Chapter 553 Won't Let Xiao Lu Down

Chapter 553 Won't Let Xiao Lu Down

The arowana fishing started, and Su Xiaolu was busy all day, busy refining the arowana into spiritual liquid, and refining the spiritual liquid into elixir.

They can catch seven or eight fish a day. This does not mean that they can only catch so much, but because there are too many, Su Xiaolu will be overwhelmed, so after they catch seven or eight fish, they stop fishing and it is time to practice. Practice the exercises and help those who can help.

"Young master, the method they use seems to be different from yours."

Ancheng helped to guard the cauldron, and he casually mentioned it.

All day today, he has been observing the situation over there. There are also capable people under the prince, but it is obviously different from their side.

There was an arowana hooked there, and the movement was relatively loud. The vitality of the arowana was obviously better than theirs, and they should not be able to control the medicine enough.

Ancheng looked at Su Xiaolu very respectfully.

"Every doctor uses it differently, Mr. Wu, he is highly accomplished."

Su Xiaolu said lightly, Mr. Wu is good at using poison, but he is not good at using poison.

She has learned comprehensively, and bringing down the dragon fish is actually both medicine and poison. It shocked the world in ancient times, but in modern times, this thing is called anesthesia.

It's just a temporary paralysis.

She only knew about this thing after two lifetimes of memory. Mr. Wu is only in this life. He can also master the use of poison.

"In my opinion, you are all figures that I can't reach."

An Cheng smiled and said.

Before he met Su Xiaolu, he always thought that survival at sea depends on good physical strength, good water skills, and agility, like a fish.

But after getting acquainted with Su Xiaolu, he knew that a smart mind and strong skills are also indispensable for survival.

Even doctors with poor force can easily do things that they can't do with effort.

"You are also very powerful. Your hearing ability is so good, it is beyond the reach of ordinary people. Everyone has their own strengths. You can't use your own weaknesses to compare others' strengths. Mr. Wu and I are originally people who study medicine and poison."

Su Xiaolu felt that Ancheng was a little depressed, thinking that he had gone through so many things, and that he was Anlie's uncle, Su Xiaolu comforted him.

"Thank you, little boy."

Ancheng smiled, he was indeed comforted.

He thought, if he could grow his legs and regain his health, even if he was sloppy, he would still be with An Lie, by Su Xiaolu's side, and follow him to see a wider world.

He could feel that there was great power in Su Xiaolu's body, he was like a sun.

Once the elixir is refined, the day is over.

After returning to the cabin, Su Xiaolu applied tiger ointment on old man Wu, and helped him soothe his meridians before returning to his room to rest.

Lying on the bed, she couldn't help thinking, at this time, Master Guiyou should have arrived in the capital, and the things and letter she gave should have reached the second brother. She believed that the second brother would be able to make good arrangements after reading it.


In the capital, Su Sanlang and Zhao Shi were very surprised and pleasantly surprised when they returned home to visit.

Guiyou talked a lot with them and asked about Su Chong.

In the afternoon, after the application time, Su Chong and Su Hua all came home.

Seeing Guiyou, Su Chong saluted respectfully: "Master."

Guiyou nodded: "Well, I was entrusted by the girl to come here today, Su Hua, come with me."

Guiyou called Su Hua alone.

Without hesitation, Su Hua made a gesture of invitation to Guiyou.

Guiyou entered the door, Su Hua closed the door, and before he could speak, Guiyou took out a letter to Su Hua.

"Open it and have a look, the girl's letter to you."

Guiyou gave the letter to Su Hua.

Su Hua took it and opened it to read the letter. Guiyou had already taken out a porcelain bottle and put it on the table.

After reading the letter, Su Hua cautiously said to Guiyou: "Thank you for telling me, uncle, I already know something about this matter, I didn't expect Xiaolu to know more than me, please tell me a few words for Xiaolu. "

There is a change in the sky, in fact, there have been some rumors in the court and among the people these days, the emperor also attaches great importance to this matter, and Ming Wang has always been in Qinghai.

Now it is Zhou Heng's inner circle, Ming Wang ruled the outer world, and the two brothers complement each other.

Changes in the sky are not a matter of a country, but of the whole world.

Su Xiaolu's letter back was very detailed, and all kinds of guesses were well-founded. They said they were guesses, but they were actually the truth.

Gui You nodded: "Go, I'm going back tomorrow, it's no problem to bring a letter, take this well, it's precious, and you'll get it with your life, the girl believes in your arrangement, you don't want to let her down."

Su Hua nodded.

Su Hua packed up his things and put them away carefully. He knew what Guiyou meant, and he didn't need to explain. He just needed to prove to Guiyou with his actions that no matter how old they were, they were still the closest blood relationship.

No matter what time Su Xiaolu sent him, he couldn't just spoil it at will.

In the evening, Guiyou ate at Su's house, and there were white fish on the dinner table.

Su Hua told Guiyou that the price of white fish is now as low as less than five taels of silver per fish.

Their family could afford it, and with Guiyou coming, Mrs. Zhao wanted to treat Guiyou well, so she specially bought this precious thing.

Guiyou, as always, eats very well,

It made Mrs. Zhao feel relieved to see it.

For Guiyou, in the hearts of Zhao Shi and Su Sanlang, they are also big brothers. They all hope that Guiyou and Old Man Wu can eat well, and good food means that they suit their appetite.

After dinner, Guiyou asked Su Chong to practice his sword moves.

Su Chong has made great progress, but this time, he clearly felt that Guiyou had made a qualitative leap, he was struggling a bit, and he was not Guiyou's opponent.

When the point was over, Guiyou looked at Su Chong and said, "Do you feel that my strength has improved rapidly?"

Su Chong did have this doubt. He nodded sincerely. Last time, he and Guiyou fought to a draw. It's been a long time since we met. It seemed that it was not just a sword move, but invisible, there was also a sword intent, sword energy, and even the coercion emanating from Guiyou himself.

"You should have this question. This question will be answered by Su Hua. You should be able to feel that every breath you take into your lungs is fresher. Su Chong, this is a good thing. When you are free, Run your internal energy more to breathe out your breath."

Guiyou said slowly.

"Master, is Xiao Lu alright?"

Su Chong nodded, then put away his sword and asked about Su Xiaolu.

Gui You replied gently: "Girl is very good, don't read."

Knowing that Su Xiaolu is fine, Su Chong is also relieved.

It was late at night, and Guiyou went back to his room to rest.

Su Chong also washed up and went back to the room to rest.

Guiyou left early the next morning after having breakfast, Su Sanlang and Mrs. Zhao sent him to the door, Guiyou said 'Take care', got on his horse and left.

When Su Sanlang and Mrs. Zhao went home, Su Hua said solemnly to the family: "Father, mother, brother and sister-in-law, I have something to tell you."

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