Chapter 674

Hu Changshou first looked around and found traces of people walking by, so he decided to follow the traces.

If it goes well, he is only two or three days late. He will follow the trail and eventually find Xiaolu and reunite with her.

He also knew a little bit before that the beasts in the foreign land are more ferocious and huge than the ones outside. He is just stronger and not omnipotent, so the best and safest way is to catch up with Su Xiaolu and his group.

In the first two days, Hu Changshou did follow this method.

He kept looking for traces and made marks, so as to prevent him from getting lost, so that he would not lose himself in the fog if he failed to catch up with Su Xiaolu.

During the day, just eat dry food to cope, and at night, find a big tree to climb up.

After chasing for ten days in a row, Hu Changshou failed to catch up with Su Xiaolu and the others.

He was a little frustrated. He didn't find any traces today, so he had to go on his own for the rest of the way.

Where should he go?

Hu Changshou finally decided to move on.

Perhaps it was God's favor. After walking for a long time, he saw some traces again. These traces seemed to have been fought, and many branches were swept off.

The traces looked like a mess.

He was more careful, and continued to follow the traces. About two quarters of an hour later, he heard someone talking. Hu Changshou was overjoyed, and chased after him without thinking twice.

"Trash, useless trash, what use is it for me to raise you, raising you is better than raising a dog, at about the same age, you have been defeated by others several times, and now you can't even deal with a big snake."

Mrs. Bailiu scolded in a deep voice, and Baixu, who was following her with her head down, clenched her fists tightly. Her clothes were covered with blood, and she staggered a little when she walked, but Bailiu didn't wait for her.

Bai Xu endured the pain and tried her best to keep up. Her lips were pale, her eyes were flattering, and her tone was the same: "Mother-in-law, it's useless for Xu'er, please give her another chance, next time, Xu'er will definitely succeed." , Xu'er will definitely serve her mother-in-law wine with the snake gall of that monster snake."

"Hmph, if it doesn't work next time, it's useless for me to keep you. Just feed that big snake."

Bailiu's face was gloomy, and she stared at Baixu with indescribable disgust.

She walked quickly, and Baixu staggered to keep up, blood dripping all the way.

Hu Changshou confronted Bailiu unpreparedly. Seeing that there were only two of them, Hu Changshou felt that something was wrong. He didn't panic and calmed down quickly.

Bai Liu frowned, looked at Hu Changshou and said lightly, "Is there a baby?"

Hu Changshou just pondered for a while before speaking: "No, I came with my friends."

Bailiu smiled: "What about your friend, this barren mountain is deserted, and I don't think there is anyone else here except the three of us. I don't like liars."

Hu Changshou lied, and Bai Liu could tell at a glance.

Alarm bells rang loudly in Hu Changshou's heart, so he turned and ran.

But soon a strong wind hit, Hu Changshou only felt a sharp pain in his shoulder, and he fell down uncontrollably.

He rolled on the spot, quickly stood up again, and faced Bailiu in a defensive posture.

Bailiu laughed: "Overthinking one's abilities."

As soon as they fought, she knew that Hu Changshou had no inner strength, and he seemed to know a little kung fu, but that was all.

Not to be afraid, Bailiu quickly tapped Hu Changshou's acupuncture points and tied them up. She dragged Hu Changshou and threw it to Baixu, saying coldly, "Show him to me. After two days, use him as bait. This time If you can't take down that monster snake, don't blame me for being ruthless."

"Please don't worry, mother-in-law, Xu'er will definitely not disappoint her this time."

Bai Xu bit her lip, looked at Bai Liu firmly and said.

She longed for a comforting look from her, but from the beginning to the end, all she could see in Bailiu's eyes was indifference, endless indifference.

Bai Liu continued to walk forward coldly, and Bai Xu pushed Hu Changshou to follow slowly behind.

After Hu Changshou was tied up, he remained silent. Perhaps he felt the strangeness of the relationship between the old and the young.

This girl named Xu'er was bleeding from wounds, but the elder obviously didn't care at all, and it was useless to keep blaming her.

Hu Changshou looked around.

Baixu glared at him coldly, and said viciously, "Be quiet, or I'll break your tendons."

Hu Changshou withdrew his gaze, and said in a low voice honestly: "Please rest assured, girl, I won't think anything about it."

Baixu stopped talking to Hu Changshou, she was tired, her mind was dizzy, and her footsteps were heavy. She really wanted to stop and take a rest, but she couldn't if her mother-in-law didn't stop.

She was panting heavily, and her vision became increasingly blurred.

"Girl, your arm is bleeding, this grass can be chewed and applied to the wound to stop the bleeding."

Hu Changshou reminded in a low voice.

Perhaps it was his gentle kindness that caused Baixu to be in a trance for a moment, and she didn't speak ill to Hu Changshou.

But she was still very indifferent: "It's none of your business, you can't protect yourself."

Baixu ignored Hu Changshou and only told him to walk faster.

Bai Xu followed Bai Liu closely, seeing Bai Liu finally stopped, she was relieved.

The mother-in-law finally decided to rest.

Hu Changshou looked at Baixu, and for some reason, his heart seemed to be touched. When Baixu was not paying attention, he plucked a handful of grass leaves.

He and Baixu both walked

Not far in front of Bailiu.

Bai Liu had already sat down, she sat down cross-legged, took out dry food with her, ate some and put it away, closed her eyes, and adjusted her breathing.

Bailiu didn't have Gu Baixu at all, so she didn't know that Baixu passed out after sitting down.

Perhaps it was expected that Hu Changshou would not be able to escape, Bailiu didn't even take Hu Changshou seriously.

Hu Changshou sighed, it was inconvenient for his hands to be tied, and he really didn't want to run away. This old woman has high martial arts skills, so he couldn't run away.

He looked at the pale girl who had passed out, put the herb into his mouth and chewed it. The juice was very bitter. After chewing it, he approached Baixu, and found that her clothes on one arm were ripped open, revealing the hideous wound inside. Hu Changshou put the chewed concoction on Baixu.

He found a wound on her leg as well, and he applied medicine to her too.

After all this happened last night, he just sat quietly, absorbing spiritual energy greedily, and looking at Baixu from time to time.

Looking at Baixu, Hu Changshou thought of Su Xiaolu, he sighed, there are very few girls like Su Xiaolu in the world, Su Xiaolu is Mingyue.

But there are many women like this Miss Xu'er, like stars all over the sky.

When he was not in danger, Hu Changshou was still nervous, but now that he was really in danger, he was very calm. Maybe this is the end of his path, just treat it as his fate.

If he was lucky, he might be able to see the sunrise tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, Hu Changshou thought so before falling asleep.

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