Chapter 682 Good Name

When Su Xiaolu heard this shout, he almost choked on his saliva.

She turned her head and asked old man Wu: "Master, did you hear what Chu Jin shouted?"

Old man Wu rolled his eyes and said angrily, "I heard, he said he found your cousin."

Su Xiaolu got up and walked out. If she heard correctly, your Chu Jin really picked up her cousin Hu Changshou.

Su Xiaolu came out quickly, Chu Jin asked his subordinates to carry Hu Changshou, he showed his white teeth and smiled and said, "Here, look, this is your cousin Hu Changshou, his name is really good, Changshou Changshou, People live up to their names."

This time in the foreign land, there were mostly ferocious beasts, such as big bears, big wolves, big tigers, I don’t know how many people met, and all of them were damaged. Hu Changshou can live up to now alone, isn’t it because he lives up to his name.

Hu Changshou was a little dumbfounded. He didn't know how to face Su Xiaolu at first, but now seeing Su Xiaolu's worried eyes, he smiled at Su Xiaolu and said lightly, "Xiaolu, I'm sorry."

Su Xiaolu smiled faintly: "Chu Jin is right, your name is really good."

As Su Xiaolu said, he reached out and pinched Hu Changshou's pulse to feel his pulse.

Su Xiaolu didn't expect that she would see Hu Changshou in this foreign land after almost two months.

They also encountered many difficulties and dangers along the way, not to mention Hu Changshou alone.

Chu Jin said that he had a good name, and he was really right.

Su Xiaolu took out a medicine bottle from his bosom, poured out a pill and fed it into Hu Changshou's mouth.

Just as Hu Changshou was about to speak, Su Xiaolu spoke first: "Don't talk yet, your situation is very strange, I don't know how to tell you yet, I may not be able to save you."

Hu Changshou swallowed the words that came to his mouth. The medicine Su Xiaolu gave was refreshing as soon as he swallowed it. After he bit it, he felt a force quickly repairing his body.

He felt like a tree that had been dry for a long time, and was suddenly nourished by the rain, so comfortable.

"You drink some water first."

Su Xiaolu went to fetch water again and gave Hu Changshou some to drink.

Hu Changshou drank and ate some food. He was taken to a separate account room with only Su Xiaolu by his side.

Hu Changshou breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Xiaolu, thank you. In fact, I have no regrets. In such a place, you don't need to take me with you. I don't want to be a burden. In fact, it's pretty good here. I feel like it's A very nice resting place."

After Hu Changshou finished speaking, he smiled, and before Su Xiaolu could speak, he said again: "Xiaolu, I know what you want to say, but this is my choice. It's best if I don't go out like this, really."

Hu Changshou was a little pleading, he was really afraid that Su Xiaolu would take him out, he would only become a burden if he behaved like this, he didn't want to live like that.

Su Xiaolu smiled and said: "You really don't know what I'm going to say, but since you are worried about this, then I promise you, the choice you want to make, I promise you, if you are not good when you leave, Then I'll leave you here."

"But." Su Xiaolu changed his voice, and continued, "Before that, I think you can try to control the venom in your body."

Hu Changshou was stunned for a moment, and looked at Su Xiaolu with some puzzlement.

Su Xiaolu grabbed Hu Changshou's hand, and said to Hu Changshou seriously: "You can't move now, it's all because the venom has paralyzed all your nerves, but this venom is actually a part of your body, and it belongs to you. I don't know how you got to this point, but the venom was circulating all over your body and you didn't die, which is extraordinary."

"And now, fusion of different worlds, nothing is impossible. If the venom belongs to you, you can control the poison."

Su Xiaolu felt that Hu Changshou might know too little, like a blind eye.

When Hu Changshou listened, he really felt like the clouds were clearing up, and he calmed down for a while before speaking: "Does this mean that I am like a poisonous snake? The poison in my body is my own. If I can poison others, I won't." poison myself?"

Su Xiaolu rubbed his chin and nodded: "It's almost the same meaning. The venom of the poisonous snake is in the teeth, and your venom is in the whole body. Although they are different, the reason is the same."

"Look at me, I have sensed the power of water, I can control water, and in foreign lands, there will be many unimaginable gains, so don't be surprised, anyway, you can try everything you can think of, and don't feel too It’s complicated, just treat it as your own hands and feet, whether it’s normal for you to walk, eat and drink by yourself, just treat it as a normal thing.”

Feeling this thing, the simpler the better.

Think too complicated, and sometimes get stuck instead.

"Okay, I will try it, thank you Xiaolu."

Hu Changshou said gratefully to Su Xiaolu.

Su Xiaolu smiled and shook her head, she didn't say anything more, got up and backed out.

On the road of exotic abilities, it seems that no one can help others. They can only explore and sense by themselves, or comprehend through the experience of others, but no one knows how much they can comprehend.

Everything is possible and everything is changeable.

Every part of the foreign land seems to have something different.

I don't know what it will be like after the two worlds are completely integrated.

Su Xiaolu left the counting room and returned to the medicine refining place, smelling the faint fragrance of the medicine, she felt relaxed and happy, and medicine refining was a field she was familiar with.

In the evening, Su Xiaolu brought food to Hu Changshou and fed him. After feeding him, Hu Changshou said apologetically

: "I haven't sensed anything yet."

Su Xiaolu smiled and said lightly: "It's not that fast, take your time, there's still a long time anyway, don't worry."

Hu Changshou smiled, he was really lucky.

"By the way, do you want to go to the toilet? Don't be shy. I'll find someone to help you. It's okay. It's a normal thing."

When Su Xiaolu thought of this incident, she was very strict.

Hu Changshou blushed and shook his head quickly, he said helplessly: "No, no, really, I don't know what's going on, I don't seem to need convenience, but in fact I haven't had convenience for a long time, it may have something to do with me becoming like this. "

Speaking of this, Hu Changshou also felt a bit miraculous, but this is the fact that he doesn't seem to need to urinate, and he doesn't know if he will still need to urinate if he really returns to normal, but at present he doesn't.

In this way, it is miraculous to say, but it is also a kind of convenience for him, which is very good and saves trouble.

Su Xiaolu looked at Hu Changshou for a while, and after making sure that he wasn't embarrassed, she felt relieved, and said, "Well, you should understand more during this time, and if you have anything to tell me, if I think of anything else , Let me also tell you, let’s not talk about the others, at least for a while, let’s work hard, right?”

Su Xiaolu comforted her earnestly, and Hu Changshou felt very warm in his heart. He smiled at Su Xiaolu, and he nodded in agreement: "Okay."

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