Chapter 613 What Went Wrong

His martial arts are not high, but he is still struggling to die, trying to tear a hole out of so many siege.

But the result was a failure, he was captured, and he was only free for four days from the time he was free until he was captured.

On the way back, Wang Mian’s spirit was always depressed. He often looked at the birds in the sky and lost his mind. He couldn’t help wondering whether Li Yu would catch him and find him if he was a bird. he? ,

Back in Yulin, Wang Mian saw the woman.

"Wanrong, long time no see."

He smiled self-deprecatingly and greeted the woman.

I haven't seen her for two years, and she has also changed. She used to be as beautiful as a lotus emerging from water, but now her eyes are in a trance, full of vicissitudes.

In the past two years, he was tortured by his concubine brother, and he just waited for the opportunity in one breath, and he did wait for the opportunity, but this opportunity was like a flash in the pan, which gave him hope and disappointed him.

"It's all your fault, it's all your fault..."

Wan Rong glared at Wang Mian angrily, with hatred in her eyes.

In the past two years, she spent every day regretting that she had promised Wang Mian to hurt Li Yu.

How sincere Li Yu is to her, if she doesn't cheat, she may not be able to have good results, but it's a pity that one step is wrong and one step is wrong.

It's useless for her to regret. In the past two years, she wanted to die countless times, but she didn't have that perseverance at all. She didn't even dare to die.

When she was brought back this time, her heart was kept on hold. She wanted to see Li Yu, apologize to him, and beg him to forgive and let him go.

Unexpectedly, Li Yu saw Wang Mian first before seeing Li Yu, and Wanrong felt resentful in her heart.

Seeing the hatred in her eyes, Wang Mian laughed, hit Wanrong and said in a cold voice: "Hahaha, you regret it, but it's too late. You lifted the stone and injured his waist yourself, making him suffer a lot." When the pain begins, you two are sworn enemies, and he will never let you go."

"Do you know why he asked you to come back this time? It's because of the change in the sky, Li Yu got the elixir and stood up again. He is so vengeful, he wants you to see him stand up, Let you know that he has a new life, but you don't."

"Hahahaha, you want to see him, don't worry, he will come soon, hahahaha..."

Wang Mian laughed madly, and tears flowed from the laughter.

Li Yu has a chance to do it again, but neither he nor Wanrong can do it again.

He is luckier than Wanrong, he actually had a chance, but he missed it.

If I had known earlier, he shouldn't have left so soon, he should have followed those people.

Unfortunately, the world did not know earlier.

Hearing Wang Mian's crazy words, Wanrong was stunned for a moment.

She was hit hard, is what Wang Mian said true?

There was the sound of footsteps, both Wang Mian and Wan Rong looked over.

Seeing that Li Yu was really walking, Wan Rong immediately knelt down in tears, and before she could say anything, she kowtowed to Li Yu first.

Wang Mian also looked at Li Yu. After not seeing him for two years, Li Yu became more and more calm and sophisticated. After his youthful spirit faded, he became more attractive than before.

Jealousy, unwillingness, all kinds of emotions surged in my heart.

"Young Master Li, it's the lowly maid who made a mistake, please, please let me go..."

Wanrong began to repent, Li Yu was like a god, but she became like this, now she doesn't even have the courage to look him in the eye, she lowered her head and apologized choked up, as humble as dust.

Li Yu walked in front of Wan Rong and Wang Mian, and he stopped.

He stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, a chair moved over and he sat down.

Legs crossed, dignified and elegant.

He curled his lips into a smile, and said in a calm tone, "You two, it's been a long time. I thought I would wait a long time for this day, but I didn't expect it to be only two years."

Wanrong's body trembled, she fell on the ground and cried uncontrollably, she regretted it so much, regretted it so much.

When she met Li Yu, it was when Li Yu was the most innocent, he was full of vigor, with a bright smile, he was a proud young man, he delivered with sincerity, but she...

Playing for a moment of quickness, she fills it up with a lifetime of misery.

"Young Master Li, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Wan Rong lowered her head.

"You are really sorry for me."

Li Yu's tone was flat, unable to hear any emotion.

Now he is already healed, the wound Wanrong brought to him has already healed.

To catch both of them back is to stimulate them well.

Then cut off their thoughts and hopes forever.

"The Wanrong girl in the past, with a beautiful appearance, elegant, delicate and charming, but now she has become like this, which really disappoints me."

Li Yu's voice was flat, without any hint of sarcasm.

Wanrong was ashamed and angry, her face flushed.

But I heard Li Yu say again: "You and Wang Mian did that wild thing in front of me. I thought you liked it very much, so I kindly sent you to the army."

Li Yu's tone was calm and he couldn't hear any emotion, but it was just like this that Wan Rong felt hurtful.

She pointed at Wang Mian angrily, crying and complaining: "It's all him, he forced me, and I can't help myself, Young Master Li, you... Please believe me, I... I used to really like you... ..."

She was crying like rain, maybe she didn't have the pear blossom with rain to make people feel affectionate now, but she still hoped, hoped that Li Yu would soften his heart when he saw her cry like this, even if there was a little kindness.

Looking at each other, Li Yu just raised his eyebrows: "Really? Did you ever really like me?"

Wanrong seemed to feel hopeful, she nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, the former Young Master Li was handsome and sunny, which woman could not love..."

Li Yu smiled: "Miss Wanrong has not changed at all, and she has no skill in telling lies."

"Even if you like it a little bit, when you smashed my waist, there should be some tears."

Li Yu was still smiling, but Wanrong felt endlessly cold.

He easily exposed her lie, he still remembered, he remembered so clearly, she couldn't remember it, she couldn't remember it, didn't she cry when he hit him? Did she forget to cry? She couldn't remember.

She couldn't remember whether she was crying or not, but now she was really crying.

Cry heart-piercingly.

Wang Mian also laughed loudly: "Hahahahahaha, I laughed to death, I laughed to death..."

"I didn't expect that I could still watch such a good show today. Sure enough, happiness should be based on others. Yesterday I made fun of you, and today you make fun of me. I deserve what I deserve." Wang Mian smiled and burst into tears. He looked very crazy. After he finished speaking, he looked at Li Yu and asked unwillingly, "There is one thing that I can't figure out. How did you track me down?"

Obviously he checked so many times, obviously he changed his disguise along the way, and disguised himself time and time again, why he still couldn't escape and was caught by him.

He couldn't figure it out, he had calculated thousands of times, what went wrong, what made him go out of hell and back to hell.

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