Chapter 585 Further Advancement

Chapter 585 Further Advancement

Hearing what his sister said, Su Chong also felt that it was not a big deal.

After Su Chong left, the old man Wu sighed: "Girl, if the master can't make it through, don't be soft-hearted, get to know the master directly, don't let the master run around like crazy, and the job of being buried like that, the master would rather have one happy."

The ruthless words just now, that is, in front of Su Chong, old man Wu still has no idea.

But left and right have to go this way, and he doesn't object to going early, but if he really doesn't make it through, he still wants to die quickly.

Otherwise, if he is insane, even if he is brought out from it, he will still be a lunatic in the future. By then, he will be crazy and physically abnormal. Even if he is unconscious, he still cares about his own image.

After all, he is an old genius doctor with a good life all his life. He can't bear to be like this when he grows old. He is a person who cares about face.

Guiyou sneered and said, "You think beautifully, the girl's martial arts are not as good as mine, I won't let her kill you, what can she do?"

"If you are crazy, I won't let the girl kill you. I will let you live in a shitty way. When you die in the future, it will be engraved on your epitaph and become your eternal stain. When I get to the end, I will explain it in detail. Let me tell you, I have no dignity to make you a ghost!"

Guiyou was indifferent and ruthless, he turned his head and went back to his room after speaking.

Old man Wu was furious, and pointed at Guiyou tremblingly: "You, you, you..."

Unable to say a second word for a long time, Guiyou was in a good mood and whistled cheerfully.

Old man Wu stomped his feet angrily.

Su Xiaolu coughed lightly and said: "Master, why don't you work hard, Master Guiyou is much better than me, he is also my master, and I can't make mistakes, mainly because I can't beat him..."

"Please forgive me for my incompetence."

Su Xiaolu lowered her head, held back the corners of her mouth, and tried her best not to raise the corners of her mouth.

Her old man's opponent had to be Master Gui You.

Old Man Wu stomped his feet: "I'm so mad, I must sense a powerful one, and rub that dead Guiyou on the ground!"

Su Xiaolu couldn't help nodding in approval.

Old man Wu said to Su Xiaolu again: "Girl, you have to feel a strong one too. If we master and apprentice together, I don't believe we can't deal with him!"

Su Xiaolu nodded in approval.

Old man Wu went back to his room with his hands behind his back.

After being stimulated by Guiyou, old man Wu lost his last thought of seeking relief from failure. He knows what kind of person Guiyou is, so don't think it's cruel words. Guiyou is definitely talking about it. It's time for someone to do it.

If he was really crazy, he would not be Doctor Wu, and Gui You would not treat him as a doctor, and if he didn't remember the old relationship at all, he would definitely insult him severely.

So in order to preserve the dignity of the old man, old man Wu gritted his teeth and stopped thinking about it, it just hurt a little, he will definitely get through it! He wants to live to be a hundred years old!


Su Chong returned to the house, and Zhou Heng was writing a letter.

Seeing him coming, he put down his pen, rubbed between his brows and said slowly: "You're back, how are Xiaolu and the others? What are your plans? They should be leaving, are they going to Yanzhou or Wanzhou?"

Yanzhou and Wanzhou also had white mist appearing, he felt that Su Xiaolu and the others should go back and take a look.

Su Chong shook his head: "Xiaolu and the others want to enter with us again."

Zhou Heng looked at Su Chong: "No, it's too dangerous. I'm not telling you not to tell them, Ah Chong, Xiaolu is still young, Master Wu and Master Guiyou are not young, they...don't take such a risk .”

If there are major changes in the future, they should already be strong enough to protect them.

It is impossible for everyone in the world to sense the ability of sensing. There are always some ordinary people who want to live a stable life, no matter what kind of world it is, there will be a safe place.

Su Chong looked at Zhou Heng and explained: "I think so too. No matter what they are, as long as I have breath, I will protect my family, but I can't restrain any of them."

"Master Guiyou has his own decisions, and so does Uncle Wu. They are all free and unrestrained people. As long as they want to do whatever they want, no one can stop them. On the contrary, if they don't want to do it, I can't force it."

Su Chong was quite helpless, let alone Su Xiaolu and others, even Mrs. Zhao and Su Sanlang, he couldn't stop them.

Su Sanlang taught them since they were sensible, and respected what they did. The whole family obeyed one purpose, that is, the decision is made by oneself. Then anything can be done.

Life is rare in this life, and it is their luck to be a sober and free person.

"Blame me—"

Zhou Heng rubbed his forehead, if he didn't mind, such a thing would not have happened.

Su Chong patted him on the shoulder: "Brother Heng, don't put these things on you, even without you, I would have taken this step, Xiaolu would have done it, Master Guiyou and uncle would have done it, Yaoyao is pregnant, we I'm about to become a father, I believe my belief is strong enough, doesn't Brother Heng believe in me?"

Su Chong looked at Zhou Heng, if Zhou Heng hesitated or lacked self-confidence, he would try to stop him no matter what.

Zhou Heng looked at Su Chong without any hesitation: "Of course I believe in myself. It's not easy to get to where I am today. I still have to live with Xiao Ling."

Su Xiaoling is still waiting for him, she has paid so much for him, how dare he let him down, he wants to go because of

For having a firm and unshakable faith in my heart.

The four eyes met, and they both saw the firm belief in the other's eyes, and they both laughed.

After making a decision, Zhou Heng quickly set a time.

This time I went in, it was September 23rd.

It was cold inside, so everyone put on jackets, and this time when we went in, we didn't call any Jianghu people.

Accompanying them are only Zhou Heng's cronies here, how many people start with the word wood, how many people start with the word forest, and how many people start with the word forest, plus Su Xiaolu, old man Wu and Guiyou master and apprentice.

The fog is indeed much lighter than before.

Not long after I went in this time, I met some small animals. They have long ears like rabbits, and they jump and walk, but they are a little different from the rabbits outside. They look ugly, but they are still called rabbits.

Perhaps the big bear died, and there were many traces of animals in this forest.

Still going straight into the hinterland, this time they walked for another day. The deeper they went, the stronger the spiritual energy, but the greater the danger. After setting up camp, the first group of people began to meditate.

Su Xiaolu's master and apprentice were among the first group of people, and the others gathered together to form an encirclement circle to protect the people in the circle.

Su Xiaolu closed her eyes, she let go of her thoughts, just like old man Wu said, if you want to sense, you have to sense it powerfully, but what is the most powerful, after the spirit is empty, gradually the feeling becomes wonderful, The surroundings were so quiet, and there seemed to be many, many light spots swimming around, and a voice in her heart told her: just grab it.

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