Chapter 573

"He's right."

Old man Wu was so angry that he only said this sentence.

Guiyou said what he wanted to say first, and the fun was gone.

Su Xiaolu understood after listening, but she still had doubts, she asked: "Are they themselves infertile? Also, what if both parties fall in love with other people when they grow up?"

Although there is a child-mother Gu, and they grew up together as childhood sweethearts, but accidents are not impossible.

In Zhou Zhi's collection of so many story books, Su Xiaolu has read a lot of empathetic stories. There are no absolutes in the world, and it has been passed down to the present. Isn't there any surprise?

"Your question is good, accidents often happen."

Old man Wu smiled mysteriously, and then said: "If one of the parties changes their love, then the two parties will fight, and only one of them can survive, and the one who survives can re-cultivate heirs. "

"If you want to change your destiny, you have to pay a price. You are brothers and sisters, you are also husband and wife, you are the closest person, and you are also in a competitive relationship."

Guiyou said in a deep voice, Su Xiaolu has grown up, so there is no need to shy away from telling her these things.

Su Xiaolu understood, she thought of Chen Xi and Tian's, but she really didn't expect such a relationship between them.

Chen Xi and Tian's seem to be very affectionate, they get along day and night, there shouldn't be any affair between them.

Seeming to know what Su Xiaolu was thinking, old man Wu waved his hand and said, "Girl, people's hearts have been the most unpredictable since ancient times. Don't believe that anything can last forever."

Su Xiaolu thinks it makes sense, as people grow, they will change.

It is said that it is only by not forgetting the original intention, but in this life, how many people can not forget the original intention?

"I'm going to have a dessert in my mouth. The Tian family likes girls. They have a lot of good things in their hands. Whether we can buy affordable good things depends on you."

Old man Wu smiled like an old fox.

Guiyou also pursed his lips and nodded lightly.

Su Xiaolu recalled Tian Shi, she was very gentle, she hadn't seen Gu worms yet.

The three master and apprentice arrived outside Chen Xi's house.

Su Xiaolu respectfully stood beside the two masters, waiting for their orders.

Unexpectedly, Guiyou grabbed old man Wu and flew across the courtyard.

Su Xiaolu: "..."

Is this a bit impolite?

"Girl, don't stick around, come in quickly."

Old man Wu called her from the yard.

"Uncle Wu, return to Uncle You."

Chen Xi greeted with a smile.

Su Xiaolu flew in.

"Yan Niang, serve some dessert and tea."

Chen Xi was yelling to the room, while he himself put down the shaving tools in the middle of the week.

He was clearing the wood for the coffin. There were a lot of wood flowers in the yard. He wiped his sweat with the handkerchief hanging around his neck, and then invited old man Wu back to Su Xiaolu to enter the house.

"Xiao Chen, the three of us are here today to buy some good things from your husband and wife."

Old man Wu cut to the chase.

Chen Xi also smiled: "It's easy to say."

Tian quickly brought some snacks and made tea, she was still very gentle, and after she was done, she went to sit beside Chen Xi.

"You two uncles, eat something first."

Chen Xi grabbed a few slices of cakes by himself first, and under the table, Mrs. Tian had already pinched him secretly. He gasped in pain, but he still ate the cakes cheerfully. How could he eat so much on weekdays? ah.

Thanks to the nobleman, I can eat enough for these two days.

Old man Wu and Guiyou were not surprised and did not move.

Su Xiaolu stretched out her hand to grab the remaining cakes, she smiled at Tian Shi: "Aunt Tian, ​​the cakes you made are delicious, I really like them."

"Eat more if you like it, and when you go back, aunt will wrap some more for you."

Tian was very happy, and didn't look at Chen Xi beside her with a bitter face.

Su Xiaolu gave Tian a bright smile back.

Su Xiaolu quickly ate the pastry, it was so sweet that she felt tired of it, it was hard to imagine that a big man like Chen Xi would like to eat sweets.

His wife, Tian Shi, looked like she didn't want him to eat too much.

Tian Shi was very happy when Su Xiaolu ate it, and Chen Xi couldn't eat more if Su Xiaolu ate it.

For some reason, Su Xiaolu felt a little dizzy, as if she was drunk, and the surrounding voices seemed to have quieted down. She was obedient and quiet, listening to old man Wu Guiyou talking to Chen Xi and his wife.

She was a little confused.

She saw Chen Xi get up and leave, and soon brought a box.

Su Xiaolu thought she was delusional, there seemed to be a lot of bugs on the box, and they seemed to be moving.

She rubbed her eyes, and now she could see more clearly, it was a bug, and it could really move.

Chen Xi opened the box and took out some powder packets, he said: "This is poisonous scorpion powder, this is five-step snake powder, this is green frog powder..."

One by one, all poisonous insect powder.

Old man Wu and Guiyou took out the banknotes, Chen Xi was about to cover the box, but Tian took the box away, she grabbed a handful of powder packets, there were about four or five packets, she pointed to Su Xiaolu.

Seeing her pointing at him, Su Xiaolu smiled at Tian Shi, who also smiled.

Old man Wu put away all the powder packets.

Smiling and got up to send each other off.

Su Xiaolu felt that she had been handpicked by Guiyou.

On her back, she wanted to speak, but her strength was so weak that she couldn't even hear what they were saying, she just kept laughing.

When he left, Tian Shi pinched her cheek and didn't know what to say, but judging from the expression, she liked him very much.

After leaving Chen's house, they went back to the inn.

Guiyou put Su Xiaolu down, the little girl was already fast asleep.

"This girl is really a tiger, why is she not guarded at all, no matter how much you trust someone, you don't trust like this."

Old man Wu looked sad.

"You don't believe how a girl sees people?"

Guiyou asked indifferently.

Old man Wu snorted coldly: "I won't argue with you."

Su Xiaolu trusts Tian Shi, to put it bluntly, he trusts him and Guiyou.

Although they are masters and apprentices, masters and apprentices also turn against each other, and there is not so much trust. Su Xiaolu trusts him wholeheartedly, and old man Wu feels like eating honey in his heart, he is just stubborn.

Su Xiaolu slept until noon on the third day.

She woke up, refreshed, but also hungry, and immediately asked the inn for a big bowl of noodles. She quickly ate a bowl, and said depressedly: "Master, Master Guiyou, I feel like I fell asleep It's been a long time, I'm so hungry."

Old man Wu stretched out his hand: "You slept for three days."

Su Xiaolu almost choked on the noodle soup, she looked surprised: "How did I sleep for so long."

She remembered eating so many pastries, and she suddenly realized again.

Old man Wu flicked Su Xiaolu's head: "Let's see if you dare to eat it next time."

"But I saw that Uncle Chen also ate a lot that day."

Su Xiaolu was puzzled, she went to see Chen Xi the first day, she only ate a small piece, and Chen Xi ate a plate, and went with the two masters the next day, Chen Xi was still working.

"He was fed Zigu, and you don't have Gu, you will get drunk if you eat it." Old man Wu explained helplessly.


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