Chapter 688

When the ground began to shake slightly, everyone stopped.

Someone was looking forward to it, and said in a low voice: "To make such a big commotion, it seems that something is not small."

Everyone in the world knows the benefits of elixir, but the pharmacists who can refine elixir into pure pills must be the most powerful pharmacists in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The tremors on the ground began to increase, and the Pathfinder flew up to the tree to check, and soon came down with a bad face to report.

"Master, there is a large group of porcupines chasing us, the number is very large—"

As soon as the words fell, everyone heard the pigs' humming, their screams were anxious.

Not long after, Su Xiaolu saw the huge number.

These porcupines are rampaging, and the target is actually the direction they want to go out. These things are going to run out of the foreign land.

Everyone raised their swords and slashed. The porcupines that lived in groups, not only did not fight back, they even ignored their own kind, and ran as if they were running for their lives.

After the porcupine herd passed by, before everyone had time to clean up, another large group of mountain wolves ran out.

The wolf howl sounded one after another, low and uneasy, as if urging something.

Zhou Zhi immediately ordered: "Everyone climb the tree."

Something big seems to have happened in the foreign land, and they don't know what happened yet. Before they figure it out, it's best to avoid it.

After Zhou Zhi gave the order, everyone quickly climbed up the tree.

Su Xiaolu was worried about Hu Changshou. She was about to carry Hu Changshou on her back, but Chu Jin hugged Hu Changshou's quilt first, and tied him directly. come back"

After speaking, he quickly climbed the tree.

Su Xiaolu also flew up the tree.

As soon as they climbed the tree, the mountain wolves had already run to them. Some wolves found the people on the tree, but they just ran away with low growls.

They didn't even care about the dead porcupines on the ground.

"Strange, what are these things afraid of?"

Chu Jin muttered, at first he was quite happy to see so many good things, but it was like running for his life, and even a fool knew something was wrong.

No matter how good a good thing is, you have to die to get it.

Su Xiaolu frowned, the ground was trembling slightly, and her expression became serious: "Perhaps Dilong is about to turn over, it's not too late, we have to run for our lives as soon as possible."

The only thing that can make beasts run and flee for their lives is the only thing that can make large groups of beasts run away when they encounter danger is the ground dragon turning over, that is, an earthquake!

"No, no, I haven't become a father yet, I don't want to die here."

Chu Jin had a bitter expression on his face. It was such a terrible thing for Dilong to turn over. He felt his scalp go numb just thinking about it.

Hu Changshou said softly: "Master Chu, please put me down, Xiaolu, it's not too late, you all run away."

Dilong turned over, he knew how terrible it was, he was already a disabled person, and he didn't want to drag anyone down while running for his life.

But Chu Jin laughed: "Hu Changshou, just relax, my weapons are heavier than yours, so it's nothing to bring you along."

"Besides, life and death are determined by fate and wealth. When it comes time to die, it's useless for anyone to protect you. You don't have to worry about it. I think your name is very good. If you take you with you, you may have good luck. "

What Chu Jin said was not a joke, he was serious.

Hu Changshou is lucky anyway, maybe it will be beneficial to bring him along.

Hu Changshou was speechless, speechless.

Su Xiaolu flew over to Zhou Zhi's side and told him that there was probably an earthquake.

This guess is not without basis.

Zhou Zhi pondered for a moment, then gave the order: "Everyone, retreat at full speed."

Along the way, I met many ferocious or non-vicious beasts, regardless of whether they were natural enemies or not, everyone was running for their lives.

At night, the sky has a sunset glow like fire, which is very beautiful.

If it weren't for those fleeing beasts spoiling the scenery, everyone would really be in the mood to take a good look at the scenery, but now, they are also one of the fleeing ones.

As the last ray of light in the sky disappeared, the earth shook violently.

"It's strange, why is it so difficult to use Qinggong?"

After the shock, someone said something was wrong.

"I also feel a lot of energy, as if something is suppressing me and forbidding me to use my internal energy. It's like a mountain is pressing down on my heart. I feel so uncomfortable." Someone echoed and expressed their feelings.

Then I got more echoes, and everyone felt the same problem.

"If you can't use light work, then use your legs to run. If you don't run, what are you waiting for?"

Chu Jin yelled loudly to stop the chatter.

Zhou Zhi led the team, with a calm and serious expression, he said in a deep voice: "Continue to withdraw, no one is allowed to fall behind, and those who leave behind without permission, regardless of life or death."

Su Xiaolu looked at Zhou Zhi, Zhou Zhi's face was a little pale.

Others can't use internal power, and she is also the same. After the foundation was established, her internal power is spiritual power, but now, the spiritual power seems to be suppressed, and the water system ability is also very difficult to operate.

Zhou Zhi had to rely on the wooden imprint to turn into his legs, and now that he is suppressed, it must be even more uncomfortable.

Subconsciously, Su Xiaolu was about to go towards Zhou Zhi, but her arm and clothes were pulled.

Su Xiaolu turned her head and looked at old man Wu puzzled: "Master."

Old man Wu hissed and cried out:

"Girl, master is an old bone, I have to rely on you to escape, there is still so far, I can't walk, you have to carry me."

Old man Wu finally understood that his girl might not understand love, but she had unknowingly given Zhou Zhi a lot of attention, and he was staring at her.

He knew that it was not a good omen to save his life at sea before, but this time, he had to tighten up.

"Don't worry, master, I will protect you."

Su Xiaolu looked at the old old man Wu, and didn't look at Zhou Zhi again. There were many people around Zhou Zhi, but not around her master.

No matter how strong Master Guiyou is, there will inevitably be accidents.

Chu Jin grinned at Su Xiaolu: "Xiaolu, don't worry about taking care of your master, Hu Changshou is protected by me, I will not let him go, if there is any accident, then I will lose him, but if he is lucky Well, maybe he will still be there without me, but I think my life is also very hard, and I will definitely not die."

"Thank you, Brother Chu."

Su Xiaolu thanked Chu Jin.

Everyone fled until late at night, everyone was exhausted, Zhou Zhi ordered to stop and rest for a stick of incense, except for the movement caused by the vibration at the beginning, the surrounding area is very quiet now.

Some people couldn't stand it and complained: "Could it be a mistake? There's no movement or movement here. It's pitch black, the moon can't be seen, and the internal strength is also very hard. If you don't rest, don't say anything, the dragon will turn over." , Tired to death."

"Yeah, yeah, there's been no movement for so long, it should be all right, Duke Ming understands righteousness deeply, he knows more than us, right?"

While discussing, everyone looked in Zhou Zhi's direction.

"After a stick of incense, continue on your way." Zhou Zhi also heard the discussion, and his answer was just that.

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