Chapter 681 Miracle

It was the same on the second day, and no one spoke. On the third day, Baixu dragged Hu Changshou to a place that had never been lush. Baixu fed him a lot of minced meat that day. After feeding him, there was still no words. , Baixu left.

After Baixu left, she never came back.

She did these things as agreed and left.

Hu Changshou was also very calm, he didn't yell because Baixu left, he was very calm, he didn't move, some bugs would crawl over him, some would pass by his mouth, and he would suddenly open his mouth and eat them .

He wasn't hungry, it was a miracle that he was alive, Hu Changshou thought about it deeply, he seemed to have not excreted for almost two months, it was incredible to think about it.

An ordinary person like this would probably die, but he didn't feel any discomfort at all.

He must be considered a person with a strange fate. Hu Changshou couldn't help but think back to the day he saved Baixu. Speaking of which, he didn't know what happened. Seeing the big snake approaching Baixu, he just thought, if he could save Baixu It would be good to drink all the blood of the big snake.

All creatures will die without blood, no matter how powerful they are. As for why he really drank the snake's blood, he doesn't know.

When the big snake was about to die, it sprayed out venom. He even drank the venom. Even the old woman was afraid of the venom. It was a miracle that he did not die after drinking the venom.

As night fell, tree shadows piled up, and the starry sky shone brightly. Hu Changshou looked at the sky full of stars, and felt peaceful and peaceful in his heart. Even if he slept here forever, it would be fine.

It is also a good place to see the stars when you look up, and the breeze is always with you. He survived another day, which is another miracle for him.

Hu Changshou didn't know that Baixu hadn't really left.

Baixu was on a branch far away, she could see Hu Changshou, and she could hear Hu Changshou if he yelled, but he was always quiet.

Perhaps it was predestined, that huge team was approaching here, they might save Hu Changshou, she just needed to make sure that no beasts attacked Hu Changshou within a couple of days.

She is not a good person, staying for two more days is already the best she can do.

Hu Changshou remained motionless for two days, and Bai Xu also stared at it for two days, waiting to see the people from the government over there approaching this way, Bai Xu used lightness kung fu to leave, this time, she really never looked back .

"Master Jin, why is this area so quiet? I haven't seen a single bird."

The one who followed Chu Jin complained.

The other person answered with a smile: "I didn't see a single bird. This place either has big things or is the territory of big things. Tsk tsk..."

Chu Jin smiled: "What are you afraid of, we are here to find something good."

"Oh hello—what—"

Someone tripped and tripped.

"Someone, there is someone here..."

Someone exclaimed.

Hu Changshou also opened his eyes, he fell asleep just now, Xu has calmly accepted any ending of his own, he slept too deeply.

"The man is still alive."

Hu Changshou saw someone squatting down, put his hand on his neck and reported.

Hu Changshou looked at the several heads that appeared in front of him, and remained silent for a while.

"Master Jin."

Someone stepped aside, and Hu Changshou saw a stubble-faced man squatting down, looked at him curiously, and then asked, "Hey, what's wrong with you, why are you lying here motionless, like a wooden stake. "

Hu Changshou swallowed his throat and said, "I'm poisoned, my whole body is weak and I can't move."

"Then it's a miracle that you're still alive."

Chu Jin touched Hu Changshou's hands and feet casually. He was observing Hu Changshou's nervous reaction and also observing Hu Changshou's expression to see if he was lying.

"What's your name? Who did you come with? I think you look familiar."

Chu Jin asked.

This person looked familiar to him, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it before.

"Hu Changshou, I came by myself."

Hu Changshou said his name, and Chu Jin saw that he looked familiar. It should be that when he was walking beside Su Xiaolu before, Chu Jin had seen him twice, but now he hasn't seen him for a month or two, and he is also quite embarrassed, and Chu Jin can't recognize him. he.

Chu Jin frowned, and he asked in doubt: "Hu Changshou, you, you are not Xiaolu's cousin, aren't you not coming? What's wrong with you."

He didn't recognize Hu Changshou, but he remembered Hu Changshou's name as soon as he said it, and Chu Jin didn't expect to meet Hu Changshou here.

After recognizing the person, Chu Jin immediately greeted the people around him: "You two, go find some wooden ropes and get a stretcher."

After the arrangement was made, Chu Jin pulled Hu Changshou up, dragged him to a tree and leaned against it, and Chu Jin asked curiously, "What's going on here, does the deer know you're here?"

Hu Changshou shook his head: "Xiaolu doesn't know, I came here by myself. I was delayed because of my family affairs. I came in to try my luck. I was bitten by a big snake, and I was poisoned."

Hu Changshou didn't tell the whole story, but just said it briefly.

Chu Jin looked at Hu Changshou. Hu Changshou was very embarrassed, but he was dirty and thin. Chu Jin patted him on the shoulder, showed his white teeth and said with a smile: "Brother Hu, you are lucky. You have been here alone for so long. , It’s nice to meet us again now that we’re in trouble.”

With Hu Changshou's skinny appearance, one can tell that the time will not be short at a glance, so nothing happened here, luck is good

Not average.

Hu Changshou smiled, and nodded undeniably: "Yeah."

His luck was very good, a miracle happened to him again.

In any case, he can live for a while longer, and he does not reject the hope of living one more day, and no one knows what kind of turnaround will be if one more day is lived.

Hu Changshou was quickly placed on a stretcher, and Chu Jin led his people back. Chu Jin said to Hu Changshou, "Don't worry, Xiaolu is good at medicine. Your situation might not be difficult for her."

Hu Changshou nodded: "Thank you."

Looking at the clear sky, he seemed to see a figure. He tilted his head and looked carefully, but saw nothing.

Chu Jin also tilted his head to look: "What are you looking at?"

Hu Changshou smiled and said, "I seem to have seen a bird fly away just now."

Just now, it should be Miss Baixu. He didn't see it clearly, but his intuition told him that it was her. She should feel at ease when she saw him being arrested.

When they were far away, Baixu flew down from the dark place. She stared at it for a long time with complicated eyes, and finally turned and walked into the forest.

Before Chu Jin returned to the camp, he had already started shouting: "Xiaolu, Xiaolu, come out and have a look, you must never have guessed that I picked up your cousin Hu Changshou."

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