Chapter 591

Seeing Su Xiaolu, Niu Zai forced a smile: "Senior Sister, you are here."

Su Xiaolu held Niu Zai's hand tightly, and transferred his internal energy to him.


Niu Lao sighed softly, and woke up faintly.

Old man Wu said lightly: "What did you do, how did you end up in such a situation."

When he heard the news, old man Wu couldn't believe it. Niu Lao had worked all his life, not to mention being rich and rich, not to mention that he had no worries about food and clothing, but he was not going to die without even having a clean place to sleep.

Besides, he had been accumulating blessings for the cow cub before, and all the things he needed were almost ready. As long as the cow cub got rid of the trouble, he was such a filial child, no matter what, the old cow would not end up in such a situation.

Niu Lao looked at the two old friends, smiled helplessly, and said lightly: "Old Wu, I have predicted the heavens in my life, and only found a glimmer of life for the cub from thousands of dead ends. I will count it." Go, in the end, it's still not enough to count people's hearts, it doesn't matter if I get rid of my old bones, the pity is my cub..."

As Niu Lao said, old tears flowed down the corners of his eyes.

He has always been kind to people, kind and kind to people, but in the end he failed to achieve what he wanted to do.

Now that he was dying, he knew that he would not live for a few more days, and he felt extremely sad in his heart.

If he still had time, he might still have the courage to deceive his own heart, but he no longer had the time, and now all thoughts were lost, and he didn't even have the courage to deceive himself.

"Don't think too much, Zai Zai will be taken care of by us, we are not afraid of whatever is missing."

Old man Wu said firmly, he took a look at Niu Zai, and said: "What is fate, I only know that karma will be rewarded, we not only have to live well, but also take Zai Zai to eat and drink."

"Old Wu, with your words, I feel at ease... My cub is also a strong child, there is no need to treat him so well, just give him some leftovers to keep him alive."

Niu Lao smiled, people like them, how could they harm others.

"What's going on here? Where are the blessings you accumulated?"

Old man Wu frowned. He didn't know much about Niu Lao and Niu Zai, but he knew what Niu Lao had been doing, and he knew how many twists and turns he had paid for it. It shouldn't be this bleak.

Old man Wu stared at Mr. Niu, and found that when he asked, Mr. Niu's expression was obviously dull.

But he still waved his hand: "Forget it, this is fate, let's not talk about that."

"Old Wu, I invite you here this time because I have a request. I hope you can help me this last time. I've done the math, and only you can help."

Old Niu looked at old man Wu, then at Guiyou and at Su Xiaolu.

He didn't know who could help, but the last chance of survival was here.

"Master, I won't do that. I shouldn't be alive. It's a relief to die like this."

Niu Zai looked at Niu Lao very resolutely, and there was still a hostility in him.

As soon as he finished speaking, he chanted the pure heart mantra spontaneously.

This made Niu too old to speak harshly.

"Girl Xiaolu, Master Uncle, can you do me a favor, take the cub out for a while, I have something to say to your two masters."

Niu Lao smiled gently at Su Xiaolu.

Su Xiaolu really couldn't bear to refuse, so she nodded.

She approached the cowboy's ear and whispered a word, and the cowboy got up and left with her.

After leaving the dilapidated house, Su Xiaolu and Niu Zai sat on the green steps.

Su Xiaolu held Niu Zai's hand and said softly: "Brother, we won't force you to do what you don't want to do. My master has always been chic, as long as he doesn't want to do it, no one can force him."

"Junior brother, can you tell me what happened in the past few months?"

Su Xiaolu felt that the past few months, to the cow boss and the cow cub, seemed to have passed decades.

Her junior brother's behavior really made her feel bad.

"Sister, let me tell you a story."

The cow looked at the sky above his head, the sky was very blue, the sun should be very warm, but for some reason, when it shone on him, he only felt bone-chilling cold.

Su Xiaolu nodded, and Niu Zai said slowly: "In the past, there was a family that was well-off and considered wealthy. The only pity was that there was no boy in that family, only an only daughter. When the girl grew up, the family The family was reluctant to let her marry out, so they chose a son-in-law. They recruited a poor blacksmith to be their son-in-law. This son-in-law lived a good life with clothes on his hands, food and his mouth. He was rich and wealthy, and accompanied by beautiful women, so happy , the girl thought she could live like this forever.

But the good times didn't last long. The girl's parents passed away within two years, and Nuo Da's family business was handed over to her son-in-law. The girl thought he could be relied on, but the good times didn't last long. Accepted a talented wife as your noble wife, this talented person is not an ordinary person, he is good at ventilation and water, changed his fate, changed his life from being childless to having a child, and let the girl conceive with her, and made his child not good. The fate and the fate of the child in the girl's womb are swapped.

The girl met a teacher, knowing that her fate was so twists and turns, she just wanted to protect the child, the girl gave up her life, and half of the doom was paid for the child. Once they fell in love with each other, but in the end it was nothing but a dream, the teacher took away this The poor child was brought up, there is a chance to change his fate in twelve years, if the girl's child does not seize this opportunity, then he will die of doom before he can live for the next twelve years, and the master has accumulated Hundreds of people cry, just for

The son-in-law originally agreed to block the child's abuse, but he regretted it after the master took out his tears.

That Fulei was boiled by that skill and given to her son to increase his blessings. He also expelled the master and the girl's children, saying that they were unlucky. Fight for another twelve years to block the doom. "

As the cowboy talked, tears were streaming down his face.

Su Xiaolu also cried: "Since the sky is not fair, then I will ask for justice from my junior brother, and I will accept the retribution and consequences, so I will go there and catch him, and I will cut his tendons and tendons!"

She was really distressed, thinking it was too unfair, she got up angrily.

Niu Lao and Xiao Niu, traveling all over the world, without enough food, for twelve years, accumulated a hundred blessings with heart, but the fruits were picked by others so easily, the perpetrator laughed and laughed at the hall, while the victim shrank. With the ruined temple awaiting death.

"Senior sister, don't go." Niu Zai hugged Su Xiaolu's leg, his eyes were full of tears, his eyes were obviously dull and he couldn't see anything, but at this moment Su Xiaolu felt that his black jade-like eyes were full of sadness.

"Life is alive, and everything has its own destiny. The master said that I have the root of wisdom, so let me not be blinded by hatred. I can't let the master down. Even if I live for a day, I will obey the master." Niu Zai smiled at Su Xiaolu. , his smile was obviously very bright, but Su Xiaolu felt pain when he looked at it.

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