Chapter 586

Chapter 586

Su Xiaolu wanted to open his eyes, but he couldn't.

grab what? How does she know what she is grabbing, how does she know whether what she is grabbing is what she wants.

To catch or not to catch, Su Xiaolu hesitated.

As if knowing what she was thinking, soon, her feelings became more real.

Something brushed in front of her, heavy, and she knew it was gold.

And fresh twigs brushing her hair.

Sweet water, the source of life.

The fire that can burn everything, the soil that nourishes all things, etc., as well as ice and thunder, all kinds of things brushed by her side, they all convey a message, just grab it.

Now she also knows what it is, to catch or not to catch?

Brother, how do they feel now, is it the same as her?

Su Xiaolu was not in a hurry, her mind became more and more empty, gradually, her feelings became clearer again.

This time, she felt more various abilities, they all have shapes, not only shapes, but also sizes, strengths and weaknesses.

One by one, like tangled threads, they were flying in front of her, waiting for her to reach out and grab one of them.

No matter what kind of ability, she can feel very gentle when they are close, and they are very friendly to her.

Su Xiaolu didn't move, and let the time pass slowly. She didn't know how long it had passed, but her eyes were so clear that she could see it.

In front of her eyes was a colorful picture, all those abilities turned into ribbons, flying back and forth in front of her.

The color is dark and light, and the size is different.

There are also some that are like stars, emitting light. There are very few stars that do not emit light.

She watched carefully, and the stars were shining, but the colors were not uniform or repeated.

In other words, every star is unique.

Su Xiaolu stretched out her hand, she decided to grab the water, she likes water.

A shining mercury star wrapped around her arm, and she felt very kind, the water entered from her palm, and slowly flowed all over her body.

Su Xiaolu firmly believed in her heart, secretly thinking: I am not afraid of any test, I am ready.

"Girl, girl, wake up—"

There was an urgent voice calling beside her ear, and Su Xiaolu frowned involuntarily.

She opened her eyes, and saw that her whole body was covered with a layer of water film, leaving only one head outside. It was already bright outside, and her masters were all looking at her anxiously.

Old man Wu's face was pale and weak, and he said angrily: "Stinky girl, if you dare not hold on, the old man will not let you go, and let you be a crazy girl, eating what others don't want, it's worse than pig food I’ll just feed you the ones you eat, and don’t care about letting you poop in your pants, and when I die in the future, I’ll humiliate you severely in the end!”

"Smelly girl, smelly girl, did you hear that!!!"

Old man Wu used Guiyou's words to threaten him, and in turn threatened Su Xiaolu.

If the old man hadn't started to cry, Su Xiaolu would have believed it.

Old man Wu is cold-tempered and doesn't like women approaching. Even if it's her, the old man will dislike her very much, but he likes her as his apprentice from the bottom of his heart, and protects her like a baby.

Even though he said threatening words now, they didn't have the slightest shock force, making people know that what he said could not be done at a glance.


Su Xiaolu opened her mouth with difficulty, she felt the pain, it hurt so much, she still tried her best to smile to the old man, she would not give up casually.

"I still want... to give you a retirement pension..."

Su Xiaolu smiled at Old Man Wu, the pain made her sweat profusely, and her face was distorted uncontrollably, she thought she must be very ugly.


The old man Wu was very disgusted, and then wiped away his old tears and explained coldly: "I am not crying for you, I am crying for myself, you girl has ruined the old man's hard work, how much of the white money you have spent One hundred thousand taels, you dare die and try!"

"In your life, if you don't even know about capital and interest, you want to die, you are so beautiful, there is no door!"

Old man Wu said with a cold snort.

Su Xiaolu couldn't laugh or cry: "Master, it really hurts..."

It hurts, it really hurts, Su Xiaolu can't find words to describe it, this kind of pain, every cell, every strand of hair hurts, she is going crazy, she wants to cry, but she can't even cry.

"Little Lu, you must persevere. Parents are still waiting for you. There is something that the eldest brother hasn't told you yet. The eldest brother is going to be a father, and you are going to be a little aunt. Xiaolu, did you hear that?"

Su Chong's eyes were red, and he choked up and said.

Su Xiaolu looked, the eldest brother was going to be a father, and she was going to be an aunt.

The Su family is going to have an eldest grandson, of course she wants to see it.

"Little Lu, don't give up, you will be able to hold on!"

Zhou Heng also opened his mouth to encourage Su Xiaolu.

Su Xiaolu looked at Zhou Heng suspiciously: "My sister is not pregnant, is she?"

"you guess!"

Zhou Heng didn't say it clearly, and let Su Xiaolu guess by himself.

Su Xiaolu felt like a hammer was beating in her head, and for a while, she couldn't tell whether Zhou Zhi's words were true or not.

She was in so much pain that she looked around

, found out that she was the last one who sensed together, and it was very dangerous.

Eliminate! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts.

"Smelly girl, stinky girl..."

"Good disciple, good disciple...don't die, I'm a teacher at this age, I can't stand the blow...Su Xiaolu, girl, girl..."

Old man Wu burst into tears, he couldn't put on any pretense, and he was going to die of sadness.

"Master has devoted all his efforts to you. If you are gone, Master will not be able to survive. You stinky girl, don't you really feel sorry for Master? You can't bear to see Master send a white-haired person to a black-haired person at this age... "

"Smelly girl, open your mouth quickly and take all these medicines!"

Old man Wu howled, pinched Su Xiaolu's mouth open, and poured down the medicine all at once.

Su Xiaolu was so choked that she couldn't speak, tears streaming down her face.

She may not have died of pain, but choked to death, swallowing desperately.

After swallowing it, she was relieved. She didn't know what old man Wu had given her. She felt that her meridians were about to burst, and her inner breath exploded all at once, messing around. She felt that her pores They are all open, bleeding beads.

But at the same time, there was another very strange feeling that surrounded her, which soaked all the meridians, and was comfortable.

Her whole being was repairing, out of control, repairing, tormented over and over again.

Seeing old man Wu's crying snot bubbling, Su Xiaolu's distorted face could not help but smile, but the smile didn't last for a few breaths, and the corners of her painful mouth twitched again.

In these short three hours, Su Xiaolu felt as if countless years had passed.

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