Chapter 572

"Qinghai is still relatively stable. I heard that there is a vision here, so my two masters and I came over to have a look."

Su Xiaolu said with a smile.


Hearing that Guiyou had also come, Su Chong felt much more at ease, and took Su Xiaolu in.

After entering the door, Su Xiaolu saw a large map of mountains and rivers on the table, Zhou Heng was marking it, and there were some strange faces in the room.

The continuous fog seems to be a barrier, a barrier that separates the world inside the fog from the outside, and no one knows what to see after entering.

Seeing Su Xiaolu, Zhou Heng nodded calmly to her.

Su Chong sat down with Su Xiaolu and Liu Zijin, and Zhou Heng was analyzing the situation. No matter how you look at it, the fog is another world.

This is unfamiliar to everyone. Zhou Heng's preparations are comprehensive. He has prepared enough things for everyone to use for seven days. Bring in something that can at least give people a preparation to cushion the impact.

If everything is kept intact, it can be used for seven days. If unfortunately some are lost, even if one or two items are left, it can be used for one or two days. Everyone agrees on this.

As it was getting dark outside, Zhou Heng looked at the crowd and said, "I will enter the mountain in seven days. During this time, everyone, those who are capable, can also prepare some things themselves. Each person has thirty taels of silver in advance."

He felt that he had considered everything well, but everyone thought differently, and he also left everyone free space, and he could prepare some things himself, maybe these unexpected things would bring unexpected effects.

After the people left, Zhou Heng pressed the center of his eyebrows and smiled gently at Su Xiaolu: "Xiaolu, let's go have dinner together."

Su Xiaolu shook her head: "Third brother, I should go back. The two masters are still waiting for me to bring the news back. Let's have dinner together tomorrow when we are free."

Zhou Heng looked at Su Chong, and he said, "Okay, Ah Chong will send the deer back, and say hello to the two gentlemen for me."

Su Chong nodded.

Su Xiaolu said goodbye to Liu Zijin, and left with Su Chong.

on the way.

Su Xiaolu asked: "Brother, how do you feel after taking the pill?"

Su Chong smiled: "I have made great progress. My dantian has a vigor and is very pure."

He himself is the most suitable seedling for martial arts. After taking the elixir, his whole body seems to have been developed, making it easier for him to practice. He feels that his strength has greatly increased. He doesn't know how much he has increased, but he met the master. It's not easy for him to try.

"It's not just me, Brother Hua and Brother Shi, all of them are starting to have internal energy. Mom and Dad are in good health, and Mom's hands have recovered. Dad, Dad's eyes have grown half, and they haven't grown anymore. The second brother guessed that the energy is not enough."

Su Chong briefly told Su Xiaolu about the situation at home.

It's no secret that the spiritual energy is recovering now, not only in the Great Zhou Kingdom, but also in other countries, there are many secret books of exercises for sale, and everyone wants to cultivate to become a fairy.

One is to touch the mysterious legend, and the other is to strengthen oneself.

Even unarmed common people are not willing to be mermaid casually.

"Little Lu, how are you doing in Qinghai? I heard that big kuns and sea kuns appeared there, they are very dangerous and fierce."

Speaking of Qinghai, Su Chong looked worried.

Su Xiaolu smiled and said, "It's pretty stable over there. If you meet them, just avoid them and you'll be fine. Neither of them like too much noise, so the fishing boat should be quiet."

Hai Kun can come out of the water, but that is only in case of emergency.

Generally speaking, as long as people do not have that greed, they can survive from the big kun and the sea kun, but how is it possible for people not to be greedy? The big kun and the sea kun are the panacea for action.

It was she who was also planning.

"Brother, don't worry, I'm too weak now, and I won't be so overconfident. Those two things, I won't take action until I'm strong enough."

Su Xiaolu smiled at Su Chong, signaling him to be at ease.

"It's good that you know it in your heart. No matter what happens in this world, there are parents and brothers."

Su Chong stretched out his hand and rubbed Su Xiaolu's hair. He was also frantically adapting to this new change, because he was the eldest brother, and he wanted to protect the relatives behind him. He hoped that one day he could stand in front of Su Xiaolu.

During these days, for them, mutual growth is doubled.

Su Xiaolu nodded with a smile and returned to the inn.

Su Chong respectfully called Guiyou and old man Wu: "Master, hello master."

"Talk while eating."

Gui You said lightly, he and old man Wu had been waiting for a long time, and they were both hungry.

The inn had meals and they came quickly.

Su Xiaolu also told the two masters the news he got.

Old man Wu and Guiyou didn't intervene in everything, they listened quietly.

After Su Xiaolu finished speaking, old man Wu pondered for a while before opening his mouth: "Girl, then go and pay out the silver taels that we Sanneng paid in advance."

Don't use it for nothing, anyway, it's a deal, if there is any good thing, of course you have to get it.

Gui You didn't object, he also nodded: "Use this money to buy something."

After Guiyou finished speaking, he looked at Su Chong: "Su Chong, you go with me, can you get anything?"

Su Chong coughed lightly and said: "Master, I am the court order official, and now I am taking orders from the First Prince."

He can't take anything.


Guiyou's expression was neither hot nor cold.

Old man Wu gave a meaningful 'tsk'.

Then he said to Su Xiaolu: "Girl, my brother has to settle accounts clearly, can't you be confused about this point?"

Su Xiaolu nodded obediently.

Regarding Zhou Heng's arrangement, old man Wu and Gui You couldn't find any shortcomings, Zhou Heng was very thoughtful.

Su Xiaolu went to collect the money the next day.

Liu Zijin also made a registration as usual, took away the money, and the three master and apprentice left the yamen.

"Girl, do you know who you met yesterday?"

With his hands behind his back, old man Wu spoke mysteriously.

Su Xiaolu shook her head, she quickly hugged old man Wu's arm, and asked sweetly: "Master, master, who are they? I see that they are husband and wife, but why don't they have children?"

"Why are there no children? There are many children, but they can't be seen by others."

Old man Wu stroked his beard, hanging on Su Xiaolu's curiosity.

Su Xiaolu ran left and right, either pinching his arms or beating his back.

Guiyou glanced sideways, and said indifferently: "Chen Xi and Tian's ancestors have raised Gu for generations, and the Gu raised is their children. Normally, as long as they don't do immoral things, people in their sect can live a long life, and the husband and wife live happily ever after. Be happy for dozens of years, after the sixtieth year, the apprentices are trained, and the apprentices are generally a man and a woman, the female adoptive mother Gu, the male adoptive son Gu, the two grow up and get married together, and pass it on like this."


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