Chapter 596

After dark, Su Xiaolu announced that today would end here and tomorrow would continue.

People have ideas, but they don't dare to say them, what can they do if they can't beat them, just bear with it.

Anyway, in just a few hours, a pair of capable masters and apprentices appeared in Yulin County.

For a time, no matter it was a teahouse full of people or ordinary people's homes, everyone was talking about this matter.

Those who have money can buy it with money, and those who have no money can try their luck with stories.

Anyway, it’s not a disadvantage, they don’t hurt people, it’s not bad to have a close look at the magical ability, maybe touch it, feel happy, and suddenly seem to be enlightened by the gods, and then you’ll be lucky Possess the same ability.

The incident that the eldest son of the Li family obtained the elixir also spread widely.

People are waiting to see if this young master Li, who has been abandoned for two years, will get better. After all, two years ago, the story of him falling off a horse and being unable to stand up and having his engagement divorced has been rumored in Yulin for a long time.

It was late at night, but Li's house was still brightly lit.

Pots of black water came out of Li Yu's room.

Patriarch Li and Madam Li waited outside with anxious faces.

"Master, is this useful? Yu'er will be fine."

Mrs. Li was anxious. Her son, who was brave and resourceful, had always been her pride. She was afraid that he would be devastated if something happened, but Li Yu survived.

Patriarch Li pondered for a while, looked at the old wife beside him, and said in a calm tone: "Madam, don't worry, Yu'er has his own plans."

The old wife is not a person who is proficient in calculations and has deep thoughts, but she has given birth to a good son, and it is best for the Li family to be in his hands.

If it can get better, then it is good, if it can't get better

Patriarch Li lowered his eyes, no matter how bad the concubine is, he is still healthy, the lintel of the patriarch, how can a disabled person support himself.

He couldn't help but glanced at the concubine and concubine behind him.

The concubine is low-browed and obedient, the bastard is ambitious, but also knows how to lie dormant, as long as he is given enough time to grow, he will be worse than Li Yu.

In the house at this time, Li Yu was surrounded by his confidantes.

Li Yu was sitting in the tub, his whole body was secreting beads of black, foul-smelling sweat.

The water in the bathtub was changed again and again, but it was not clear.

Li Yu concentrated his energy and kept circulating his inner breath. He had never smelled so bad, and he couldn't even imagine that a human body could be mixed with so much dirt.

He also disliked himself very much, he was like a stinky mouse crawling out of a stinky ditch, even more stinky than this.

The inner breath circulated round and round, and he could feel that the meridians became smoother and smoother, and they were even stretched. His body, well, was better than before.

It's just that it stinks, he both dislikes it and is delighted.

After changing the water again and again, he couldn't help but wonder, is the inn still peaceful at night?

Aren't you afraid of causing disaster if you show so much to the master and apprentice?

Li Yu opened his eyes and told the people around him: "Send five people to guard the inn, and if necessary, protect those two people."

Two thousand taels, he actually took advantage of it. Such a panacea, a panacea that can transform people, is hard to find.

Perhaps in the future, these things will not be considered precious, but now is the time when the mutation begins, these things are valuable treasures everywhere.

Not everyone has the courage to use their lives to explore the unknown.

"Young master, do you want to come back?"

Subordinates asked.

Li Yu shook his head: "That's not necessary."

I'm afraid that tonight will not be so peaceful, and there is a need to help, but he is not so stupid to invite big trouble home.

The two masters and apprentices had never met him before, so they could just be nodding their heads.

His eyes drooped, looking at the black beads of sweat on his arms, he pondered for a while, and when his subordinate led the order to go out, he spoke again: "Wait, if they lose, save them."

At least in Yulin, he could still protect him if he wanted to.

Just like what the little girl said, if he is pleasing to the eye, he is also pleasing to the eye.

The little girl disguised herself as a man. Others might not be able to see it, but he saw it right away.



In the silence of the night, there was a slight sound on the roof, the sound was so small that it was difficult for even a person with profound knowledge to notice it.

Su Xiaolu moved her ears and finally came.

I didn't expect there to be such a master in Yulin County.

She touched the sword in her arms.

In the darkness, Guiyou only said one word 'go'.

Su Xiaolu smiled and jumped out of the window, scaring the men in black on the roof.

Is this the difference? Their movement was already very small, and they were about to use the smoke, but before they could use it, the people inside were startled, and they were all a bit stagnant for a while, whether they should move or not.

But only paused for a few breaths, and the figures unanimously raised their swords and attacked Su Xiaolu.

Su Xiaolu is also very excited, this is one of the few times she has actually fought, she is not an acquaintance, the sword has no eyes, her blood is boiling, the sword is faster than the brain.

She kind of understood that the sword that Guiyou said was you and you were the Zen meaning of the sword.

The sword in her hand seemed to have life, and every move, chop, and swing was just right.

Facing the six people, she did not lose the slightest bit.

Guiyou came out at some point, watching from the dark, very satisfied, Su Xiaolu has made great progress, her sword spirit is exquisite, and her sword moves are ever-changing.

It can be seen that she enjoys drawing the sword.

Little girl, she realized the Tao very early.

That boy Su Chong seems to have not realized this yet.

Su Xiaolu's strength is not as good as him, but in terms of enlightenment, he is worse than Su Chong.

Su Xiaolu was able to play with ease, and he hadn't used his abilities yet. The six people began to feel overwhelmed, and they also felt that Su Xiaolu was practicing them to play. Knowing this, a sense of humiliation spontaneously emerged.

A scholar can be killed but not humiliated!

They attacked in anger, Su Xiaolu's eyes lit up, as if she had taken a magic medicine, she became even more excited, her sword was almost invisible.

"Smart people don't do secret things, you want to be gentlemen, but don't blame me for humiliating you, I don't want the heads of the heads, but I want your hair on top, take your hair—"

Su Xiaolu hit very hard and let out cruel words.

She was more than capable, the sword light flashed, and the six men in black retreated one after another, but their heads were still chilly.

The hair on their tops was all cut off by Su Xiaolu.

Anger was unbearable, but he was not an opponent, so he had to withdraw his sword and run away.

Su Xiaolu laughed out loud.

She practiced martial arts hard in normal times, but it was not in vain.

"Master Guiyou, I'm not very powerful."

Su Xiaolu went to Guiyou's side and asked questions with a smile.

Guiyou took a look at her: "The comprehension is not bad, it needs to be improved."

Su Xiaolu jumped up and down happily, Guiyou's compliment was very subtle, she still understood the meaning of the compliment.

Su Xiaolu was still thinking about whether anyone would come in the second half of the year, but she was obviously going to be disappointed. After the first wave of futility returned and lost her top hair, other caring people also quietly retreated.

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