Chapter 673 She Won 2

Su Xiaozhi calmly picked up the gold and put it in her arms. She knew that she had won. She looked at the two families who regarded her as hatred, and said calmly: "None of us know the truth about last night. Only you two know it well, but I, Su Xiaozhi, no matter before or in the future, I have a clear conscience. When my parents were alive, I did everything I could and could not do. No matter how many years have passed, no one talks about me. Su Xiaozhi, I asked myself that I am not afraid, but there is a god standing three feet above my head, people can't see it, but gods can see it."

Su Xiaozhi smiled, she looked at Su Dalang and Su Erlang's family, glanced at the familiar faces, she swallowed her throat and said again: "I am like this, I hope, you are like this, it is best for parents to die of illness If not, there will be retribution one day in the future."

Su Xiaozhi's words seemed to tell the truth, but also seemed to be a curse.

People looked at Su Dalang and Su Erlang with complicated expressions.

Mr. Wang couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, it's really sad to raise a son like this.

"Of course my father and mother died of illness. Her sister, we misunderstood you before and it was our fault. Now the misunderstanding has been explained clearly, and the gold has been returned to you. If you say those words that attract criticism, don't blame us for not giving them back." You look good."

Mrs. Li said angrily, now that she hasn't got the gold, even looking at Su Xiaozhi one more time makes her eyes hurt.

Everyone looked at Su Xiaozhi, and the Su family all stared at the gold in Su Xiaozhi's hand. If Su Xiaozhi took out the gold now, they would still be willing to recognize her.

Su Xiaozhi didn't look at the Su family. She turned around and bowed deeply to the village chief and the others: "Thank you all for coming to give me justice, thank you."

"Village chief, I want to sell my house. If the villagers need it, fifteen taels of silver will be enough."

Su Xiaozhi said about selling the house. When she settled in that place a few years ago, the house was well built. With the foundation and a little vegetable field around it, it was far more than fifteen taels.

As soon as Su Xiaozhi said this, someone spoke up: "Xiaozhi, is what you said true? I want to buy your house. Are you really going to sell it?"

Su Xiaozhi nodded: "Well, I'm going to sell."

Su Xiaozhi looked at the village chief and said, "Uncle, if your family needs it, I will sell it to you first."

This time, she was going back, and she was never coming back.

Mr. Wang was indeed a little moved. He looked at Su Xiaozhi: "Xiaozhi, thank you very much. If you really think about it, then my family is willing to buy it."

Su Xiaozhi smiled: "Then please take a walk, uncle."

Mr. Wang nodded.

Su Xiaozhi looked at the grandpas in the clan again, she bowed respectfully and said, "Thank you all grandpas, I would like to invite you all to be witnesses today, from now on, my two families, Su Xiaozhi and Su Dalang and Su Erlang, will be together again. There is nothing to do with it, and we will not communicate with each other in old age and death in the future."

The severance between brothers and sisters is much simpler than that between father and son.

Generally, after talking, if there is no communication, there is really no communication.

Even if it is not far away, we will never see each other again.

After Su Xiaozhi left, those who watched the excitement dispersed, and those who should help were busy with their own work.

Everyone knew that Su Xiaozhi took back that piece of gold that was criticized.

People speculated whether Su Dalang and Su Erlang had a guilty conscience and did not dare to confront Su Xiaozhi in court, so they made a compromise.

No one knows what the truth is, only sighed with emotion.

Su Xiaozhi didn't attend her parents' funeral, she exchanged money for the house, packed her things and left Nanshan Village.

She walked very silently, and by the time people reacted, she had already walked for a long time.


Su Xiaozhi returned to Xiaohu Village, and as she became more and more familiar with her, she gradually burst into tears.

She is uneasy.

Seeing the smoke rising from the once-familiar home, Su Xiaozhi's footsteps gradually became heavy.

When she arrived at the house, she didn't dare to show herself.

Cao Shi opened the door and came out, seeing Su Xiaozhi, the small basin in Cao Shi's hand fell to the ground.

Su Xiaozhi knelt down and kowtowed to Mrs. Cao.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I'm here to make amends."

Su Xiaozhi was very afraid that Mrs. Cao would not accept her.

Mrs. Cao just sighed faintly, and stretched out her hand to help Su Xiaozhi up. Mrs. Cao didn't say anything, and dragged Su Xiaozhi into the room for dinner.

When Hu Changyang saw Su Xiaozhi, he was not as tolerant as Cao's. He had a cold face, didn't call his mother, and didn't speak.

Su Xiaozhi's heart aches, but she knows that this is what she deserves, and she owes her children too much.

Mrs. Cao has been observing Su Xiaozhi, Su Xiaozhi's changes are beyond her expectations, but how long she can last, she has to wait and see.

As she got old, her body would only get worse and worse, and she might collapse one day.

Hu Changshou went to Wunei, and he didn't know if he could come out safely. If Su Xiaozhi came back, he could help support the family to some extent.

After all, she is the child's mother, no matter how bad it is, where can it go, although I don't know what happened, but as long as Su Xiaozhi has some awareness, it will be a good thing.

Mrs. Cao picked up vegetables for Su Xiaozhi: "Eat more."

Su Xiaozhi burst into tears like rain, and she ate in big mouthfuls.

At night, Hu Changyang went back to his room to sleep after washing.

Su Xiaozhi and the Cao family live in the same room.

She washed Cao's feet herself. Cao didn't want it, but she couldn't hold her back.

After falling asleep, Mrs. Cao sighed softly and said, "Xiao Zhi, when you come back this time, don't leave. Don't blame the old woman for talking too much. Brother Shou and Brother Yang have their own ideas. There are a lot of right and wrong. There is a steelyard in my heart, some things, once they are used up, they will be gone.”

Su Xiaozhi burst into tears, she nodded choked up: "I understand, I know what I should do."

She knows that she is not a firm and decisive person, but now she wakes up, she will spend the rest of her life to redeem her sins, she will close her heart, and she will also close her mouth.

Su Xiaozhi took out gold and silver and handed them to Mrs. Cao: "Give it to Brother Shou and Brother Yang to start a family."

Holding the heavy gold and silver, Mrs. Cao had mixed feelings.

Finally, Mrs. Cao accepted it, and she said softly: "Okay, go to sleep, we will go to burn incense in a few days, pray for Brother Shou, and hope that he will return safely."

Cao's tone was pious, that was her eldest grandson, the grandson of Hu's parents, even if she lost ten years of life in exchange for the safety of her grandson, she would be happy.

Su Xiaozhi closed her eyes, she could not absolve herself of the blame for the crimes she committed.

If the sky is above, she hopes that God can bless her son safe, even if it takes her life in exchange.


Hu Changshou walked into the fog alone, he was very vigilant, his breathing was light, as if he was worried about alarming something.

After his vision became wider and wider, he was also shocked by the dense jungle. This is a foreign land. In a foreign land, it is very different from the outside. The air inhaled in the lungs is more comfortable, the trees are bigger, and everything is full of vitality.

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