Chapter 542

Chapter 542

"It's a little thing, you go back, I might come to him, I have brought so many good things for him to eat, I should ask for some."

Su Xiaolu waved her hand, it would be better and more convenient to have Zhou Zhi's help, but she still wanted to do her own affairs.

If there is a need, she will not feel embarrassed to speak up, she has saved Zhou Zhi so many times, so it is appropriate to take advantage of him.

Jin Qi touched his nose and nodded.

If Su Xiaolu doesn't want him to follow, he won't follow, and obeys her orders.

Su Xiaolu came to An Lie's house.

She knocked on the door, and a soft female voice came from inside: "Who is it?"

"Su Lu, come find An Lie and An Cheng."

Su Xiaolu guessed that this should be An Lie's younger sister, An Xiaoou.

Soon, the door was opened, and Su Xiaolu saw a woman who was somewhat similar to An Lie, her face was paler, cold and pale, it seemed that she seldom saw the sun.

"Hello, my brother and uncle are going to pack the boat and will be back soon. Come in and have a meeting."

An Xiaoou invited Su Xiaolu into the house.

An Lie's home is relatively simple, with not many furniture items, and some places that look like they should have furniture are empty.

"I'm a doctor, mind if I take your pulse?"

An Lie said that both his sister and mother were seriously ill. After eating the dragon fish, how good is it?

An Xiaoou nodded: "Yes."

"Sit down first, and I'll pour you a glass of water."

Regarding Su Xiaolu, An Lie and An Cheng had already told them that they were trustworthy cooperators. An Xiaoou had a good impression of Su Xiaolu.

An's mother looked at Su Xiaolu, and asked gently: "Little offspring, how old are you?"

"Auntie, I am thirteen this year."

Su Xiaolu smiled slightly and said.

"Then you are as old as my daughter."

An's mother smiled gently, her eyes could see clearly, she felt like a new life, she also knew about the fishing plan, and she supported this matter.

Dragon fish meat is like a panacea. If Ancheng's legs can grow back, then he can live a normal life, marry a wife and have children.

Su Xiaolu is their partner, and An's mother also repays him with the greatest kindness. I only hope that everyone will be satisfied with this cooperation.

Su Xiaolu smiled, feeling for An's mother's pulse.

An's mother's pulse is steady, her body is a little weak, but there is a force that has been nourishing her, presumably this is the effect of the dragon fish.

Su Xiaolu withdrew her pulse and said, "The recovery is pretty good."

Su Xiaolu felt An Xiaoou's pulse again. An Xiaoou had a heart disease. After eating dragon fish meat, her heart disease healed. She also had a weak foundation and belonged to the kind of woman who couldn't do heavy work.

An Xiaoou said softly: "Little son, thank you for helping my brother, so that I have a healthy body. Now I don't feel stuffy when I walk, and I won't wake up in the middle of the night due to suffocation. I feel very happy." Comfortable."

There is no way to explain it clearly in any words.

Only she herself knows how comfortable a healthy heart is.

"Well, it's recovering well."

Su Xiaolu withdrew her hand, she thought, she will know when An Cheng comes back and look at his legs.

The efficacy of this dragon fish meat is really shocking.

Su Xiaolu didn't wait long, and An Lie and An Cheng came back.

Seeing Su Xiaolu, An Cheng couldn't wait to say to her: "Young master, but are you ready? We can go to sea now. Last night, my legs grew another half an inch. You would never guess that this flesh and blood Next, the skeleton also grows together."

Ancheng was very excited, which meant that as long as he insisted on supplementing with dragon fish meat, his leg, given time, would really be the same as before.

An Lie's face turned red, and he said to Su Xiaolu, "Su Lu, I don't know what's going on, but today I feel like my blood is surging, and my nose bleeds several times."

Su Xiaolu looked at An Lie, and she said, "Hold out your hand, let me have a look."

An Lie stretched out his hand, and Su Xiaolu felt his pulse.

She looked at An Lie: "Have you never practiced martial arts?"

An Lie shook his head: "No, but I'm pretty good, everyone says so."

Su Xiaolu looked at An Lie, not knowing whether to say he was lucky or unlucky.

An Lie is very suitable for martial arts, he is a good seed, but his age has already missed the best age, his bones are long dead, and some meridians are also closed, but after eating dragon fish meat for a few days, in his body, unexpectedly A trace of inner strength was born.

He doesn't understand inner strength and mental methods, he can't find a place to put his inner strength, he can only run rampant in his body, his blood is surging, nosebleeds are normal, bleeding is to relieve stress, in such a dangerous situation, he actually just has nosebleeds.

An Lie was a little uneasy: "Su Lu, am I okay?"

Su Lu's expression was so complicated that he couldn't understand it, but he knew that it was not good, so An Lie was very nervous.

Su Xiaolu said: "Sit down, and then I will guide you how to be lucky. In the future, you can often practice your own internal strength. My mentality is passed down by my master. If you learn my mentality, you have to call me Master."

The apprentice came too early, Su Xiaolu still decided to accept An Lie, this is fate.

An Lie was in a daze, and didn't know whether to agree or not for a moment.


Think about it, if you don't agree and let this qi run wild in your body, maybe the next time it won't be as good as a nosebleed. "

If An Lie didn't want to, she wouldn't make a move, otherwise she would be hurt by her inner strength, and she would be the one who was unlucky.

"I, I agree, just don't think I'm old..."

Andre said embarrassedly.

Apprentices are usually older apprentices, Su Lu is much younger than him, it feels a little weird, he is an adult after all, learning things is not as smart as a child, but as long as he doesn't dislike it, he is willing.

"Okay, you relax now, I will introduce my inner strength into your body, you don't resist, listen to my instructions."

Su Xiaolu's expression was strict, and she injected her internal energy into An Lie's body. She has practiced a lot of martial arts, and her internal energy has been formed.

Finally, it stabilized at the Dantian.

"Depress the inner energy into the dantian, and use lightness kung fu in the future to draw it out. When there is nothing to do, use more inner energy."

Su Xiaolu withdrew his inner strength, An Lie's chaotic inner breath had calmed down, and his complexion returned to normal.

An Lie has been practicing martial arts for a long time, and his meridians are very large, which means that his internal functions will be very powerful in the future.

But he also has disadvantages, he is an adult, his martial arts foundation is not stable, his foundation is not strong, even if he has internal strength, he can't achieve a strong effect, if he doesn't practice well, it's nothing more than his three-legged cat kung fu is better than ordinary people.

"In the future, I will formulate a method for you to practice martial arts. Don't be afraid of hard work, practice hard. Only when your foundation is solid, can you succeed in martial arts in the future." Su Xiaolu said rigorously.

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