Chapter 597

Those who took the lead have already failed miserably, and they are not stupid, nor do they have the habit of humiliating themselves.

An apprentice is already so powerful, I don't know what will happen after the master makes a move.

It's no wonder that others dare to do business with great fanfare. They have the confidence in their feelings.

It is clear that grabbing is not going to work, you have to look at it first, follow the rules of the game, or buy it with money with a big wave of your hand.

The people in the dark receded wave by wave.

Li Yu listened to the report, the expression in his eyes was unclear.

After a while, he said, "It seems that I was worrying too much."

Her kung fu is so powerful, she seems to be good at medicine, she is really excellent.

As the water gradually became clearer, the sky outside gradually brightened.

Li Yu slowly got up from the water and put on his clothes.

His legs were no longer limp and weak. He came out of the water, and every step he took was safe. He looked down at his feet and slowly raised the corners of his lips. The woman broke him with her own hands. His waist made him unable to stand up, but now, he is fine again.

"Congratulations, young master."

Seeing Li Yu recovered, everyone in the room knelt down to congratulate him.

Li Yu's expression softened, and he said casually: "Look for it, if she's not dead, bring that woman back to me, and let her take a look at me now before sending her back."

He has always held grudges, but now that he is healed, his life is going on as usual, if that woman is still alive, then he will punish her again, and make her die of pain.

If she died, count her lucky.

"Prepare a generous gift, I'm going to go and see Mr. Wang Mian."

Li Yu ordered in a deep voice, he would not favor one person over another.

No one who should be punished will be let go.

He just wanted to make him understand that no matter what time it was, he was better than him, and if he could stand up again, then Wang Mianke would have no chance.

Li Yu changed his clothes, half of his black hair was tied casually, he got up and opened the door to go out.

The sun was just right, and the sun was pouring on him, and he walked into everyone's sight.

The aunt and concubine were surprised and unwilling, even if it was only for a moment.

The father was surprised and then rejoiced, and then replaced by Ci Xiang to congratulate him.

With tears in her eyes, the mother rushed over to check up and down: "Okay, okay, it's really okay."

Li Yu's expression was calm: "I made my mother worry, and it won't happen in the future. My son is fine."

Madam Li wept with joy: "Okay, okay, okay."

She was so happy to even say three good words that she didn't want to say anything else.

Patriarch Li also smiled: "It's fine."

Li Yu was originally the eldest son, and he was better than the bastard son. If he was good, then it would be better for him to be the head of the family.

Li Yu was very calm: "Thank you, father."

Li Yu went out quickly. This time, he did not take a carriage, but rode a horse, leading his subordinates out of the mansion.

After two years, he reappeared in front of the public. Although he was a little thinner than before, his demeanor remained the same as before. The once spoiled and proud boy had transformed into a calm, rigorous and more attractive young man.

He was galloping, and just passing by made many women feel wronged.

He was invited to go out and completed what Su Xiaolu said.

When people realize that the elixir is really an elixir, countless people flock to one place.

Whether it's a group attack or a one-on-one fight, there are more people today than yesterday.

Su Xiaolu and Guiyou's master and apprentice cooperated tacitly, and they stopped attacking after three times.

There are also many people who come to exchange stories today.

In the afternoon, Su Xiaolu received a special man.

He was dressed in a dignified manner, with an unremarkable face. After entering the inn, he bowed politely: "Xiaosheng Wang Jiang has seen two knights, and Xiaosheng also has a story. I hope that I can exchange the elixir with the knights."

"That depends on whether your story is good or not, you say."

Su Xiaolu supported her chin with one hand, and tapped the table boringly with the other. She listened to boring stories all day.

Either stealing other people's vegetables or stealing other people's women is boring.

There are also making up, making up some ghosts and goblins to scare her and hypnotize her, which is very boring.

This Wang Jiang looks like a scholar, looking at him, Su Xiaolu thinks it is ordinary.

Wang Jiang didn't say much, and after sitting down, he said: "Xiaosheng Wang Jiang, I am a concubine of the Wang family. Xiaosheng loved reading since he was a child, but his aunt was jealous, and his brother didn't like it. Xiaosheng's mother also died because of his aunt. , worse than a handyman, my brother Wang Mian is proud of the scenery, and Xiaosheng has always been very flattering, and he has always been flattering to please him, just want to be able to study safely, and one day in the future he can go out to stand on his own and get a job."

"Xiaosheng originally thought that life was like this, but two years ago, a major incident happened in Yulin. The eldest son of the Li family fell off a horse and was injured. This matter had nothing to do with me, but the eldest son Li came to me and asked me if I wanted to Replacing Wang Mian, return everything he has humiliated me, if I want, he can help me."

"I thought about it for a long time, and I agreed. I will do what Mr. Li said. My father really noticed me gradually. My brother made more and more mistakes, and my father gradually became disappointed in him. In just one year, He was given up, and I, as I wished, transferred to my aunt's name to be raised by my father. I love reading, and I prepare for the exam with peace of mind. I don't pay attention to any provocations from my aunt, because my father will solve him, Mr. Li Said, if you want to never be replaced, then you have to destroy your brother. Under his suggestion, I designed my father to be drunk. That time, an unprecedented quarrel broke out, and the father and son turned against each other.

Fighting swords, my father won, my brother broke his legs because of this and was raised in another courtyard, and I, as I wished, studied quietly and diligently.

Until now, my father still doesn't know that they turned against each other is a scheme. Yesterday, Mr. Li came to visit my brother, who was so stimulated that he went crazy, clamoring to buy the elixir, he also wanted to stand up, I thought, there is Why should such a good thing be given up to him, so I came first. "

"Xiaosheng's body is weak, and these changes are happening all over the place. Xiaosheng doesn't want to be a scholar who has no strength to restrain a chicken. I don't know the story of Xiaosheng. Can I exchange a thousand taels for a elixir?"

Wang Jiang cupped his hands politely and asked Su Xiaolu.

Su Xiaolu didn't expect that Li Yu's story would have a side story, she nodded: "It can be changed, but I have a question for you."

Wang Jiang smiled slightly, and said politely, "Sir, please tell me."

"If your wife wants to come, will you let him come?"

Su Xiaolu was quite curious.

Wang Jiang smiled and nodded: "Yes, Mr. Li said that he is not a simple person. If he has this ability, he would also like to see it."

He understands how much Master Li holds grudges. Even if Wang Mian had this opportunity, he would go up to the clouds first and then fall down hard. There is nothing more painful than letting people have hope and then be disappointed.

Su Xiaolu didn't ask any more questions, but gave Wang Jiang a pill, took his money and let him go out. Wang Jiang took the elixir immediately, and bowed to Su Xiaolu politely before leaving.

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