Chapter 689

After he gave the order, the talking Jianghu people became quieter.

Knowing that resting on the spot is useless, it is better to save some energy, talk less and rest more.

Under the condition of being suppressed, many people felt pain in their bodies after traveling for a whole day.

Even though Zhou Zhi spoke, many people kept silent to save some energy, but there were also some who were not reconciled and still wanted to rest.

"In my opinion, this exotic mutation is inherently weird. It's not easy to see when driving at night, so it's easy to cause problems. Anyway, it's calm now. Rest for a few hours. It's okay for everyone to rest up and go on the road."

"Yeah, in case we rush until dawn and encounter some danger again, everyone will be tired by then, so we won't have the energy to deal with emergencies."

Such a not-so-quiet conversation reached everyone's ears in the quiet night.

Zhou Zhi didn't speak, and when the time for a stick of incense came, he immediately stood up and said coldly: "Those who are willing to go, continue on their way, those who don't want to go, can form a team by themselves."

Zhou Zhi spoke decisively and neatly, and moved forward after speaking.

No time was given for a choice.

Some people hesitated, while others gritted their teeth and followed.

Su Xiaolu looked around, in the dark night, there were still a few vague figures that did not keep up.

"The few of us should just take a good rest. If there is something to do, it will have happened a long time ago. After a day of exhaustion, there is nothing. It must be fine."

"Yes, everyone, rest at the same place. We will continue our journey at dawn tomorrow. Let's keep up our energy and walk fast. Maybe we will catch up in half a day."

"Okay, okay, I'm exhausted... This foreign land is so weird, it's like this and that for a while."

The sound of several people talking came from behind, making the people on the road more and more quiet.

Many people looked up at Zhou Zhi, if Zhou Zhi stopped, they would be happy.

But Zhou Zhi didn't stop.

Gradually, they couldn't hear any talking voices, only a group of tired people breathing heavily.

After a long time, old man Wu couldn't take it anymore. Hearing his breathing became heavy, Su Xiaolu bent down and said, "Master, come up, I'll carry you on my back."

After all, Su Xiaolu has established his foundation, so no matter how he suppresses it, his strength also depends on where he is.

The old man Wu sighed, and finally laid down on the bed carefully. He sighed: "The girl is tired, and the master is old."

His kung fu is still not in place, and he feels bored after being suppressed. He is really tired after a day of rushing.

Su Xiaolu takes care of him, he can take it for granted, but in fact what he can't pass is a test in his heart.

When old man Wu was in a daze, Su Xiaolu smiled and said, "Master is so gentle."

"When I went to the city when I was a child, my master carried me on my back. Now that I have grown up, I carry my master on my back." Su Xiaolu smiled, this is probably reincarnation.

Old man Wu smiled and sighed a little: "You girl."

She seems heartless, but in fact the girl knows everything. These words sound like the warm sun in winter, which makes people feel comfortable.

It didn't hurt in vain.

Old man Wu looked at Guiyou, raised his head arrogantly and said, "Boy, envy it, but it's useless for you to be envious. After all, you are only half a master, and I am her real master."

Guiyou chuckled, "Childish."

Jokes are jokes, and the pace of rushing has not stopped.

The sight is hindered at night, and the journey is no better than during the day.

Stopping and walking like this gave the exhausted people time to breathe.

After dawn, Zhou Zhi asked everyone to rest for a while and eat some dry food.

Then continue on your way.

Some people complained that there was no danger at all, so there was no need to rush on the road in such a hurry.

Zhou Zhi's face was also a little pale, he will not stop, but he will not stop those people who want to form a team on their own.

At noon, Su Xiaolu was eating dry food.

Old man Wu handed over a pack of insect powder, and said to Su Xiaolu, "Get some on your body, to repel insects."

There are a lot of bugs today, everyone is tired from the journey and is bitten by bugs, so many people vent their anger on the bugs.

Step on and explode with one kick, or kill with one slap.

After resting for a while, I started walking again.

At dusk, the sunset glow is like fire, very dazzling.

After dark, almost all the people involved in the rivers and lakes refused to hurry.

Zhou Zhi didn't say anything, he took his people and continued on their way out.

They have already entered very deep, and it will take seven or eight days to get out in a hurry.

Now there are at least three days left before going out. Many people can't stand such a heavy rush, thinking that nothing happened anyway, maybe Zhou Zhi's judgment was wrong. Although Dilong's turning over is terrible, it has to be It's scary to turn over, but it's not so easy to turn over. Maybe it's just a small earth dragon turning over, and the movement may be in a valley.

With such a lucky idea, many people in the Jianghu formed a faction independently, stopped and decided to go out slowly.

The team kept reducing the number of people. From Su Xiaolu's point of view, there were only ten Jianghu people left. You know, when they came in, there were more than two hundred people, and now only ten people are left to follow Zhou Zhi.

At night, there are only the sound of everyone's footsteps and breathing.

As the sky shimmered, Su Xiaolu heard someone sigh


"Stay where you are and rest for a quarter of an hour."

Zhou Zhi ordered in a cold voice, without a single word.

After Zhou Zhi gave the order, almost everyone fell down and sat down to rest.

Su Xiaolu circulated her inner breath and found that the suppression she received was not so great.

Zhou Zhi walked towards her and sat down beside her, neither of them spoke.

Su Xiaolu thought that he wanted to rest by her side, but after a while, Su Xiaolu felt her hand was touched, she froze for a moment, a cool fruit was stuffed in her hand.

Su Xiaolu pushed back almost instantly, and she shook her head at Zhou Zhi.

At this time, Zhou Zhi is still thinking about her, it's not like she can't see his pale lips, this kind of fruit is exactly what he needs.

Su Xiaolu smiled at Zhou Zhi, she opened her mouth and silently said two words: "You eat—"

Su Xiaolu was still afraid that Zhou Zhi would give her the fruit, so she had already raised her hands to hug her knees.

Zhou Zhi looked at Su Xiaolu's side face, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, he leaned against the tree trunk, and closed his eyes.

It was getting brighter and the morning sun was shining through the trees.

Two quarters of an hour passed, Zhou Zhi opened his eyes and ordered to continue on his way.

The ten people looked at each other, and one of them came out and said politely to Zhou Zhi: "Caomin met King Ming, Caomin and others decided to take a good rest here, thank you for taking care of King Ming."

Anyway, it's only two days away before going out, so there's no need to be so anxious.

"Well, take it easy."

Zhou Zhi responded with a few words indifferently, and he set off again. This time, except for Su Xiaolu and his disciples, there was no one they recruited this time who followed him.

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