Chapter 541

Chapter 541

"Girl, you are right, maybe within a few decades, there will really be ghosts and monsters in the world."

Old man Wu looked at Su Xiaolu, he did not perfunctory or conceal, but treated Su Xiaolu as an adult.

Guiyou was silent.

Su Xiaolu looked at old man Wu, and asked with some expectation: "Master, do you already know something?"

Old man Wu looked at Su Xiaolu, and said calmly: "Girl, everything in the world is concerned with fate, and the fortune-teller, who is good at divination, figured out that fate has changed last year. This change, fortune and misfortune depend on each other. In ancient times, Filled with spiritual energy, advocating the cultivation of immortality, any little disciple can fly in the sky, there are many monsters in the world, and it is difficult for ordinary people to survive."

"Human life is like ants, but thousands of years have passed, neither immortals nor demons have existed in the world, and only mortals have reproduced. These mysterious records are now nothing but a myth in people's mouths. Now that fate has changed, what will happen to the world, everything is hard to say."

"People, maybe ants, or people in charge of the world, are all unknowns, but ants are still alive, no matter what it is, we people must strive to survive, become stronger, survive, and protect the loved ones we care about."

After Old Man Wu finished speaking slowly, he sighed deeply.

"If you don't want to be mermaid, then do it for Daozu."

Guiyou said in a deep voice.

If a person wants to be self-reliant and self-reliant, he must be strong.

"Master, then we have to catch a lot of arowanas from the sea now, so let's go to sea tomorrow, and use some medicinal materials to overturn the arowana medicine, and then it will be much easier to catch."

Su Xiaolu clenched her fists, no one knows how fast the world is changing, so at the moment, seize any opportunity that is in front of you.

She wants to catch a lot of dragon fish, extract the essence and liquid, and distribute it to the family.

Old Man Wu and Gui You both nodded.

Su Xiaolu went back to her room to rest.

She vaguely heard old man Wu complaining.

"It's really unlucky, the loess is buried in the neck, and I still have to practice martial arts..."

"Speak less, run your inner breath, as long as you don't die, you have to practice."

Guiyou is very harsh, even if he teaches old man Wu who is much older than him, he doesn't show mercy at all.

Su Xiaolu couldn't help but hooked her lips into a smile.

The world is changing, people living in the world, small people, if they want to survive, they will naturally have to change. This change, whether it is a newborn child or an old man, must be changed if they want to survive .


When the sky was slightly bright, Zhou Zhi woke up.

He sat up quietly, his hands were trembling, he touched his legs tremblingly, feeling the smooth texture, how incredible it was, his legs grew by two inches, and they didn't Ugly, even the section of the broken leg is smooth.

He had a bold hypothesis in his heart, as long as he replenished enough aura, his legs could grow back, and these things had to be obtained from those new species.

He had never felt this way before, that he was a healthy and healthy person.

Zhou Zhi sat blankly until dawn.

Only then did he call for someone to come in.

"Master, do you have any discomfort?"

Jin Si observed Zhou Zhi and asked.

Zhou Zhi shook his head, he looked at Jin Si and said, "What did she eat for me yesterday?"

Such a good thing is several times that of the white fish, why is she so willing?

Jin Si replied truthfully: "Miss Su took a lot of small bottles, and the smell was very fragrant when she opened them. She fed them all to you and drank them. There should be more than ten bottles. The master was unconscious at the time. The high fever made your whole body red. Mr. Wu is helpless, but after drinking what Miss Su gave, the master's condition has gradually improved and stabilized."

"Mr. Wu said that this time, he also removed a lot of toxins from your body. What Miss Su gave you is a good thing, comparable to magic medicine."

Speaking of Su Xiaolu, Jin Si was very respectful. Without Su Xiaolu, their master would not have survived this time.

In the past, Mr. Wu was also very angry, but he was never in such a panic this time, the kind of helplessness that he had done everything, but there was still nothing to do. Let everyone know that this time, there is really nothing to do.

Zhou Zhi's eyes were deep: "It is indeed a magic medicine. My life was given by her."

He owed Su Xiaolu, and he will never pay it back in this life.

"Where is she?"

Zhou Zhi asked softly.

"Miss Su has gone back to the small courtyard. She said that she can find her if you need anything."

Jin Si said.

Zhou Zhi nodded: "I'm not in a hurry to go out to sea during this period. I need to cultivate well and continue to catch white fish. If you can catch that kind of fish, you can catch it. If you can't catch it, forget it. It's more important to save your life. Think of ways, and there will always be fish." There is a way."


Jin Si was very happy, he had never felt such a strong desire to survive from Zhou Zhi.

He has always been fearless, even if he dies at any time, he doesn't care.

But now, he started to care, this is unprecedented and the best change.

That kind of big fish with wings can always be caught in a way, and if one method fails, change to another.

"Let Jin Qi go over to her, see if there is anything that needs help, and follow her orders."

Zhou Zhi got off


Jin Liu nodded and took the order to go down.


Waking up in the morning, Su Xiaolu made seafood porridge. After the three masters and apprentices finished eating, Su Xiaolu said to the two masters: "Master, Master Guiyou, how much money do you have?"

Su Xiaolu thought for a while, she felt that the sea area should be enclosed, sooner or later the news about the dragon fish would spread.

If others can't catch it, she might not be able to catch it either. People's hearts are unpredictable, and you may not be able to handle a fish, but there are thousands of ways to plot against a person.

Buying the sea area, no matter how jealous others are, they can only watch with wide eyes.

Old Man Wu stroked his beard and said, "A bank note is worth 200,000 taels, and other valuable ones are in the old den, worth millions of taels."

As he said that, old man Wu poked Guiyou with his hand: "Boy, lend me your tens of thousands of taels."

Old man Wu didn't even ask Su Xiaolu what he was going to do, he was willing to do everything for his precious apprentice.

Guiyou didn't ask, and took out a box to Su Xiaolu: "Take it."

Old man Wu also had a box, and he handed it to Su Xiaolu with a smile: "Girl, the master's coffin is here, you can use it according to your needs, the master is old, but I have to rely on you, you can't let the master be bullied by someone gone."

Su Xiaolu hugged old man Wu: "Don't worry, master, this apprentice will definitely live up to expectations."

The old man is still as cute as ever, his love is very heavy, it is all about him.

Su Xiaolu put away her things and was ready to go to An Lie and An Cheng.

Jin Qi came at the right time. Seeing that Su Xiaolu was about to go out, he said respectfully: "Miss Su, is there anything I can help you with? Please just ask."

? ? ps: Babies who have recommendation tickets and monthly tickets, vote for me, I love you.



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