie looked at Su Xiaolu seriously and said, "Su Lu, I'm here to fulfill my promise. My mother ate the dragon fish and her eyes have healed, and my sister has also recovered. I remember what I said, the next For five years, I will be by your side for your service."

An Lie is very sincere, he is here to fulfill his promise and repay his kindness.

Su Xiaolu also said to An Lie seriously: "An Lie, I don't need you to follow me every step of the way. If you want to repay me, then when I need it, just help me with things. You don't need to be where I am. Where, you are still the same as before, go home when you should go home, and I will find you if I need it in the future. "

Su Xiaolu didn't want Anlie to follow her like this, and she made it clear directly.

An Lie was silent after hearing this, and then he looked at Su Xiaolu and said, "Okay, then I'll go home first, and I'll be your servant for the past five years, but I won't do murder and arson. I'm a free man, Sulu, I'm going back."

He can do things for Su Xiaolu, but he also has his principles.

As long as he is himself, no matter how hard or dangerous it is, he will try his best to do it. He will spend five years repaying this kindness. As for whether he and Su Lu can be friends after five years, it will depend on these five years. Will Su Lu respect him as a friend?


Su Xiaolu agrees.

She was actually not interested in enslaving An Lie, but An Lie had a sincere heart to repay, and she let him go.

After seeing off An Lie, Su Xiaolu went to the main house.

"Master, Master Guiyou, are you going to go to sea tomorrow? In a certain place, there is a dragon fish whose miraculous effect is several times that of the white fish. The spiritual liquid I gave the two masters was extracted from the meat of the dragon fish. I decided to go out to sea to catch this kind of fish."

Su Xiaolu said to the two masters.

Old man Wu and Gui You both pondered.

Su Xiaolu said again: "Two masters, do you feel that the air is much fresher when you come in, and breathing out inner strength is very comfortable? It is also much easier to practice inner strength?"

"Two masters, this dragon fish was once recorded in ancient books, and it has disappeared for thousands of years. They reappeared. I think this is not a simple matter. Maybe in the future, the species recorded in ancient books will appear again, and more and more Many, maybe the world recorded in ancient books will be revived again, and by that time, people may live for hundreds of years, and there may still be monsters in the world." Su Xiaolu felt that it was time to face up to this matter.

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