Chapter 614 Going home

Li Yu looked at Wang Mian with his eyes drooping.

Wang Mian was puzzled, followed Li Yu's gaze downcast, and finally landed on his feet.

He froze for a few moments, and then yelled like a madman: "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

His severed palm was so well disguised, how could Li Yu know about it, even his father didn't know about it!

If Li Yu knew, why did he let him keep those things?

Wang Mian couldn't accept this answer at all, how could he accept it.

What he was proud of was planning his way of life, but in the end it ended up ruining his way of life and pushing him to a dead end, how could he accept it.

Blood gushed out of his throat, and Wang Mian spat out a mouthful of blood.

Blood sprayed on Li Yu's shoes, he remained silent, didn't say a word, just took a handkerchief and wiped it lightly, wiped the blood and threw the handkerchief away, then he said casually: "It's interesting, isn't it? "

He kept it because he wanted to see how he escaped, how interesting it was to let him escape and then catch him again, to give hope and then destroy it.

He is very satisfied with the result of this chase game.

After clapping his hands, Li Yu stood up: "Thank you two, the stone that has been suppressed in my heart for two years is gone. I am in a good mood. For the rest of my life, I will never see you again."

After Li Yu finished speaking, he got up and left.

Wanrong screamed hoarsely: "No—Young Master Li, forgive me, forgive me... I know I was wrong, I regret it, I know I was wrong..."

She really regretted it, as long as she is not allowed to go back to that terrible place, she can do whatever she wants.

It's a pity that her regrets are of no use to Li Yu, and so are she.

Wang Mian's heart was ashamed, he endured the pain in his heart, took off his shoes, and snapped off the newly grown soles, his eyes were red: "Waste, waste—"

With the disappearance of Li Yu's figure, Wang Mian and Wan Rong have no more hope.

Wang Mian is a madman of prey, he can hurt his own body, and he is very careful if he can do it, but Wan Rong can't do it.

She was even afraid that Wang Mian would anger her, so she kept silent and curled herself up to prevent Wang Mian from noticing her and hurting her.

Wang Mian still noticed her. Seeing her like this, Wang Mian laughed maniacally: " you think I will beat you?'s so ridiculous, so funny."

"Counter, I think you are dirty—"

He spat in disgust, both he and Wanrong deserved what they deserved, Wanrong was much worse than him, at most he just went back to that dark place and often faced the ridicule of his younger brother.

It's over, it's over.


On the evening of the seventh day of November, four people, Su Xiaolu, his apprentice and Niu Zai, entered Beijing.

go home.

Seeing Su Xiaolu come back, Zhao's eyes turned red in joy: "Xiaolu is back."

Su Xiaolu stepped forward and gave Mrs. Zhao a big hug: "Mom, do you miss me? I miss you so much."

Zhao almost burst into tears, she stroked Su Xiaolu's hair, she had grown taller, neither fat nor thin.

She doesn't just think about her daughter, she thinks about it day and night, whenever she is free.

In her dreams, Su Xiaolu is often seen. Many times, she can't hug her even if she wants to. Now that Su Xiaolu is back, she hugs her tightly, feeling very at ease.

Su Sanlang smiled: "Two brothers, please come in quickly."

Su Xiaolu had been away for several months, and he knew at a glance that Su Xiaolu hadn't been wronged, his little girl, as long as she was happy.

Su Xiaolu pulled Niu Zai and introduced to Mrs. Zhao: "Mother, this is Niu Zai, my junior brother."

"Junior Niu, this is my father and this is my mother."

Su Xiaolu also introduced the cow cub.

Niu Zai smiled and shouted: "Hello Uncle, Hello Auntie, my name is Niu Zai, you can just call me Maverick."

His eyes don't see, and he doesn't rely entirely on them, remembering that smells do too.

Mrs. Zhao's smell was somewhat similar to Su Xiaolu's, both were very warm.

Su Sanlang's is the same, his senior sister has very good parents, she is very happy, really good, really good.

Su Chong and Suhua also came to meet the cow cubs, and shook hands as a greeting.

Lin Yaoyao was already pregnant, her whole body exuded the radiance of motherhood, she looked very gentle.

Sun Baoqian, as always, was intellectual and gentle, after greeting Lin Yaoyao, she was quiet with Lin Yaoyao, leaving space for the family.

Su Xiaolu held the hands of Mrs. Zhao and Su Sanlang, and felt their pulse. The pulse was strong and powerful, so she felt relieved.

She carefully looked at Su Sanlang's eyes, there was her reflection in that once injured eye, Su Xiaolu couldn't tell for a moment whether it was healed or the master sculptor's skills were too realistic.

Everyone laughed, Su Xiaolu looked at it for a long time before asking: "Father, are your eyes okay?"

Su Sanlang nodded heavily: "Okay, everything is alright, it's just hard work for you, parents are stupid."

He and Mrs. Zhao were able to get better because the children risked their lives to win each other. Since the recovery of the spirit energy, many things are beyond their control.

Ability, repeatedly mentioned.

But it is said that young children are more likely to have it, and the older ones can only follow the fate.

All they can do is run a good business. The children are too sensible and never ask for anything from him and Mrs. Zhao. They are always so filial and ashamed.

Su Xiaolu held Zhao's arm and Su Sanlang on the other, she said with a smile: "Dad

Mother is the best father and mother in the world, so I am not stupid. I want to eat the dishes made by mother in the evening. "

Mrs. Zhao wiped the corners of her eyes and happily agreed: "Okay, mother will do it for you."

Old Man Wu and Gui You settled down and went back to their room.

Su Xiaolu took the calf and felt the pulse of the two sisters-in-law.

Lin Yaoyao is pregnant, she is getting older, Su Xiaolu is more worried about her.

"Is sister-in-law still taking pills?"

Su Xiaolu asked Lin Yaoyao.

Lin Yaoyao shook her head: "No, Ah Chong asked me to eat it, but I'm afraid that something might change, so I didn't eat it. I'll watch it after giving birth."

This is her first child, and she attaches great importance to it.

The panacea is a good thing, but it has only been out for half a year, so she still wants to put it away first.

Su Chong respected her, so he followed her, only letting her rest in peace.

Su Xiaolu nodded: "Well, the child is very healthy and has a strong pulse. In the later stage of labor, the elder sister-in-law will often walk around and eat less, so as to avoid the difficulty of giving birth when the child grows too big. On weekdays, you should also walk around more."

Lin Yaoyao smiled and nodded: "Thank you Xiaolu, I will do as you say, don't worry."

She has been pregnant for more than four months now, her fetal phase has been stabilized, and she is in good health. This child, no matter which doctor came to see the pulse, said it was very healthy.

Although Su Xiaolu was not at home, letters came from time to time, knowing that she was pregnant, and in the letters she also told her to pay attention.

Sun Baoqian is also in good health. She really wanted to get pregnant, but Su Hua said that two years later, he gave her all the sense of security, and she followed him.

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