Chapter 555

Chapter 555

If it was before, he might be too ambitious, but now, he cherishes his life and knows that enough is enough.

After being out for so long, the supplies I brought are almost exhausted, so it's time to go back to the voyage.

Su Xiaolu nodded: "That's exactly what I mean. Let's rest for one night and go back tomorrow morning. Go back and rest for three days before continuing to go to sea."

There are many good things on the sea, and she believes that Zhou Zhi hasn't caught enough. After being at sea for so long, it's time to go back and take a rest before continuing sailing.

Zhou Zhi smiled gently and agreed.

Su Xiaolu went back to the boat. An Cheng looked forward to it. Although fishing large sea fish is risky, the rewards are also very good. Even if it is a risk, he is willing to take a gamble.

Su Xiaolu said lightly: "It's been so long since I've been out, I'll go back to the voyage tomorrow and rest for three days, and I'll continue to go to sea after replenishing my supplies."

An Cheng thought he had heard it wrong, and was disappointed.

Guiyou and Old Man Wu calmly rest in the cabin.

An Lie walked up to An Cheng, patted An Cheng on the shoulder and said, "Uncle, Master has her own arrangements."

An Cheng smiled and said, "Uncle is not a fool, uncle understands."

He was just a little bit lost, not that he didn't understand or approve of Su Xiaolu's actions, he was a clear-headed person, originally this mutation was full of risks, if it was just him, he wouldn't even go out to sea.

Now that my legs have grown by half, this is already a very good and lucky opportunity. To be a human being, one must know how to be content.

It is human nature to be disappointed because of expectations, and he can think about it very much. If he can't think about it because of this, what he should do is to kill the ungrateful An Lin family instead of blaming the benefactor.

Sitting on the deck, exercising his inner breath and exhaling spiritual energy, he has also gotten used to it for a while, sitting like this for a whole night, and practicing his inner strength like this, is more energetic than sleeping all night.

The sky was slightly bright, Ancheng got up to move around, and the sun rose from the sea, he took a deep breath, this feeling was simply too comfortable.

Every breath you take is aura.

From a distance, he saw black dorsal fins sticking out of the sea, Ancheng's face changed drastically, almost terrified Anlie woke him up: "Little Lie, hurry up, get up, steer the rudder immediately to avoid it, big fish."

An Lie opened his eyes, and he also saw the situation in the distant sea area. Without saying a word, he began to control the big ship to turn around and avoid it.

Su Xiaolu opened her eyes and looked on the deck, she frowned.

What kind of fish is that? The dorsal fins are like sharks, but they will slap the water surface, and their bodies will be half-empty, which makes her clearly see that the big fish has wings.

Su Xiaolu looked towards Zhou Zhi and the others, they were all turning the boat around in time to avoid it.

This sea fish with wings is called Hai Kun because of their large size.

But at this moment, they swam rapidly, as if they were escaping from something.

What could it be? All Su Xiaolu could think of was Big Kun.

The calm sea stirred up layers of waves, and the ship shook violently.

Haikun will come out of the water, so they can see the ship, and they will actively attack, but now they are also being chased. Although they did not attack, the violent movement created still caused the ship to shake violently.

"Uncle, hold on to me."

An Cheng fell to the edge of the fence amidst the shaking, An Lie quickly grabbed him, and both his uncle and nephew grabbed the fence tightly.

Su Xiaolu also grabbed the fence vigorously, waiting for those terrifying Hai Kuns to pass through.

Old man Wu and Guiyou were in the cabin, and the sword in Guiyou's hand pierced through the wooden plank. He held the sword in one hand, supported the wall with one foot, and lifted old man Wu with the other hand. Old man Wu was suspended in the air, suffering beyond words.

"It's killing me..."

Old man Wu felt like an old hen, so sad that he was about to die.

"Old man, keep quiet, the big Kun is coming."

Guiyou said coldly, he didn't go out, but he also knew that the situation outside was not good, if there was too much movement, the big Kun would top the boat, and the boat would definitely capsize.

Old man Wu remembered that he couldn't swim, so he silently closed his mouth tightly.

Su Xiaolu always seemed to be looking for an opportunity to enter the cabin, but the waves were rough, and a shadowy and huge guy began to approach slowly, so she had to

keep quiet.

This is the first time she has seen the big kun. The size of the big kun shocked her. This sense of sight is like an ant standing on an elephant.

Seeing it with their own eyes, Ancheng Anlie also turned pale. At this moment, any thoughts of fishing could no longer arise in their hearts, and they finally understood why the meeting changed color after the big Kun attacked the survivors.

Everyone is quiet, the waves are churning, the boat is heeling.

The crashing waves were deafening, and Su Xiaolu heard Jin Si and the others exclaiming, "Master".

She looked over with concern, and saw Jin Si and the others jumping into the sea desperately, Su Xiaolu frowned, she saw the undulating sea surface, Zhou Zhi was pushed farther and farther by the waves, he seemed to be unable to swim.

Zhou Zhi fell into the water, Su Xiaolu looked at the distance, she was closer to Zhou Zhi.

She looked at An Lie and said, "An Lie, take care of your two masters."

After finishing speaking, Su Xiaolu turned over and jumped into the sea. She dived into the sea and swam towards Zhou Zhi's direction.

She can swim. In her previous life, she won the city's swimming championship.

Zhou Zhi was sinking rapidly, Su Xiaolu swam towards him quickly.

The waves are churning, looking at the not-too-distant distance, maybe the waves are vibrating, and the distance between the two of them will be further and further away in the next moment.

Jin Si and the others were also swimming towards Zhou Zhi.

Zhou Zhi didn't expect such an accident. No one could have predicted such an accident. His water skills are very poor. This is the only thing he hasn't learned well after studying for a long time. If it's a calm lake, he might swim up by himself , but this was a rough sea, he felt that his body was so heavy that he couldn't lift it up.

The feeling of suffocation makes him very painful, will he die here?

It was so blurry that he couldn't see anything clearly.

When he was caught, he knew it was Su Xiaolu, because of Su Xiaolu's hand, he had felt it many times.

Before consciousness faded, he thought, she saved him again.

After surfacing, Su Xiaolu exhaled heavily. She looked at the boat far away and felt very bad.

Zhou Zhi is already in a coma, she has to drag him.

Fortunately, they saw the two of them, and An Lie was steering the boat towards this side.

Maybe it was bad luck, the waves were very rough, Su Xiaolu sank down, and was startled, a sea kun came back, it brought a lot of movement, the waves were turbulent, Su Xiaolu and Zhou Zhi have been pushed far, far away...

Su Xiaolu had no choice but to tie Zhou Zhi's hands together with her at that critical moment to avoid being dispersed. Zhou Zhi would not have a way out if he was dispersed at this time.

When the weather was calm, the boat was no longer visible on the sea, and Su Xiaolu didn't know how far she was pushed. She looked around and saw the island, so she had to drag Zhou Zhi to swim towards the island.

Su Xiaolu never imagined that one day she and Zhou Zhi would be stranded on a deserted island, and she fell asleep exhausted after landing, and she didn't even have time to untie the belt wrapped around Zhou Zhi's hands.

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