Chapter 589 Water Water Water

Chapter 589 Water Water Water

Su Xiaolu leaned on Su Chong's shoulder affectionately, and she asked softly: "Brother, I still remember, you said I'm going to be an aunt, is it true?"

Su Chong looked into Su Xiaolu's shining eyes, and nodded: "It's true, Yaoyao is pregnant, and it's been more than two months."

"That's great. I don't know if it's a boy or a girl."

Su Xiaolu smiled, imagined it for a while, and felt sweet in her heart, no matter if it was a baby boy or a baby girl, both parents would definitely like it.

Her eldest brother is going to be a father.

"Little Lu, take a good rest, just call them if you need anything."

Zhou Heng said gently.

He got up and went out. It was rare to see sunshine in the forest today. Everything is moving in a good direction, which is good news.

With Su Xiaolu's detailed experience, he believes that they can also get what they want.

Su Xiaolu is just a little girl. She has proved by facts that as long as she doesn't give up, she will definitely survive.

"Brother, you must remember that no matter how much pain you suffer, as long as you stick to your beliefs, you will be able to survive. In such pain, I can't speak, I can't even control my emotions, but one thing, I never I haven't shaken my heart, really, it's very good here, I can't let you all go."

Su Xiaolu smiled at Su Chong, with tears in his eyes: "I think about the past over and over again, I remember when I was very young, you and your brothers and sisters would bring me sweet and sour fruits from the mountains , Even if you accidentally crush it, you still don’t want to eat it by yourself, you are so warm in your embrace, so warm.”

"Don't worry, brother won't give up."

Su Chong rubbed Su Xiaolu's hair, recalling the past, the days with his family were always happy.

Even if he ate the coarse gold and jade sticks, he still felt sweet and sweet, and those tastes were always in his heart. Brothers, sisters, parents, no matter when they think about it, they feel very warm in their hearts.

Unknowingly, the years have given them a lot of sweetness, and these sweetness, even if there are more hardships in the future, they can survive.

Su Chong got up and went out.

Su Xiaolu smirked for a while before she began to check herself, where exactly was the mark.

Not on her hands, nor on her thighs, she finally thought about it for a while, her chest felt a little cold, she looked down, and there seemed to be a drop of condensation hanging on her chest, like a crystal, so beautiful.

She reached out to touch it, and her fingers felt cool. With a thought, water quickly covered her hands, as if she had put on a pair of gloves like transparent light film.

So comfortable, she felt the closeness of the water.

Water, the source of life, and the survival of living things in the world cannot do without water, and more than half of all bodies in the world are water, which is enough to prove how important water is.

People are made of water, water is the source of life, the source of all things, with water, she can kill without blood.

If all the blood in a person's body is controlled, can a person still live?

And water is also a hotbed.

Su Xiaolu can clearly know that the water ability she sensed, including the mark on her chest, let her understand that her water ability is different.

There are many stars, but each star cannot be copied and is unique.

In the afternoon, Su Chong and Zhou Heng began to prepare. They ate and drank enough to restore their spirits to the best state.

At night, Su Chong, Zhou Heng and some people began to sit still.

Su Xiaolu and the others guarded together with Zhou Heng's hidden guards.

They heard all the news Su Xiaolu said, so they were very quiet for the first few hours.

Everyone is guarding against beast attacks.

When sensing, the time you can feel is different from when you are awake.

So in the first half of the night, no one made any movement, but in the second half of the night, everyone started to react one after another.

Some are fire, some are water, wood, wind, rain, and so on.

Gradually, only Su Chong and Zhou Heng remained.

At dawn, both Su Chong and Zhou Heng also sensed the ability.

Su Chong's body was covered with a golden layer, as if he had passed through a golden body. Su Chong's whole body gradually became golden from his limbs.

Zhou Heng's body was also golden, and both of them were shining golden.

Soon, they showed painful expressions.

That kind of pain, I can't help but tremble after feeling it, it really hurts too much.

But no one can help, only oneself survive.

Both Su Chong and Zhou Heng woke up, looked at each other, and both showed smiles that were uglier than crying.

Because of the pain, I couldn't even smile.

This process was the most difficult. From dawn to dusk, Zhou Heng's pain began to ease.

After two hours, Su Chong also began to relax.

The pain passed and everything returned to normal.

Su Chong, Zhou Heng and others ate something and rested in peace.

After dawn, everyone recovered and began to report their abilities to Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng smiled and said to Su Xiaolu and the others: "What I sense is Jin, I didn't expect that I and Ah Chong are the same."

Su Chong also smiled, but he didn't expect it either.

"Brother, tell me about your feelings, is it the same as what I said?"

Su Xiaolu asked with concern.

There are many guesses wrong that need to be confirmed.

Su Chong thought for a while and said, "Little Lu, it's a little different."

Zhou Heng also nodded in agreement: "It's a little different."

Su Chong looked at Zhou Heng, and he said, "At first, when I entered that strange state, it was the same as what Xiaolu said, but later, after I could feel it more clearly, including when I seemed to be able to see them later, I could see them." It’s the same as Xiaolu said, but when I want to grab the glowing one, I can’t catch it. I can sense it, but I can’t catch it. I tried several times, but I really couldn’t catch it, so I gave up. , then picked the biggest one, and grabbed it."

Zhou Heng pondered for a while, smiled and said: "I am also like this. I also tried to catch it, but I couldn't. I can’t see those that will shine, and I can’t even see the others clearly. I’m afraid that there will be nothing in the end, so I made a decision.”

This ability-giving meditation is not that simple. If someone refuses to give up, will they lose sight in the end, and can they still gain abilities? Nobody knows.

The profundity of this will always need to be explored by people, and it may never be understood.

"Perhaps, it's not us who choose ability, it's ability who chooses people."

With deep eyes, Zhou Heng said meaningfully.

Through various connections, he felt that this might be the case.

As for the sensory ability, there are too few people who have detected it now, and these experiences are generally not passed on to the outside world. This is the most precious thing, and perhaps in the future, it will become a crucial point for the prosperity of countries.

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