Chapter 590

"From this point of view, it seems to be true. This thing is too profound, and everyone's feelings seem to be different."

Su Chong thought for a while and said, he never thought that Zhou Heng would have different feelings from him.

I really want to know what will happen if I persist until the end, but I dare not take any risks. If I am too greedy, I will end up with nothing.

But another possibility is not ruled out, maybe it's just the beginning of a new round of tests.

"Right, ask them."

Su Chong looked at Zhou Heng's people.

They didn't hide it, they responded respectfully, and their feelings were different.

"Sen Er, tell me." Zhou Heng looked at one of the hidden guards.

"Master, it was the same at first, but the subordinate felt that after a long time, the feeling that he could clearly perceive did not appear, and he never had that feeling until he made a decision." Mori replied truthfully.

The others also nodded, they didn't feel what Su Xiaolu said before and after Sen Er.

Now, everyone fell silent.

The ability to sense is an abnormal thing, so it doesn't matter if you don't understand it.

In the future, perhaps in the very near future, all mysteries will be answered.

It seems that the forest is getting colder. There will be frost at night, and it may snow soon. Everyone knows that it is time to go out. The winter here should be extremely cold.

At night, the temperature dropped drastically.

Su Xiaolu couldn't sleep, she came out and found snowflakes in the sky.

This is a light snow, and it has not yet reached the point of snow accumulation.

It's colder here than outside, and it snows about a month earlier.

The camp was very quiet, and the night guards did not talk to each other.

For some reason, Su Xiaolu suddenly thought of Zhou Zhi. She remembered the people around Zhou Zhi, who seemed to be much fresher, but in terms of strictness, those around Zhou Heng were stricter, obeying orders and not being emotional.

There was light snow for an hour, and the snow stopped.

Su Xiaolu went back to the cabin to rest.

She sank her consciousness into the space, and the little guy was very close to her. When she noticed her coming, she immediately moaned and wanted to crawl out of the nest.

It seems to have grown up a bit, and it looks like it is as big as a newborn puppy, and the long tail is shortened, and the white fluff is more comfortable than fine silk.

Holding it in Su Xiaolu's arms, it turned its belly for Su Xiaolu to stroke.

Still didn't open his eyes, Su Xiaolu put it down after playing for a while.

At dawn, a group of people started to go out.

The way out was also very smooth, small animals were not to be feared, and large ones were not encountered.

That layer of fog separated the two regions, and by comparison, it wasn't cold at all outside.

This time, Su Xiaolu, old man Wu and Guiyou really decided to leave here.

Zhou Heng is also preparing to return to Beijing.

In the evening, Su Chong came to the inn and asked while eating: "Xiaolu, we are going back to Beijing, where are you going, do you want to go together?"

"I will go to the capital in November, and it won't take that long to go back. I will listen to the two masters."

Now it is October, and she will detoxify Zhou Zhi in November, and returning to Beijing is inevitable.

But it's still early, she can still accompany two more masters.

"We, Master and Apprentice, want to play around, we can't go with you."

The old man Wu stroked his beard and said, traveling with his disciples is not the same as traveling on the road. He walked around Furongzhou, then passed through Jeju, went to climb Xianjun Mountain, and then went back to the capital for fun all the way. Moon into Beijing.

Once the year is over, I will take the girl to go again, this time going back to the farther north, bypassing the north to the west, then going to the south, and finally returning to Beijing.

The three of them, mentor and apprentice, can go to all the places where new regions appear. If you go all the way, you will not gain anything.

"Okay, then let's say goodbye, uncle, master, and have a good journey."

Su Chong said with a smile.

Let Su Xiaolu see the beautiful scenery they have never seen before.

Su Chong returned after eating.

Guiyou stared at Old Man Wu's training, and Old Man Wu started howling again.

Su Xiaolu didn't meet the old man's eyes, and went back to her room as a blind man and a deaf man.

Only when the time is almost up, come out and apply medicine to the old man.

After tidying up, go back to the house and sleep.

Before dawn, Su Xiaolu was woken up by a noise.

She rubbed her eyes and got up. She heard the voices of Chen Xi and his wife.

Not long after, Chen Xi and his wife left.

The two masters didn't come to call her, so Su Xiaolu fell asleep again.

At dawn, Su Xiaolu got up.

The three of them ate breakfast together, old man Wu said: "Girl, we are going to Yulin, your uncle Niu is going to pass away."

Su Xiaolu felt very surprised: "Uncle Niu, he..."

It's only been a few months since we separated, but we don't want to see each other again, that's parting.

Su Xiaolu felt a little sad when he thought of that warm and kind face.

"Master, let's go there quickly."

Su Xiaolu thought of the cow cub, with a bright smile and cute little tiger teeth, he must be very sad.

Old man Wu nodded, and after eating, the three masters and apprentices immediately set off for Yulin.

Yulin was a bit far away, and it was already October 16th when they arrived in Yulin County.

Su Xiaolu worriedly asked: "Master, where can we find the younger brother and the others?"

Old man Wu sighed: "Life is like dust, so naturally it is the most desolate place. Your Uncle Niu has suffered from hunger and poverty all his life, and so will his death."

As he said that, old man Wu took a small piece of broken silver, and asked the beggars on the street, where is the most dilapidated temple in Yulin County, a dilapidated temple that even beggars would not live in.

The beggar happily bit the silver. Seeing that it was true, he happily put it away and said with a smile: "Sir, if you want to say that the worst place in Yulin County is the Temple of Traitors at Sanlipo in the west of the city, it can neither shelter from the wind nor avoid it." Rain, even beggars don’t know how to live, and everyone who passes by will spit it out, it is a well-deserved top of the list.”

After inquiring about the place, several people headed towards that place.

When she arrived at that place, Su Xiaolu's heart ached.

The weeds are taller than the house, the roof is so torn that there is not even a single tile, and there is no human habitation inside.

Here, there is no trace of anyone coming in and out, Guiyou has already grabbed old man Wu and jumped up, Su Xiaolu followed on tiptoe.

In the dilapidated house, there are stinking moss and silt everywhere.

Among the leftovers, Su Xiaolu saw that figure that made her feel distressed.

It was only two months since we parted, and the old man's face was as dead as death, and the young man knelt beside him, chanting scriptures for him non-stop.


Su Xiaolu choked up and shouted.

Guiyou and old man Wu had already stepped forward, Guiyou gave Niu Lao some internal energy, and Wu old man took Niu Lao's pulse, took the silver needle and began to administer it.

Su Xiaolu held the cow cub's hand, she felt very uncomfortable, the cow cub's hand was so cold, he was thin, almost skinny, he didn't drink rice water for a few days, his mouth was dry and bloody, his cheeks were still With tear stains.

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