Chapter 584 Responsiveness and Response 2

Chapter 584 Responsiveness and Response 2

Old man Wu rolled his eyes and gave the answer: "It hurts to death, we are not in a hurry, let's wait and see."

Anyway, if you want to go in and sense, there are many ways to go in, the most important thing is whether you can resist the painful test.

Guiyou nodded in agreement.

They were indeed not in a hurry, he said flatly: "In just two days, we master and apprentice will leave here."

Fog also appeared in other places. Whether it is the same or not, we have to go and see.

"The two seniors have thought deeply about it, so I feel relieved."

Tian said with a smile.

"If you husband and wife want to sense any ability, try to be more cautious."

Old man Wu said to Tian.

Tian smiled gently and nodded: "Senior, please rest assured, we husband and wife will be careful."

Chen Xi patted his head and said: "Uncle Wu, if you have any news, please let us know. You also know that Yanniang and I guard this small place and don't like to go bumpy."

The husband and wife are free in this small place, and don't want to move around unless absolutely necessary.

Tian Shi smiled sweetly and gently snuggled up to him.

Old man Wu nodded impatiently: "I know, I know, there's nothing else, you should go back."

Don't poke my old man in the eye here.

Chen Xi joyfully led Tian up to his feet, Tian waved to Su Xiaolu gently, and said softly, "Xiaolu, see you next time."

Su Xiaolu also waved: "Goodbye, Uncle Chen, goodbye Auntie."

After Chen Xi and his wife left, Guiyou and Old Man Wu went back to their room to rest.

Su Xiaolu carried the little guy out of the space and put it on the table to play with it.

The little guy was a little uneasy when he arrived in a strange place, and he went straight to Su Xiaolu's palm.

Su Xiaolu touched its head, and sniffed it closer, but there was still no smell. Su Xiaolu hugged it, smiled and said in a low voice: "Do you want to eat milk, how about I give you goat's milk?"

She asked the shopkeeper for goat milk, and the little guy was visibly excited when he smelled the milk.

The little head plunged headlong into the bowl, Su Xiaolu was still worried that it would be drowned, but a series of milk bubbles came up, and after a while, the little guy's stomach swelled up, and the bowl of milk also bottomed out.

Now, this thing is like an inflated balloon, its limbs are all on the ground, it looks really funny.

It still sticks out its little tongue to lick its mouth.

When he was full, he lay down in Su Xiaolu's palm and wanted to sleep. Su Xiaolu put it back in the space. He didn't know how long it would take for this thing to grow up. Anyway, let's raise it like this first.

I went to see the carp in Lingquan water, and the carp's spirit is also good.

Su Xiaolu got out of the space, she went out and bought some dry milk to put away, and boil it in hot water for the little guy to drink.

In the past two months, it has been wronged to eat fruit juice all the time.

In the evening, Su Chong came over and had dinner together.

"Brother, when are you coming back?"

Su Xiaolu asked casually.

Su Chong's eyes dodged a little: "I still have to look at Brother Heng, I don't know."

Old man Wu rolled his eyes and said coldly, "Lie!"

Su Chong blushed immediately, he didn't even dare to look at Su Xiaolu.

Guiyou didn't speak.

Su Xiaolu looked at Su Chong, and his tone was a bit heavy: "Brother!"

Su Chong swallowed the food in his mouth, very tangled, but still said: "Xiaolu, we are not going back yet, brother Heng said that he will go in again, he wants to sense that thing, brother, I will not hide it from you, in fact I Had that idea too."

"Little Lu, I know it's dangerous, but it will be beneficial after you survive it, isn't it? Zijin can now control the fire, and his fire can be turned into a fireball. Once it touches it, he will definitely be burned."

Su Chong looked at Su Xiaolu with unshakable firmness in his eyes. There was actually another reason why he wanted to go. Lin Yaoyao wrote a letter. She was pregnant, which he found out a month after he left.

He is about to become a father. In this world, he needs to be stronger than before to protect his wife, children and parents.

"Brother, can't you wait any longer?"

Su Xiaolu was a little worried, but she was also afraid, afraid that Su Chong would not be able to hold on.

Su Chong looked at Su Xiaolu firmly and shook his head, he couldn't wait any longer.

Before, they thought that the fog was some kind of barrier, used to isolate the things in the inner area from coming out, but it was not.

The fog is fading, and some small animals inside are also going out one after another. Those large and terrifying ones will come out sooner or later. It is difficult for a mere mortal body to resist those things.

Liu Zijin's ability, once hit on those things, it is difficult to extinguish the fire, and it is more effective than their hands.

Possessing the ability and improving the ability to become stronger is the path that must be taken, the sooner the better.

The four of them ate quietly, and after eating, Su Chong was ready to go back.

Old Man Wu stopped him: "Wait."

Su Chong stopped.

"Sooner or later, you will die. If you die early, you will be reborn. Remember to let us know when you go in, and we will go there too."

Old man Wu said calmly.

Guiyou slightly forehead.

Su Chong frowned: "Master, Master Uncle, this is still too dangerous, you should wait until we come out to see."

Su Xiaolu said:

"Brother, no one can help anyone with the ability to sense. I think it's a gift from God, and the test is also determined by God. It doesn't matter whether it's sooner or later. This road can only be walked by yourself. Personal choice, we can't stop you, big brother, and on the contrary, big brother can't stop us either."

Old man Wu raised his head proudly.

Guiyou hugged his chest without expression.

Su Chong lowered his head helplessly and muttered, "If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have said it."

He was not very good at hiding his thoughts, and he failed to deceive the master and uncle.

Su Xiaolu laughed, took Su Chong's arm, and said with a friendly smile: "This is normal, of course you can't hide it in front of two powerful masters like me, but this also proves that you are pure in heart, None of us need to worry about anyone else, we can all get through this.”

"Master Guiyou, how handsome and unrestrained. Although my master is older, I haven't grown up yet. I haven't given him a proper filial piety. He is reluctant to leave, and myself, I am only thirteen years old. , My good life has not yet begun, and I am even more reluctant to die. You, it is not easy for you to marry a big sister-in-law. I guess you are even more reluctant. The pain may be a little bit painful, but as long as you have faith to support it, why worry about it? Don't go, so, it's a small matter."

Su Xiaolu said with a smile, as long as the belief in the heart is firm enough, there will be no obstacles that cannot be overcome.

As for this matter, it could have been big or small.

It's a matter of life and death at a big scale, but it's just as simple as eating and sleeping when it's small.

"Okay, then I'll go back, and I'll tell you when I'm sure."

Su Chong also laughed, yes, what a big deal, as long as you don't take it seriously, then it's not a big deal.

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