Chapter 554 Won't Let Xiaolu Down 2

Chapter 554 Won't Let Xiaolu Down 2

The whole family sat together.

Su Huacai showed Su Chong the novel written by Su Xiaolu.

In Su Xiaolu's letter, he simply said that there was an abnormal change in the sky and the phenomenon of spiritual recovery.

The reappearance of ancient species and so on.

This bottle of elixir is one of the species, which is extracted from the body of the dragon fish. It can heal the sickness of the disabled and regenerate the stump. For the present, this thing can not be described as a panacea. It is a magic medicine .

Su Sanlang was not very literate, so Su Chong read it out when he read it.

After Su Chong finished reading, Su Hua didn't speak immediately because he had to give his family some time to accept the information.

Whether it's shock, worry, fear or whatever, it takes time to react.

After a while, Su Sanlang said heavily: "Then, in this world of ours, will there be gods?"

Su Sanlang didn't know what words to use to express the shock in his heart, because this matter exceeded all his cognition, and he felt uneasy.

How is he supposed to protect his wife and children if the world becomes like this?

Regarding this question, Su Hua pondered for a while and said, "Maybe, but it hasn't been discovered yet."

Another ancient and mysterious world, how many unknown things are there, no one knows now, the whole picture is unknown, and they can't make a conclusion. What is before them is an opportunity, an opportunity for them to have a stronger ability to meet the changes .

"Brother Hua, then you can arrange it, we all listen to you, our family can always spend it together."

Mrs. Zhao looked at Su Hua gently, and she held Su Sanlang's hand tightly. No matter what kind of storms there will be in the future, as long as the family can stay together, that's enough.

Her kids have grown up and she believes in them.

Su Sanlang also nodded.

Su Chong smiled: "I have no objection."

Lin Yaoyao and Sun Baoqian were also anxious. They didn't intervene. If they had the chance, they would fight for their mother clan. They also believed that Su Hua would take this into consideration.

Su Hua looked around his family and said with a serious expression: "Then I will talk about my arrangements and plans."

"The inside of this bottle was obtained by the deer. There are fifty pills, all of which are the essence extracted by the deer. Eating one pill can change a person's physical condition. There are six people in our family, and Uncle Huzi's family has four members. , the sister-in-law’s family has master and mother-in-law, there are currently four members in Qian’er’s family, the younger sister and the eldest prince in the palace, and five people in the great-great-grandfather’s family. The method of teaching comes gradually,

Our younger generation can take two pills, one pill every half a month, and each person should maintain two hours a day to solidify the foundation of martial arts. If there is any leftover, don’t use it first, and wait for a while to see the effect, Xiaolu said , this thing, it takes time to absorb after eating one pill. "

Su Hua made an arrangement first. He didn't tell the whole amount of the elixir, and it was discounted by half. At this time, he couldn't keep the Sun family and the Lin family out, but he couldn't tell the truth either.

If necessary, he would put his own family first, and then them.

Lin Yaoyao and Sun Baoqian are both part of this family, but they are also daughters that their parents can't part with, he won't let them get into a dilemma, so he didn't let them know the real amount of the pill, which only he knows, even if it is Neither Su Sanlang nor Zhao's Su Chong knew.

The family has no objection to this arrangement.

Both Lin Yaoyao and Sun Baoqian breathed a sigh of relief. They are smart women. Knowing that Su Hua made such an arrangement, it was actually an act of benevolence. There should be opinions, but feeling uncomfortable is indispensable.

Soon, Su Hua used small bottles and distributed them to Lin Yaoyao and Sun Baoqian for them to take home.

The Su family, eat one pill each.

Su Hua handed over to Su Sanlang what was for Chen Hu's family, and he went out with Su Chong. When Su Chong entered the palace, he went to Qi's family.

After leaving the house and walking together, Su Hua said to Su Chong: "Brother, Xiao Lu entrusted me to arrange this matter, will you be jealous?"

Su Chong smiled and shook his head. Seeing Su Hua's serious expression, he also put away his smile and said seriously: "Brother Hua, my mind is not as good as yours. Xiaolu's arrangement is right. If it was me, I would I will do the same, Xiao Lu believes in you, and so do I."

When his mind was chaotic before, he couldn't think so much, but after being cured, he also understood that he was not as smart as his younger brother, and the gap widened as he grew up.

But there is only one thing, no matter how smart Su Hua is, he is still his younger brother, and the brotherhood between them can stand the test. The younger brother's concern about his emotions does not mean that he cares about him.

"Thank you brother."

Su Hua smiled. It was this trust that made him make a more firm and cautious decision. He would not let his family down, let alone disappoint Su Xiaolu, who had fought for his life.

Su Chong put his arms around Su Hua's shoulders, and said with a smile: "You are better than me when it comes to using your brain, but you are not as good as me when it comes to practicing martial arts. Next, I will be your half-master, Hua." Brother, I will not soften my heart."

Su Hua smiled: "I'm looking forward to it. A strict teacher will produce a good apprentice."

The two brothers looked at each other and smiled, with trust in their eyes.



calm on the sea

After a few days, Su Xiaolu and the others have gained a lot, and Zhou Zhi's side has also gained a lot.

Ancheng sighed, the dragon fish elixir had no effect on him, no matter how much he took, it was useless, his legs reached to the knees, and they never grew any longer.

But this elixir must be worth a lot if it is sold.

Ancheng expected to meet another huge new species, but shook his head after thinking about it.

That big Kun is huge, if you encounter it, it will not be so easy to capture it.

This big ship can't hold it at all.

Ancheng couldn't help but pay more attention to the other side, Zhou Zhi's legs were disabled, he saw it, he thought, maybe Zhou Zhi should be more anxious than him.

He was looking forward to the news from Zhou Zhi.

Guiyou came with Zhou Zhi's people, Zhou Zhi's people had another boat, their team actually already had quite a few people.

An Cheng felt that Zhou Zhi should do something, but until late April, there was no movement at all.

It has been a while since I went to sea this time, and both sides have gained a lot.

In the evening, Zhou Zhi waved to Su Xiaolu, signaling her to come over.

Ancheng's eyes lit up, he finally waited for this day.

Su Xiaolu flew over and landed beside Zhou Zhi.

"Xiaolu, I want to ask you, are we going to return?"

Zhou Zhi looked at Su Xiaolu and asked, this time I came out and gained a lot. With the reminder, everyone's movement was relatively small. It is very rare to be able to gain such a peaceful harvest.

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