Chapter 574 Enter

Su Xiaolu touched his forehead, so it was so.

However, a few pieces of pastries have such a big effect, she is also very surprised.

After Su Xiaolu was full, she didn't feel any discomfort. On the contrary, she was very comfortable and in the best state of mind.

Su Chong came to see her at night and left after seeing that he was fine.

For the next three days, Su Xiaolu and Old Man Wu practiced crazily, and they only rested for an hour or two a day.

It was not until the night before going into the mountains that I could have a good rest.

July 15th is the day to enter the mountain.

Waking up early in the morning, Su Xiaolu and the two masters packed up their things and went to the gathering place.

When Su Xiaolu and his disciples arrived, there were already a large group of people, about fifty or sixty, many of them were chatting, and they seemed to be quite happy.

Some people say that they once challenged a certain local master.

Some people say that they have killed big tigers and big bears.

Anyway, just to show off some of their glorious deeds, there are also some people wearing straw hats, holding swords with their hands around their chests, with some grass in their mouths, standing there very coldly.

Su Chong was wearing armor, and beside Zhou Heng who was also wearing armor, he helped him arrange people well.

Liu Zijin is also there, and even he has a sword and food, because no one knows what will happen after entering the mountain, so everyone must be prepared to walk independently.

There were guards distributing the supplies, and Su Xiaolu, the master and his disciples also shared a portion each. Su Xiaolu carried them on his back, and a group of people set off in a mighty manner.

Zhou Heng led the way on a horse.

It was an hour's journey away from that fog.

There are quite a few people who are good at lightness kung fu, but they feel that walking is slow, and they fly across the jungle to the front. The branches shake, and many birds are startled.

Old Man Wu snorted coldly: "It's useless."

Su Xiaolu held Old Man Wu's arm, she smiled and said, "Master, are you tired?"

Speaking of which, the old man is also getting old, so I don't know if he can handle it.

"What is this, the old man is not so weak."

On this road, he is not unable to walk.

As the fog approached, Su Xiaolu saw those who had left first, and they also waited, with layers of heavy soldiers guarding the outside.

Su Xiaolu felt incredible. The fog should range from light to thick, but the fog here is separated. The dense fog and the clear and pitiful forest are just one palm away. Within one palm is the land of fog, and there is nothing in it. Can't see clearly, one palm away, the forest is clean, the sun is shining, and there is nowhere to hide.

Zhou Heng's face was calm, and he ordered in a deep voice: "Rest where you are, and after half an hour, everyone will enter the fog together."

The reason to rest for half an hour is because Zhou Heng hopes that everyone is in the best condition.

Take a break, eat something, half an hour passed quickly.

Afraid that the mist is poisonous, I had to take detoxification pills in advance. Before entering, I also gave a rope to help everyone walk.

Zhou Heng was well prepared. He looked at the sky, and it happened to be noon. He led the horse and walked into the fog first.

In the fog, the eyes can only see the figure in front of them, and they can't see clearly any further.

Everyone takes every step carefully.

"It's so comfortable to breathe in here, and there's a lot of spiritual energy in here."

Someone muttered, and then took a big breath.

The aura in the fog is indeed very abundant.

Su Xiaolu walked very carefully along the way.

But the terrain is flat, there is no wind, and there is no danger.

As the fog became thinner, she saw layers upon layers of mountains, towering dense forests, stretching endlessly.

I don't know what kind of bird is flying in the sky.

People were stunned, this world was strange to everyone.

"My dear, what kind of fairy place is this? After taking a breath, my body feels light and light, as if I am about to become a fairy."

Someone exclaimed, smelling such aura full of aura, everyone took a deep breath.

"It's such a good place, the former people are afraid that they will be reluctant to leave after entering."

Some people joked that in such a fairyland, they are a group of people who want to become immortals. How could they be willing to leave when they came here, so it makes sense why the people who came here before didn't go out.

"Your Highness, I suggest you go into the forest."

Liu Zijin walked up to Zhou Heng and proposed.

Looking at it like this, it seems that there is no danger. Now that I have come in, I have to go into the forest to have a look.

Everyone agreed with Liu Zijin's words, and some people couldn't wait to go in and have a look.

Zhou Heng beckoned, a man in black stepped forward, he gave a few words, and the man in black returned to the fog.

When people looked at it, they didn't make a sound, they only said that Zhou Heng was very cautious, this magical region was right in front of him, and he couldn't run away, but whether he could go back on the way back was not certain.

Fortunately, the man in black came back after a short time. He reported the situation to Zhou Heng, and Wu could go back. This was the entrance and the exit.

Those who came in did not go out, maybe they really wanted to practice here.

"Your Highness, the First Prince, do you still count what you said when you came in?"

At this time, someone couldn't restrain their excitement, and looked at Zhou Heng burningly and asked.

It's a treasure here, I'm afraid you can

Taking some treasures out can make them a fortune. Zhou Heng said before that how many treasures they can get after they come in depends on their ability. If this is still counting, then they will really make a fortune.

Zhou Heng nodded lightly, and then said: "What the prince said before, all count. If any of you want to separate now, the prince has no complaints, but you left voluntarily and did not stay with the prince. Then If something happens to you, this prince will not be responsible for it."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Heng turned to look at Liu Zijin beside him, "Zijin, cross out the name of the person who is leaving."

Most of these people are people in the Jianghu, and they are not controlled by others, and Zhou Heng never thought about really controlling them.

Seeing that everything is calm now, there are really too many people in their group. In such a situation, it is indeed better to disperse them.

After all, we are all together, and when we meet a treasure, it is inevitable that there will be competition and infighting. With so many people, it is difficult to divide them.

As soon as Zhou Heng said this, several groups of people in twos and threes immediately bowed their hands and said goodbye to Zhou Heng respectfully, and left after giving their names.

Not long after, forty people left.

There are not many people who have been called and stayed.

Zhou Heng's face was calm, he looked at the distance with determination, and said in a deep voice: "Go into the mountain."

After walking a very quiet road, the woods were also quiet, and they didn't see any of the big birds they had seen before.

"Girl, pay more attention to your feet and don't step on the medicine." Old man Wu reminded aloud that such a good place is easy to produce treasures. Their doctors care most about medicinal materials.

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