Chapter 588 Shui Shui

Chapter 588 Shui Shui

Soon, Su Xiaolu had warm milk.

She drank two big bowls, and she was full of energy. She looked at Guiyou curiously: "Master Guiyou, where did you find it?"


A cry of sheep attracted Su Xiaolu. She looked around and found a big ewe and a whole bunch of lambs. They wanted to drink milk, but Guiyou kicked them away.

Su Xiaolu felt both funny and helpless.

She is so happy, and her friends, family, and master all love her very much.

Even Guiyou, who has been indifferent and ruthless all year round, would do such naive and hateful things for her.

I'm sorry, Xiao Yang, I promise to give you back your Yang Niang after drinking two more bowls!

When it hurts, it's really painful, but it gets better quickly.

Su Xiaolu is not in good spirits, mainly because she is hungry, after all, she hasn't eaten for three days.

After eating two bowls of warm goat milk, my stomach felt better, and I started to eat meat.

After eating two big bird legs, Su Xiaolu was full of energy.

Everyone looked at her again and again, without Su Xiaolu's guessing, they all knew how confused they would be.

Sitting together, Zhou Heng first asked: "Xiaolu, what are you sensing? They say that sensing is like fishing for something in the ocean. Everyone else feels the same, how about you?"

"What's the rush, girl, go to bed and rest."

Old man Wu rolled his eyes at Zhou Heng, like an old hen protecting a calf.

Su Xiaolu smiled sweetly and said, "Master, I don't want to sleep anymore. I've slept for three days, and I've had enough sleep."

Knowing that everyone has doubts, Su Xiaolu smiled and explained: "The metaphor of fishing in the sea is correct, big brother, third brother, I don't know if everyone feels the same, but listen to me Elaborate."

Su Xiaolu recalled her feelings at that time, she said slowly: "At the beginning, I could feel many things surrounding me, they would pass by me, let me know what it was, all kinds of abilities Yes, but how big, I don't know, there will be a feeling in my heart, just grab them."

"I didn't move at the time, I thought about it more, and the subsequent induction will be more clear. I can see what kind of things are flying, big and small, and glowing. It's dazzling. I don't know what my choice is. It's not correct, but I chose the shiny ones, and there don't seem to be many shiny ones. In fact, when I can feel that some are bigger and some are smaller, I can start. I really hurt too much, okay. Difficult."

Su Xiaolu recalled the pain of these three days, and she felt trembling from the depths of her soul. This feeling will never be forgotten in this life, it seems to be imprinted in her memory, reminding her that it was not easy.

"People's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants, so I want to serve a big bowl, and I don't see if I can eat it!"

Old man Wu was furious, and gave Su Xiaolu a chestnut to eat.

Su Xiaolu covered her head with an 'ouch'.

She is very greedy, she has always been very greedy.

Fortunately, the results are good.

Su Xiaolu smiled and leaned on Old Man Wu's shoulder: "Master, what did you feel?"

Old man Wu tilted his head coldly and arrogantly, but he still showed a cloud of thunder in front of Su Xiaolu. He hummed and said, "Next time if you don't obey, I'll take you with thunder and lightning!"

Su Xiaolu looked at Guiyou: "Master Guiyou, what did you feel?"

Guiyou stretched out his hand, and icicles formed on his hand, making him feel cold.

Su Xiaolu let out a happy 'Wow', Guiyou felt it, it looked amazing.

If this freezes people into ice cubes, it's not a direct instant kill.

"Girl, show us yours."

Guiyou looked at Su Xiaolu and said.

Su Xiaolu's pain was much longer than theirs, but according to Su Xiaolu's words, they also knew the difference. They just grabbed it when they first entered that state, and they didn't know that the back could be so clear.

At the beginning, people thought that what they could sense and the strength of what they got was left to fate, but according to what Su Xiaolu said, it was not always the case, and there was a second possibility.

But for the matter of sensory ability, there is no second chance.

When Su Xiaolu was in pain, he and old man Wu also tried to sense again, but they couldn't enter that state, as if you already had it, and the place that gave you the ability will no longer be given.

Su Xiaolu had a thought, she was suddenly wrapped in water, and Guiyou and old man Wu beside her were also wrapped in water.

Blisters can also lift into the air.

Old man Wu stretched out his hand and poked it, but it couldn't be pierced.

Su Xiaolu removed the water film, and the water splashed to the distant forest.

The dirt on Old Man Wu and Guiyou's body disappeared instantly, and they became refreshed and clean.

Su Chong and Zhou Heng were dumbfounded.

Su Xiaolu can control the water now, and seeing how handy she is, her ability is not weak.

"Girl, your ability is very good for cleaning, and it will definitely not stain a layer."

It's rare for old man Wu to make jokes, a stinky girl, she still has a conscience, knowing that this old man has worked so hard for her, he knows how to be filial to him.

Su Xiaolu nodded cheerfully: "Hey, master doesn't need to take a bath in the future."

She only needs to cover the old man with the water film, and the water will automatically wash the old man clean.

"Oh, master is worried to death."

Old Man Wu stretched out his hand to rub

Rubbing Su Xiaolu's hair, her tone suddenly softened.

Both master and apprentice almost burst into tears.

"Little Deer, you should rest well today, we will start sensing in the evening."

Zhou Heng smiled and said, with the news from Su Xiaolu, they will definitely get what they want more.

Su Xiaolu recalled the quarrel that she had vaguely heard, and she quickly asked: "Third brother, I was in a daze before, as if I heard you and the master quarreling, don't take it to heart, the master is just me as an apprentice, I am His heart is why he will"

Before Su Xiaolu finished speaking, Zhou Heng laughed out loud.

Everyone else laughed too.

"Xiaolu, Uncle Master didn't quarrel with brother Heng. The quarrel is fake, but the real thing is wanting to stimulate you."

Su Chong said with a smile, Su Xiaolu was in critical condition, and they tried all the methods they could think of.

Old man Wu actually scolded everyone she cared about.

It's just that she fell into a coma and didn't hear it, not only Zhou Heng, but also Su Chong, including the entire Su family.

Because when old man Wu scolded, Su Xiaolu obviously reacted, she would be worried.


Old man Wu snorted, turned his hands back, and went out.

Guiyou also went out.

"But—" Su Chong stroked Su Xiaolu's hair, and said gently: "Xiaolu, master really loves you, even my master. When you are unconscious, both masters become very scary .”

"It's a good thing you're fine, otherwise the eldest brother will be guilty for the rest of his life and will never forgive himself, Su Chong didn't finish his sentence, he smiled gently.

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